[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 34, Volume 1]
[Revised as of January 1, 2008]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 34CFR222.11]

[Page 511]
                           TITLE 34--EDUCATION
PART 222_IMPACT AID PROGRAMS--Table of Contents
                            Subpart A_General
Sec. 222.11  How does the Secretary recover overpayments?

    Except as otherwise provided in Sec. Sec. 222.12-222.18, the 
Secretary adjusts for and recovers overpayments as follows:
    (a) If the Secretary determines that an LEA has received a payment 
in excess of what it should have received under the Act and this part, 
the Secretary deducts the amount of the overpayment from subsequent 
payments for which the LEA is eligible under the Act.
    (b)(1) If the LEA is not eligible for subsequent payments under the 
Act, the LEA must promptly refund the amount of the overpayment to the 
    (2) If the LEA does not promptly repay the amount of the overpayment 
or promptly enter into a repayment agreement with the Secretary, the 
Secretary may use the procedures in 34 CFR part 30 to offset that amount 
against payments from other Department programs or, under the 
circumstances permitted in part 30, to request that another agency 
offset the debt.

(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1226a-1, 7702, 7703, 7706, 7712)

[60 FR 50778, Sept. 29, 1995, as amended at 62 FR 35412, July 1, 1997]