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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Monetary Policy Releases

Statements by the Federal Open Market Committee and the Board of Governors on the stance of monetary policy and on related procedural matters

  • RSS
  • December 21, 2007
    Federal Reserve intends to continue TAF auctions as necessary
  • December 21, 2007
    Federal Reserve announces results of auction of $20 billion in 35-day credit held on December 20, 2007
  • December 19, 2007
    Federal Reserve will offer $20 billion in 35-day credit through its Term Auction Facility on December 20, 2007
  • December 19, 2007
    Federal Reserve announces results of auction of $20 billion in 28-day credit held on December 17, 2007
  • December 14, 2007
    Federal Reserve will offer $20 billion in 28-day credit through its Term Auction Facility on December 17, 2007
  • December 13, 2007
    Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
  • December 12, 2007
    Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston, Minneapolis, Dallas, and San Francisco
  • December 12, 2007
    Federal Reserve and other central banks announce measures designed to address elevated pressures in short-term funding markets
  • December 11, 2007
    FOMC statement and Board approval of discount rate requests of the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, and St. Louis
  • November 27, 2007
    Minutes of Board discount rate meetings, October 1 through October 31, 2007
  • November 20, 2007
    Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, October 30-31, 2007
  • November 14, 2007
    FOMC announces it will increase the frequency and expand the content of economic projections released to the public
  • November 1, 2007
    Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Minneapolis, Kansas City, and Dallas
  • October 31, 2007
    FOMC statement and Board approval of discount rate requests of the Federal Reserve Banks of New York, Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, and San Francisco
  • October 16, 2007
    Minutes of Board discount rate meetings, August 16 through September 18, 2007
  • October 9, 2007
    Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, September 18, 2007
  • September 20, 2007
    Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Banks of Philadelphia and Chicago
  • September 19, 2007
    Approval of the discount rate action of the Federal Reserve Banks of Richmond, Atlanta, and Dallas
  • September 18, 2007
    FOMC statement and Board approval of discount rate requests of the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston, New York, Cleveland, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City, and San Francisco
  • September 4, 2007
    Minutes of Board discount rate meetings, July 9 through August 6, 2007
  • August 28, 2007
    Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, August 7, 2007
  • August 17, 2007
    Approval of the discount rate requests of the Federal Reserve Banks of Boston, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City, and Dallas, effective immediately, and of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, effective August 20, 2007
  • August 17, 2007
    FOMC statement
  • August 17, 2007
    Federal Reserve Board discount rate action
  • August 10, 2007
    The Federal Reserve is providing liquidity to facilitate the orderly functioning of financial markets
  • August 7, 2007
    FOMC statement
  • July 24, 2007
    Minutes of Board discount rate meetings, May 21 and June 25, 2007
  • July 19, 2007
    Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, June 27-28, 2007
  • June 28, 2007
    FOMC statement
  • June 5, 2007
    Minutes of Board discount rate meetings, April 23 and May 7, 2007
  • June 1, 2007
    Tentative 2008 FOMC meeting schedule
  • May 30, 2007
    Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, May 9, 2007
  • May 9, 2007
    FOMC statement
  • April 17, 2007
    Minutes of Board discount rate meetings, February 5 through March 19, 2007
  • April 11, 2007
    Minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee, March 20-21, 2007
  • March 21, 2007
    FOMC statement
  • February 27, 2007
    Minutes of Board discount rate meeting, January 29, 2007
  • February 21, 2007
    Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, January 30-31, 2007
  • January 31, 2007
    FOMC statement
  • January 9, 2007
    Minutes of Board discount rate meetings, November 6 through December 11, 2006
  • January 3, 2007
    Minutes of Federal Open Market Committee, December 12, 2006

2007 Press Releases:

Last update: December 21, 2007