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Compliance and Enforcement Annual Results:
FY2005 Compliance Incentives Case Highlights

FY2005 Annual Results Topics

PDF version of Compliance Assistance Activities Highlights (PDF, 64K, 6 pages, About PDF)

EPA is committed to a strong enforcement program to achieve environmental protection by deterring violators, bringing violators into compliance, correcting damage to the environment and ensuring that those who fail to comply do not put those who follow the law at an economic disadvantage. EPA uses compliance incentives to promote self-policing, improvement in environmental management practices, and reduction of pollution in the environment. In FY 2005, a record number of entities voluntarily disclosed violations to EPA, which was comparable to the level of the last several years with EPA resolving violations at over 500 entities representing nearly 1,000 facilities. In FY 2005, nearly 90 percent of these resolutions resulted in improvements to the entities’ environmental practices. The following is an example of a case.

Vector Pipeline, L.P.

In March 2005, EPA reached an agreement with Vector Pipeline, L.P. resolving alleged Clean Air Act (CAA) violations at the company’s Michigan compressor station. After learning that carbon monoxide or (CO) emissions from its Michigan station exceeded its state operating permit, Vector believed its Indiana station might have similar problems. EPA determined that the Indiana station had violated CAA regulations but did not assess a civil penalty since Vector self-disclosed under EPA’s Audit Policy. Vector agreed to pay a $69,300 civil penalty for past violations at the Michigan station. Vector also agreed to reduce CO emissions at both stations by approximately 1.5 million pounds per year at an approximate cost of $175,000. Exposure to high CO levels can cause death or impair vision, hand movement, learning ability and performance of complex tasks because it reduces the delivery of oxygen through the body’s bloodstream.

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