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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Other Announcements

Announcements of appointments, meetings, publications, Reserve Bank activities, and other news and events

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December 23, 1999
Gallup poll of consumer confidence in banking Y2K preparation

December 10, 1999
New members of Thrift Institutions Advisory Council

November 18, 1999
Gallup poll reports public confidence in banking Y2K readiness

November 3, 1999
Review of publications program and request for comment by public survey

October 13, 1999
Kansas City FRB Internet site on housing, business, community, and agribusiness

September 28, 1999
Consumer Advisory Council meeting Thursday, October 21, 1999

September 20, 1999
Appointment of Reserve Bank chairmen and deputy chairmen for 2000

August 19, 1999
A Spanish-language version of Keys to Vehicle Leasing brochure available

August 13, 1999
Nine billion currency notes (face value of $67 billion) ordered for FY 2000

August 6, 1999
Nomination of Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., as Board Vice Chairman

August 5, 1999
Internet version of proceedings of Business Access to Capital and Credit Conference (March 8, 1999)

July 20, 1999
Formation of Payments System Development Committee

July 1, 1999
1998 Survey of small business finances begun

June 16, 1999
Search for nominees for the Consumer Advisory Council

June 3, 1999
Resignation of Vice Chair Rivlin

June 3, 1999
Chairman Greenspan on resignation of Vice Chair Rivlin

May 25, 1999
Appointment of Richard C. Stevens as Director of Division of Information Technology

May 24, 1999
Consumer Advisory Council meeting on June 24, 1999

May 18, 1999
Appointment of Louise L. Roseman as director of the RBOPS division

May 14, 1999
Revised Consumer Handbook on Adjustable Rate Mortgages brochure

May 12, 1999
Chairman Alan Greenspan on the resignation of Robert Rubin

May 3, 1999
New design for Board's web site

March 18, 1999
Stephen R. Malphrus appointed Staff Director for Management

February 17, 1999
Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States (the Z.1 statistical release)

February 10, 1999
Federal interagency task force publishes Looking for the Best Mortgage brochure

January 7, 1999
Preliminary 1998 operating income of FRBs and income transfer to the U.S. Treasury

January 5, 1999
Ten new members, Chair, and Vice Chair named to Consumer Advisory Council

1999 Press Releases:

Last update: March 31, 2009