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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy

Rules, amendments, requests for comment, guidance and reports, announcements, and updates of reserve calculations and deposit reporting

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December 24, 2002
Annual notice of asset-size exemption threshold for depository institutions

December 23, 2002
Interagency guidance on issues that may arise during a lapse in federal flood insurance authority

December 17, 2002
Interagency proposal for rules governing disciplinary actions against independent public accountants and accounting firms

November 27, 2002
Final Regulation W (Transactions between Banks and Their Affiliates) issued

November 26, 2002
Proposed revisions to the official staff commentary on Regulation Z (Truth in Lending)

October 31, 2002
Publication of final rule amending Regulation A (Extensions of Credit by Federal Reserve Banks)

October 31, 2002
Federal Reserve to issue Final Regulation W (Transactions between Banks and Their Affiliates)

October 8, 2002
Interagency data show increase in adversely rated syndicated bank loans

October 3, 2002
Annual adjustments for reserve calculations and deposit reporting

September 27, 2002
Annual adjustment of fee-based trigger for additional mortgage loan disclosures

August 30, 2002
White paper on practices to strengthen the U.S. financial system

August 20, 2002
Board statement on Payments System Risk policy

August 8, 2002
Extension of comment period on draft credit card guidance

July 22, 2002
Interagency draft guidance on credit card lending

July 17, 2002
Joint agency proposal on identification of customers seeking to open financial accounts

June 24, 2002
Banking agencies issue host state loan-to-deposit ratios

June 21, 2002
Publication of revisions to Regulation C (Home Mortgage Disclosure Act) regarding data collection

June 5, 2002
Amendment to rule on interstate branch deposits

May 30, 2002
Letter from Chairman Greenspan on applicability to banks of section 5 of FTC Act prohibiting unfair or deceptive practices

May 20, 2002
"Prime Bank" and other financial instrument fraud schemes

May 17, 2002
Proposal to revise Federal Reserve discount window programs

May 2, 2002
Postponement of recent amendments to Regulation C (Home Mortgage Disclosure Act)

April 23, 2002
Interagency guidance on risks of parallel-owned banking organizations

April 9, 2002
Final rule on risk weighting for claims on securities firms

April 3, 2002
Revisions to staff commentary on Regulation Z (Truth in Lending)

March 21, 2002
Federal Reserve Board releases consumer guide on electronic check conversion

March 19, 2002
Interagency statement regarding Arthur Andersen

March 11, 2002
Interagency effort to standardize electronic loan information

February 21, 2002
Equity hedges at state member banks

February 7, 2002
Publication of revisions to Regulation C (Home Mortgage Disclosure Act) regarding data collection

January 23, 2002
Amendments to disclosure requirements of Regulation C (Home Mortgage Disclosure Act)

January 8, 2002
Final rules on regulatory capital treatment of equity investments in nonfinancial companies

2002 Press Releases:

Last update: March 31, 2009