[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 34, Volume 1]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 34CFR222.16]

[Page 512-513]
                           TITLE 34--EDUCATION
PART 222_IMPACT AID PROGRAMS--Table of Contents
                            Subpart A_General
Sec. 222.16  What information and documentation must an LEA submit for an eligible overpayment to be considered for forgiveness?

    (a) Every LEA requesting forgiveness must submit, within the time 
limits established under Sec. 222.14(b), the following information and 
documentation for the fiscal year immediately preceding the date of the 
forgiveness request (``preceding fiscal year''):
    (1) A copy of the LEA's annual financial report to the State.

[[Page 513]]

    (2) The LEA's local real property tax rate for current expenditure 
purposes, as described in Sec. 222.17(b).
    (3) The average local real property tax rate of all LEAs in the 
    (4) The average per pupil expenditure (APPE) of the LEA, calculated 
by dividing the LEA's aggregate current expenditures by the total number 
of children in average daily attendance for whom the LEA provided a free 
public education.
    (5) The APPE of the State, as defined in section 8013 of the ESEA.
    (b) An LEA requesting forgiveness under Sec. 222.14(c)(2) 
(manifestly unjust repayment exception), or Sec. 222.17(a)(3) (no 
present or prospective ability to repay), also must submit written 
information and documentation in specific support of its forgiveness 
request under those provisions within the time limits established under 
Sec. 222.14(b).

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 7712)

[62 FR 35413, July 1, 1997]