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How to Use the Lists - Explanation of Values

The values used in the HPV Challenge Program Chemical List, 1994 List of HPV Additions and the list of Additional Chemicals Sponsored Under the HPV Challenge Program are described below. Values found in the Indicator column signify whether the chemical falls outside the scope of the HPV Challenge Program. Values found in the Chemical Sponsorship Status column signify whether or not a chemical has been sponsored in the HPV Challenge Program, whether it is listed in the proposed "Testing of Certain High Production Volume Chemicals; Data Collection and Development on High Production Volume (HPV) Chemicals" rule (65 FR 81658), or whether it is listed in the Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program notice (64 FR 81699). Values found in the Sponsor Commitment Status column identify sponsors by name and indicate the status of a company's or consortium's commitment to sponsor a chemical. For a description of the HPV Challenge Program Chemical List, the 1994 List of HPV Additions and the list of Additional Chemicals Sponsored Under the HPV Challenge Program, please view the HPV Challenge Program Chemical List page.

Indicator Column Values

0 = Chemical is within the scope of the HPV Challenge Program and may be sponsored.

1 = Chemical is not considered a candidate for testing under the HPV Challenge Program, based on preliminary EPA review indicating that testing using the SIDS base set would not further our understanding of the chemical's properties. This chemical may be sponsored, however.

2 = Chemical is otherwise being handled under the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development HPV (OECD) Screening Information Data Set (SIDS) Program. This chemical may be sponsored, however.

3 = Chemical is not subject to the HPV Challenge Program because it is a polymer or inorganic substance. This chemical may be sponsored, however.

4 = Sponsorship of a chemical under the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) HPV Initiative has been confirmed by ICCA and all information essentially equivalent to a Full Commitment under the HPV Challenge Program (i.e., chemical name, CAS number, start year for each chemical, technical contact person and telephone number) has been provided to the Agency.

5 = Chemical meets the criteria for being "No Longer HPV" and is no longer subject to the HPV Challenge Program. This chemical may be sponsored, however.

Chemical Sponsorship Status Values

F = Fully Sponsored. The Agency has received at least one full commitment from a company or consortium to sponsor the particular chemical.

I = ICCA Confirmed Commitment. Company or consortium has had confirmed by ICCA their sponsorship of a chemical(s) in the HPV Initiative of the International Council of Chemical Associations.

P = Provisionally Sponsored. Company/Consortia has provided most, but not all, of the Full commitment information. The Agency has received at least one provisional commitment, but no full commitments, from a company or consortium to sponsor the particular chemical.

N = Not Sponsored

V = Viable-Sponsored Chemical. The Agency has received at least one viable commitment from a company or consortium to sponsor the particular chemical.

Q = Provisional Viable-Sponsored Chemical. Company/Consortia has provided most, but not all, of the Viable Commitment required information. The Agency has received at least one provisional viable commitment, but not viable commitments, from a company or consortium to sponsor the particular chemical.

A = Test Rule Chemical. Chemicals listed in the proposed "Testing of Certain High Production Volume Chemicals; Data Collection and Development on High Production Volume (HPV) Chemicals" rule (65 FR 81658). These chemicals may be sponsored prior to publishing a final rule. Note that sponsorship after the December 26, 2000 date (a viable commitment) requires that, in addition to meeting the standard requirements of the HPV Challenge Program, sponsors also provide full copies of all studies.

C = Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program Chemical. Chemicals listed in the Voluntary Children's Chemical Evaluation Program notice (64 FR 81699). These chemicals may be sponsored. Note that sponsorship after the December 26, 2000 date (a viable commitment) requires that, in addition to meeting the standard requirements of the HPV Challenge Program, sponsors also provide full copies of studies.

Sponsor Commitment Status Values

F = Full Commitment. For individual Companies acting alone: Company has provided the chemical name, CAS number, and start year for each chemical, as well as a technical contact person and telephone number.

For Consortia: Consortium has provided names of member companies, chemical name, CAS number, and start year for the chemical, and a technical contact person and telephone number for the Consortium. Each chemical identified by the Consortium must be accounted for in a letter from an individual Company which identifies itself as a member of the Consortium in order for the Consortium's commitment for that chemical to be considered "Full." All member companies of a Consortium are encouraged to send individual commitment letters to the Agency confirming membership in the Consortium and committing to successful completion of the Consortium's chemical.
P = Provisional Commitment. For individual Companies acting alone: Company has provided most, but not all, of the Full Commitment Information. The Full Commitment information would not be complete if, for example, the start date was not identified for the Company's sponsored chemical.

For Consortia: The Consortium has provided most but not all of the chemical or contact information, or the chemical appears on the Consortium list and has not been accounted for in a letter from any company participating in the Consortium. Provisional Commitments will be upgraded to Full Commitment status upon receipt and processing of all Full Commitment information.
V = Viable Commitment. Same as Full Commitment but the commitment to sponsor the particular chemical was received after the December 26, 2000 proposed test rule was published (65 FR 81658). In addition to meeting the standard requirements of the HPV Challenge Program, sponsors must also provide full copies of studies for viable chemicals.

Q = Provisional Viable Commitment. Same as Provisional Commitment (all the required commitment information was not provided.) but the commitment to sponsor a particular chemical was received after the December 26, 2000 proposed test rule was published (65 FR 81658). Provisional viable commitments will be upgraded to Viable status (see above) upon receipt and processing of required commitment information.

SIDS = Screening Information Data Set (SIDS) Program. Chemical is being handled under the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) HPV SIDS Program. This chemical may be sponsored, however. ICCA = International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA). A company or consortium has had confirmed by the ICCA their sponsorship of this chemical in the HPV Initiative of the ICCA. Using the Status Columns

The Sponsor Commitment Status column may be used to determine which companies or consortia are sponsoring a chemical and whether their commitment to sponsor that chemical is full or provisional. The Chemical Sponsorship Status column may be used to determine if a chemical has been fully or provisionally sponsored in the HPV Challenge Program.

Situations may exist where more than one company may have sponsored a chemical. If one of the companies has fully sponsored the chemical, this company has an [F] next to its name. If the other company provisionally sponsored the chemical, it has a [P] next to its name. The chemical, however, will be shown in the Chemical Sponsorship column as fully sponsored ("F") because at least one company or consortium has fully sponsored the chemical.

Situations may also exist where a chemical may be fully sponsored, as shown by an "F" in the Chemical Sponsorship Status column, but the commitment status of the sponsoring consortium is provisional, as shown by a "[P]"next to the consortium name in the Sponsor Commitment Status column. This situation will occur when the consortium has not provided all required elements for a full commitment but at least one member company of that consortium has submitted all the required elements. The member company would not be shown here, however, as member companies are not included on this list. Member companies are identified on the HPV Challenge Summary Report (www.epa.gov/chemrtk/pubs/sumresp.htm).

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