[Code of Federal Regulations] [Title 18, Volume 2, Parts 400 to end] [Revised as of April 1, 2000] From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access [CITE: 18CFR430.11] [Page 39-40] PART 430--GROUND WATER PROTECTION AREA: PENNSYLVANIA--Table of Contents Sec. 430.11 Advance notice of exploratory drilling. The Commission encourages consultation with any project sponsor who is considering development of a new or expanded ground water withdrawal that is being planned for any purpose when the daily average withdrawal during any calendar month exceeds 10,000 gallons to insure proper implementation of this regulation and to reduce the possibility of investment in new ground water development facilities which may not be approved hereunder. Such consultation should occur early in the planning stage of a new project and prior to initiation of exploratory drilling. (a) Any person, firm corporation or other entity planning a new or expanded ground water withdrawal that may be operated at a daily average withdrawal during any calendar month [[Page 40]] in excess of 10,000 gallons shall notify the Executive Director not less than 30 days prior to initiation of exploratory drilling. Such notice shall be in writing and shall specify the location of proposed new facility, the anticipated rate of withdrawal, and the general purpose of the proposed water use. The notice shall also state the location of existing wells within the radius set forth in Sec. 430.21(a). (b) Whenever the Executive Director shall deem necessary, or upon request of a party proposing a new or expanded withdrawal of ground water, an informal conference may be scheduled to review the nature of the proposed withdrawal, the applicability of the Commission's standards relating to ground water, and the requirements of a protected area permit under this regulation.