Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)

Guidelines for Manuscript Submission

Please note: Submission of a paper indicates the author's intention to publish in the Journal of Transportation and Statistics (JTS). Submission of a manuscript to other journals is unacceptable. Previously published manuscripts, whether in an exact or approximate form, cannot be accepted. Check with the Managing Editor if in doubt.

Scope of JTS: JTS publishes original research using planning, engineering, statistical, and economic analysis to improve public and private mobility and safety in all modes of transportation. For more detailed information, see the Call for Papers on page 98.

Manuscripts must be double spaced, including quotations, abstract, reference section, and any notes. All figures and tables should appear at the end of the manuscript with each one on a separate page. Do not embed them in your manuscript.
Because the JTS audience works in diverse fields, please define terms that are specific to your area of expertise.

Electronic submissions via email to the Managing Editor are strongly encouraged. We can accept PDF, Word, Excel, and Adobe Illustrator files. If you cannot send your submission via email, you may send a disk or CD by overnight delivery service or send a hardcopy by the U.S. Postal Service (regular mail; see below). Do not send disks or CDs through regular mail.

Hardcopy submissions delivered to BTS by the U.S. Postal service are irradiated. Do not include a disk in your envelope; the high heat will damage it.

The cover page of your manuscript must include the title, author name(s) and affiliations, and the telephone number and surface and email addresses of all authors.

Put the Abstract on the second page. It should be about 100 words and briefly describe the contents of the paper including the mode or modes of transportation, the research method, and the key results and/or conclusions. Please include a list of keywords to describe your article.

Graphic elements (figures and tables) must be called out in the text. Graphic elements must be in black ink. We will accept graphics in color only in rare circumstances.

References follow the style outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style. All non-original material must be sourced.

International papers are encouraged, but please be sure to have your paper edited by someone whose first language is English and who knows your research area.

Accepted papers must be submitted electronically in addition to a hard copy (see above for information on electronic submissions). Make sure the hard copy corresponds to the electronic version.

Page proofs: As the publication date nears, authors will be required to proofread and return article page proofs to the Managing Editor within 48 hours of receipt.

Acceptable software for text and equations is limited to Word and LaTeX. Data behind all figures, maps, and charts must be provided in Excel, Word, or DeltaGraph. American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) text will be accepted but is less desirable. Acceptable software for graphic elements is limited to Excel, DeltaGraph, or Adobe Illustrator. If other software is used, the file supplied must have an .eps or .pdf extension. We do not accept PowerPoint.

Maps are accepted in a variety of Geographic Information System (GIS) programs. Files using .eps or .pdf extensions are preferred. If this is not possible, please contact the Managing Editor. Send your files on a CD-ROM via overnight delivery service.

Send all submission materials to:

Marsha Fenn, Managing Editor
Journal of Transportation and Statistics
400 7th Street, SW, Room 7412
Washington, DC 20590
Email: marsha.fenn@dot.gov

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