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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy

Rules, amendments, requests for comment, guidance and reports, announcements, and updates of reserve calculations and deposit reporting

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  • December 29, 2006
    Annual notice of asset-size exemption threshold for depository institutions, Regulation C
  • December 27, 2006
    Agencies release annual CRA asset-size threshold adjustments for small and intermediate small banks
  • December 26, 2006
    Agencies issue revised Consumer Handbook on Adjustable-Rate Mortgages
  • December 21, 2006
    Revision of Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) to support joint filing initiative
  • December 18, 2006
    Agencies propose joint rules to implement the bank “broker” provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, Regulation R
  • December 14, 2006
    Agencies announce interim decision on impact of FAS 158 on regulatory capital
  • December 13, 2006
    Agencies issue interagency policy statement on the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses and frequently asked questions
  • December 6, 2006
    Agencies issue final guidance on concentrations in commercial real estate lending
  • December 6, 2006
    Approval of and request for public comment on interim rule that would implement section 601 of the Financial Services Regulatory Relief Act of 2006, amending Regulation O
  • December 5, 2006
    Draft interagency notice of proposed rulemaking on Basel IA, Regulations H and Y
  • November 27, 2006
    Approval of final rule regarding consumer authorization requirements and a request for public comment on a proposed rule, both under Regulation E
  • October 18, 2006
    Annual adjustments for reserve calculations and deposit reporting, Regulation D
  • September 29, 2006
    Federal financial regulatory agencies issue final guidance on nontraditional mortgage product risks
  • September 25, 2006
    Shared National Credit data reflect good credit quality performance, large increase in credit commitment volume, and small rise in riskier deals.
    Data revised on September 26, 2006, to correct discrepancies.
  • September 5, 2006
    Agencies seek comment on Basel II and market-risk proposed rulemakings
  • August 24, 2006
    Approval of final rule covering payroll card accounts under Regulation E and a request for public comment on an interim final rule
  • August 14, 2006
    Request for comment on proposed revisions to Board's 1980 interpretation of Regulation D
  • August 9, 2006
    Annual adjustment of fee-based trigger for additional mortgage loan disclosures
  • July 18, 2006
    Agencies propose rules on identity theft red flags and notices of address discrepancy
  • June 16, 2006
    Request for comment on advance notice of proposed rulemaking concerning lowering the threshold for funds transfers and transmittals of funds
  • June 13, 2006
    Banking agencies issue host state loan-to-deposit ratios
  • June 1, 2006
    Agencies release list of distressed or underserved nonmetropolitan middle-income geographies
  • May 30, 2006
    Restructuring of Federal Reserve check processing operations in the Second and Third Districts, Regulation CC
  • May 9, 2006
    Agencies request comment on a revised proposed statement on the complex structured finance activities of financial institutions
  • May 1, 2006
    Board to hold four public hearings on the home equity lending market
  • April 3, 2006
    Agencies announce updated answers to frequently asked questions about HMDA price data
  • March 31, 2006
    Federal regulators issue report on improving financial privacy notices for consumers
  • March 30, 2006
    Notice of proposed rulemaking to implement Basel II risk-based capital requirements in the United States for large, internationally active banking organizations
  • March 22, 2006
    Agencies seek public comment on issues related to the accuracy of consumer credit reports and the reinvestigation of disputes
  • March 15, 2006
    Approval of final rule amending Regulation K to require Edge and Agreement corporations and U.S. branches, agencies, and other offices of foreign banks supervised by the Board to establish procedures for ensuring compliance with the Bank Secrecy Act
  • March 15, 2006
    Bank and thrift agencies issue advisory on influenza pandemic preparedness
  • March 9, 2006
    Agencies extend comment period on interagency guidance on concentrations in commercial real estate lending
  • March 2, 2006
    Banking agencies issue final Community Reinvestment Act guidance
  • February 27, 2006
    Approval of final rule expanding the definition of a small bank holding company
  • February 24, 2006
    Federal regulators release summary findings of the Fourth Quantitative Impact Study mortgage products
  • February 17, 2006
    Federal financial regulatory agencies extend comment period on nontraditional mortgage products
  • February 6, 2006
    Approval of final rule on risk-based capital treatment of cash-collateralized securities borrowing transactions, Regulations H and Y
  • February 3, 2006
    Federal financial regulatory agencies issue interagency advisory on external auditor limitation of liability provisions
  • January 10, 2006
    Federal bank and thrift agencies propose guidance on commercial real estate lending

2006 Press Releases:

Last update: December 29, 2006