[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 18, Volume 2, Parts 400 to end] [Revised as of April 1, 2000] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 18CFR1304.200] [Page 171] CHAPTER XIII--TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY PART 1304--APPROVAL OF CONSTRUCTION IN THE TENNESSEE RIVER SYSTEM AND REGULATION OF STRUCTURES--Table of Contents Subpart C--Regulation of Boathouses, Houseboats, Other Floating Structures, and Harbor Limits Sec. 1304.200 Scope and intent. This subpart prescribes regulations governing designation of harbor areas at commercial boat docks and the approval of structures and facilities which can be moored or installed in such areas and in other areas in the Tennessee River and its tributaries, all in such a manner as to avoid obstruction of or interference with navigation and flood control, avoid or minimize adverse effects on public lands and reservations, prevent the preemption of public waters by houseboats moored in permanent or semipermanent locations outside such harbors and used as floating dwellings, attain the widest range of beneficial uses of land and land rights owned by the United States of America, enhance reasonable recreational use of TVA reservoirs by all segments of the general public, protect lands and land rights owned by the United States alongside and subjacent to TVA reservoirs from trespass and other unlawful or unreasonable uses, and maintain, protect, and enhance the quality of the human environment. [42 FR 65148, Dec. 30, 1977. Redesignated at 44 FR 30682, May 29, 1979]