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Allegany Ballistics Laboratory (US Navy) Site

Current Site Information

EPA Region 3 (Mid-Atlantic)

West Virginia
Mineral County
2 miles South of
Cresaptown, Maryland

EPA ID# WV0170023691

2nd Congressional District

Last Update: June 2008

Other Names


Current Site Status

Several activities are planned or ongoing at the Northern Riverside Waste Disposal Area (Site 1) which includes the Active Burning Grounds, Former Disposal Pits and the Outside Active Burning Grounds. Site 1 soils are currently under evaluation as part of the Feasibility Study. These activities include a geophysical survey of the riverbank, test pitting of the soils and completion of an Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA) per the Site 1 Soils Remedial Investigation.

No Further Action (NFA) Records of Decision (RODs) for Sites 3 and 10 were signed in July 2007. The site 4B NFA ROD was signed in November 2007. The Institutional Controls Remedial Designs (RD) for Sites 1, 5 & 10 groundwater are currently being developed.

A ROD for the Inert Landfill (Site 5) groundwater, surface water and sediment was signed in 2006. The construction of the selected remedy, a permeable reactive barrier (PRB), monitored natural attenuation and institutional controls, was completed in the summer of 2006. Monitoring data is currently being collected in preparation for an interim Remedial Action Completion, whereby the site will then be considered to be in an Operation and Maintenance (O&M) phase.

The Long-Term Monitoring (LTM) Plan for Sites 1, 5 and 10 was updated and finalized in the summer of 2006. The 2006 LTM report was completed in Summer 2007. The LTM Program addresses both CERCLA and RCRA monitoring requirements. An addendum to the LTM Plan is currently being prepared to address ecological concerns of the benthic macroinvertebrates in the North Branch Potomac River, which borders the north side of the site.

The third site-wide Five-Year Review draft report is currently under review by the ABL Partnering Team and is expected to be finalized by the end of September 2008.

The draft Site 12 Remedial Investigation (RI) report was submitted in March 2008 and a final report is expected to be issued in June 2008. Contaminants of Potential Concern (COPCs) at Site 12 include metals, volatile and semi-volatile (VOC and SVOC) compounds. A Feasibility Study (FS) that addresses both Sites 11 and 12 is underway for 2008. Site 11 is adjacent to Site 12 and is also contaminated with VOCs at relatively low levels. Potential remedial alternatives being considered for the FS are monitored natural attenuation (MNA), in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) and/or long-term monitoring (LTM).

Investigations in the Range Road Area, located north of Site 3, defined an area of groundwater contaminated with trichloroethene (TCE) at concentrations exceeding the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 5 µg/L. To date, no specific historic release has been identified for the Range Road Area. An additional investigation was performed in October 2007 using membrane interface probe (MIP) technology, to determine whether a vadose zone source exists. Results of the MIP study revealed that VOC concentrations in vadose zone soils were relatively low and no significant source area was identified. A vertical profiling of contamination in the alluvial aquifer using passive diffusion bag samplers was performed in early 2008 and identified no definitive vertical distribution of TCE. The maximum concentration of TCE was 116 ppb in the alluvial aquifer. The ABL Partnering Team is currently determining how to evaluate the bedrock aquifer and soils at Range Road. A secondary pilot study incorporating injection wells within the defined plume area will be conducted at the site.

Two monitoring wells are planned to be installed at Site 2 to evaluate the elevated arsenic concentrations detected in a hybrid (bedrock and alluvial) monitoring well in an earlier groundwater investigation. The two new wells will be installed in the alluvial aquifer and one comprehensive round of sampling will be performed to determine whether the elevated arsenic concentrations are site-related or naturally occurring.

Site Description

ABL is a 1,628-acre facility in West Virginia in the flood plain of the North Branch Potomac River, along the West Virginia and Maryland border. The land surrounding the site is primarily agricultural with some forestry. The facility began operations in 1942, including research, development, and testing of solid propellants and motors for rockets, ammunition, and armaments for the Navy. There are two operating plants at ABL. 'Plant 1' is owned by the Navy and consists of 1,576 acres. Since 1995 Alliant Tech Systems Inc. ('ATK') has operated the plant under contract to the Navy. The remaining 52 acres of ABL ('Plant 2') are owned and operated by ATK. 'Plant 2' is not included as part of EPA's National Priority List (NPL). Many explosive, metals and solvent wastes have been generated at ABL. Until 1978, the majority of these wastes were disposed of on-site.

Due to waste disposal and handling practices at the facility, there are several source areas of concern. Several areas within the Active Burning Ground were aggregated (as 'Site 1') due to their proximity and similarity of hazardous substances. Other contaminated areas include two former burning grounds ('Sites 2 & 3'), a spent photographic solution disposal area ('Site 4B'), the inert landfill ('Site 5'), a sensitivity test area/surface water impoundment ('Site 6'), a beryllium landfill ('Site 7'), an acid neutralization pit ('Site 9'), contaminated ground-water production well ('Site 10'), contaminated groundwater in production well "F" ('Site 11') and adjacent contamianted soil ('Site 12'). Contaminants in soil and groundwater include explosives, volatile organic compounds ('VOCs'), acids, bases, laboratory and industrial wastes, solvent and metal plating sludge, paints, and thinners. Some contaminants had moved off-site and were detected in the North Branch Potomac River. Five ABL water supply wells, which were found to contain VOCs, were taken out of service. Recent testing of these wells, as well as numerous monitoring wells in the developed area, shows consistent VOC contamination in the groundwater.

Site Responsibility

Cleanup of this site is the responsibility of the Federal government.

NPL Listing History

Proposed Date: 06/23/93
Final Date: 05/31/94

Threats and Contaminants

Response actions undertaken by the Navy have greatly reduced the potential threats and risks from several sites. Contaminants found in the ground water and soil include explosives, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), acids, bases, perchlorate, laboratory and industrial wastes, bottom sludge from solvent recovery, metal plating pretreatment sludge, paints, and thinners. The pump and treat system at Site 1 and Site 10, and the landfill cap and permeable reactive barrier at Site 5 have greatly reduced exposure to contaminants from the facility. Additionally, several water supply wells on the facility had been shut down to reduce potential exposure to contaminated groundwater.

Contaminant descriptions and associated risk factors are available at: (ATSDR web site).


Cleanup Progress

In the past, the Navy had implemented remedial actions at four contaminated sites at the facility and investigated potential contamination at several additional sites.

Active Burning Ground (Site 1): In May 1997, the Navy and EPA signed a ROD, followed by a pump and treat facility starting operation in October, 1998. Within eight weeks of start-up the groundwater gradients were reversed and the system was capturing and treating contaminated groundwater beneath the Site 1. Long-term monitoring of the groundwater and the surface waters near Site 1 since 1999 have shown an improvement in these media. A Remedial Investigation (RI) for the soils at Site 1 was finalized in 2006. EPA anticipates that a Feasibility Study will be initiated in 2008. In the meantime, several areas of Site 1 are under evaluation for interim removal actions.

Inert Landfill (Site 5): In February 1997, the Navy and EPA signed a ROD, and a landfill cap was completed by November 1997. Long-term monitoring at the site is ongoing. Additional investigation of the groundwater at Site 5 helped define the extent of contamination and a proposed plan was issued in March 2005 to address groundwater with an innovative preferred alternative, consisting of passive treatment with a permeable reactive barrier and monitored natural attenuation. Construction of this remedy was completed in 2006 and the site is currently being monitored per the remedy decision document.

Former Beryllium Landfill (Site 7): In September 2001, the Navy and EPA signed a ROD for No Further Action at this site after contaminated soil had been excavated and disposed.

Former TCE Still and Plant Production Wells (Site 10): In June 1998, the Navy and EPA signed an Interim ROD, and three extraction wells were installed at the site. The extraction wells were connected to the Site 1 treatment system and started operation in the May 1999. An additional extraction well was put in operation in the Fall of 2000. A Proposed Plan was issued for Site 10 groundwater in February 2002. The Final ROD for Site 10 (Groundwater) was delayed due to IC issues, but was signed in 2005.

Soils at Site 10 and at the Spent Photographic Developing Solutions Disposal Site (Site 4B) were investigated in the Fall of 2000 and risk evaluations were developed. The Final No Further Action (NFA) ROD for Site 10 (Soil) was signed in July 2007. The Site 4B NFA ROD was signed in November 2007.

Product Well "F" (Site 11): Groundwater associated with a former production well is contaminated with volatile organic compounds ('VOCs'). An RI was completed in January 2005. A Feasibility Study combining Sites 11 and 12 is planned for 2008.

Site 12: An area of soil contamination is located adjacent to Site 11. An EE/CA and Non-Time Critical Removal action were performed to address this soil contamination in 2005. The RI for the Site 12 groundwater is anticipated for completion in June 2008.

Solid Waste Management Units ('SWMUs'): A number of areas of potential contamination are undergoing evaluation to determine whether further investigation is warranted, or no further action, including areas of the existing storm sewer system and associated oil-water separators. SWMU 27A and AOC R were both closed out under CERCLA in early 2007.

A Background Soil Investigation Study was completed in 2002 to document background conditions.

A second Public Health Assessment (PHA) for ABL was completed by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry’s (ATSDR’s) which concluded that due to measures taken by the Navy to prevent migration of contaminants offsite from ABL, there was no public health hazard. However, the PHA did recommend additional sampling of privately owned wells on the north side of the North Branch Potamac River based on uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of the river as a barrier to contamination in the bedrock aquifer. The ABL partnering team prepared a response to the ATSDR recommendation which demonstrated, based on historical data, that there is significant evidence that groundwater (and contaminant) migration under the river does not occur under natural flow conditions, nor does it occur due to the ABL groundwater extraction system, and therefore additional sampling of wells on the north side of the river was unnecessary.


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