Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 6: Taxi-Out by Timeblock for Years 2006 and 2007

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Taxi-Out Minutes 2006 2007
Flights with taxi out time data Percent Flights with taxi out time data Percent
1-15 4,387,919 62.5 4,344,780 59.6
16-30 2,163,726 30.8 2,400,433 32.9
1-30 6,551,645 93.4 6,745,213 92.5
31-60 399,634 5.7 465,600 6.4
1-60 6,951,279 99.0 7,210,813 98.9
61-120 59,463 0.8 72,085 1.0
1-120 7,010,742 99.9 7,282,898 99.9
121-180 6,110 0.1 7,249 0.1
181-240 1,071 0.0 1,327 0.0
241-300 188 0.0 234 0.0
301+ 36 0.0 44 0.0
121+ 7,405 0.1 8,854 0.1
Total 7,018,147 100.0 7,291,752 100.0

NOTE: Percent subtotals may not add due to rounding. Does not include flights that returned to the gate and were then canceled.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Airline On-Time Performance Database.

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