Migratory Birds and State Programs
Pacific Region
Migratory Birds and State Programs is comprised of the Division of Migratory Birds and Habitat Programs and the Division of Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program

Flock of birds in flightThe Division of Migratory Birds and Habitat Programs,has the primary responsibility for administrating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1916, its amendments, and subsequent acts. We do so in concert with a host of participating partners, both domestic and foreign. The primary objectives of this division are to conserve migratory bird populations and their habitats and to ensure that our nation's citizens have continue to enjoy both consumptive and non-consumptive uses of migratory birds and their habitats.

Hunters by lakeWildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program oversees the main Federal mechanism for funding State and Territorial fish and wildlife restoration efforts. Administration of Federal funds to State agencies includes a wide range of granting programs and total annual funds now approach $800 million. This program was crafted on the basis of a strong Federal/State partnership with specific responsibilities for each.

Last updated: September 2, 2008
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