Gray Wolf
Midwest Region



Photo of two gray wolves.  Photo credit: Corel Corporation (copyrighted)

Photo by Corel Corporation


Gray Wolf (Canis lupus)

Links to More Information on Other Sites


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Gray Wolf Species Profile


Defender's of Wildlife - wolf pages


International Wolf Center


Wolves and Moose of Isle Royale, Michigan



New Book Documents Wolf Recovery in the Great Lakes Region

Recovery of Gray Wolves in the Great Lakes Region of the United States: An Endangered Species Success Story




Minnesota Department of Natural Resources' Wolf Pages


Additional information about Minnesota's wolf depredation control program links to International Wolf Center's website


A Guide for Minnesota Farmers and Ranchers in Wolf Territory - Minnesota Dept. of Agriculture


National Wildlife Federation

Wolves and Deer in Wisconsin (PDF)


Timber Wolf Alliance


T.W.I.N - Timber Wolf Information Network



Assessing the Landscape: Toward a Viable Gray Wolf Population in Michigan and Wisconsin a Master's Project completed for the School of Natural Resources & Environment, University of Michigan: Damon Hearne, Karen Lewis, Marisa Martin, Elizabeth Mitton, Carly Rocklen


Living with Wolves - University of Wisconsin: Madison


Wisconsin Stakeholders' Attitudes Toward Wolf Recovery - University of Wisconsin: Madison


Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Wolf Information on the Web


Wisconsin DNR Wolf Recovery Progress Reports (Wisconsin DNR)


Wisconsin Wolf Progress Report for April - September 2003: includes information on the Wisconsin Wolf Depredation Control Program (Wisconsin DNR)


HTML Version - Wolves and Hunting Dogs in Wisconsin - A Guide for Reducing Conflict Between Wolves and Hunting Dogs


PDF Version - Wolves and Hunting Dogs in Wisconsin - A Guide for Reducing Conflict Between Wolves and Hunting Dogs




Last updated: April 6, 2009