Federal Aviation Administration

Series 150 Advisory Circulars (ACs) for Airport Projects

Advisory Circular Search Results

Updated: 1:30 pm ET January 30, 2009

Search Criteria:
Keyword(s): "150/5190-6"
Category - All 150 Series Advisory Circulars

Number of Advisory Circulars found - 1
Sorted by column "AC Number", ascending

Instructions: Click on a column heading (e.g. AC Number, Title, Publication Date) in the table below to sort the search results by that heading.

AC Number Title, Description, Files Publication Date

Responsible Office


Provides basic information about the FAA's prohibition on the granting of exclusive rights at federally-obligated airports. This prohibition is one of the obligations assumed by the airport sponsors of public airports that have accepted federal assistance, either in the form of grants or property conveyances. This AC cancels AC 150/5190-5 (Change 1), Exclusive Rights and Minimum Standards for Commercial Aeronautical Activities, dated June 10, 2002.

150/5190-6 (PDF)
150/5190-6 (MS Word)

January 4, 2007

1:30 pm ET January 30, 2009