Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 3-10: U.S. Surface Merchandise Trade with Canada and Mexico: 20031

(Millions of current dollars)

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State Exports to Imports from
Canada Mexico Canada Mexico
Alabama 1,461 373 1,173 526
Alaska 90 9 184 8
Arizona 659 3,078 1,352 3,142
Arkansas 786 241 751 214
California 8,509 13,307 15,499 20,530
Colorado 1,231 536 1,116 272
Connecticut 1,102 373 1,714 798
Delaware 518 248 486 223
District of Columbia 14 3 69 2
Florida 1,937 858 2,546 1,282
Georgia 3,735 996 3,409 1,930
Hawaii 5 0 74 1
Idaho 306 47 475 39
Illinois 8,092 1,938 14,584 4,119
Indiana 7,179 2,026 4,245 4,317
Iowa 1,829 653 2,282 546
Kansas 857 570 1,024 298
Kentucky 3,220 482 3,638 1,255
Louisiana 1,007 495 583 99
Maine 796 18 1,801 24
Maryland 867 204 1,327 986
Massachusetts 2,112 534 4,863 549
Michigan 19,468 3,889 45,310 22,819
Minnesota 2,535 332 6,423 926
Mississippi 566 181 592 178
Missouri 3,016 711 2,641 1,335
Montana 216 11 2,018 3
Nebraska 659 464 560 99
Nevada 284 23 663 92
New Hampshire 430 49 880 449
New Jersey 3,376 653 3,932 923
New Mexico 88 225 143 115
New York 8,156 1,340 17,609 2,576
North Carolina 3,668 1,232 2,446 2,683
North Dakota 473 31 1,206 31
Ohio 16,221 2,013 10,245 4,013
Oklahoma 988 215 811 340
Oregon 1,461 370 2,091 560
Pennsylvania 5,490 1,009 7,338 2,158
Rhode Island 342 55 508 124
South Carolina 2,535 595 1,390 1,015
South Dakota 249 123 282 130
Tennessee 4,001 1,388 4,960 2,572
Texas 8,803 37,336 6,500 26,175
Utah 472 98 1,541 233
Vermont 1,024 23 2,639 12
Virginia 1,973 336 2,239 944
Washington 2,800 547 9,166 225
West Virginia 710 76 699 71
Wisconsin 4,102 731 3,752 1,284
Wyoming 108 63 1,728 8
United States, total2 169,481 97,457 224,166 138,073

1 Surface merchandise trade comprises all shipments of goods between the U.S. and Canada or Mexico by surface modes of transport (other than air or maritime vessel).

2 United States total includes trade in which the state is unknown.

SOURCE: U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Transborder Surface Freight Data, available at http://www.bts.gov/ntda/tbscd/reports.html as of November 2004.

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