Gray Wolf
Midwest Region



Documents Cited in April 2, 2009 Final Rule
to Delist the Gray Wolf WGL DPS

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S.H. Fritts, and D.R. Seip.  1995.  Ecology and conservation of wolves in a changing world.  Canadian Circumpolar Institute, Occasional Publication No. 35.  Edmonton, Alberta.  642 pp.

Berg, W.E., and S. Benson.  1999.  Updated wolf population estimate for Minnesota, 1997-1998.  Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Report.  Grand Rapids, Minnesota. 14 pp.

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Beyer, D., B.J. Roell, and D.H. Lonsway.  2004.  2004 Survey of the gray wolf population in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.  Unpublished report by Michigan DNR.  Lansing, MI.  8 pp.

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Fritts, and D.R. Seip.  1995.  Ecology and conservation of wolves in a changing world.  Canadian Circumpolar Institute, Occasional Publication No. 35.  Edmonton, Alberta.  642 pp.


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Drummer, D.D., B. Huntzinger, J.S. Johnson, R.O. Peterson, M.J. Potvin, L.M. Vucetich, and J.A. Vucetich.  2002.  Recovery of the gray wolf (Canis lupus) in Upper Michigan.  1999-2001.  Final Report from MTU: for Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources Grant Amendment Number 149-01 and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Cooperative Agreement Number 1443 CA 682098001.  158 pp.


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Fuller, T.K., L.D. Mech, and J.F. Cochrane.  2003.  Wolf population dynamics.  Pp. 161-191 In Wolves:  Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation.  eds. L.D. Mech and L. Boitani.  Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago.  448 pp.


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Mech, L.D.  2006a.  Prediction failure of a wolf landscape model.  Wildlife Soc. Bull 34(3): 874-877.


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Mech, L.D., R.P. Thiel, S.H Fritts, and W.E. Berg.  1985.  Presence and effects of the dog louse Trichodectes canis (Mallophaga, Trichodectidae) on wolves and coyotes from Minnesota and Wisconsin.  American Midland Naturalist 114:404-405.


Merrill, S.B. and L.D. Mech.  2000.  Details of Extensive Movements by Minnesota Wolves. Am. Midl. Nat. 144:428-433.


Mertig, A.G.  2004.  Attitudes about wolves in Michigan, 2002.  Report to the Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources Wildlife Division.  108 pp.


Michigan Department of Natural Resources.  1997.  Michigan gray wolf recovery and management plan.  Lansing, MI  58 pp.


Michigan Department of Natural Resources.  1999.  Wisconsin man sentenced for shooting U.P. wolf.  News release, dated July 20, 1999.  1 p.


Michigan Department of Natural Resources.  2004.  Gray wolf found in northern Lower Peninsula.  News release, dated October 25, 2004.  1 page.


Michigan Department of Natural Resources.  2005a.  Michigan Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Division Procedure – Guidelines for management and lethal control of wolves following confirmed depredation events.  Version 1.04, 9/02/2005.  10 pp., including 2 appendices.


Michigan Department of Natural Resources.  2005b.  Application for a new federal recovery permit.  With cover letter from Mindy Koch, dated September 2, 2005.  11pp. plus letter.


Michigan Department of Natural Resources.  2005c.  Operational management guidance for state-owned forest lands.  Michigan Department of Natural Resources Forest, Mineral, and Fire Management, Lansing, MI.  62 pp.


Michigan Department of Natural Resources.  2005d.  Proposed Deer Population Goals.  2 pp.   Accessed Nov. 15, 2006.  Available at:


Michigan Department of Natural Resources.  2006a.  Winter survey results show increase in wolf population.  Press release dated July 5, 2006.  1 p.


Michigan Department of Natural Resources.  2006b.  2006 Michigan Deer Hunting Prospects, Statewide Forecast.  Available from Michigan DNR, Lansing Michigan.  15 pp.


Michigan Wolf Management Roundtable.  2006.  Recommended guiding principles for wolf management in Michigan.  Report to the Director of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.  November 2006.  18 pp.


Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.  1998.  1998 wolf public information meetings public comment summaries.  Unpublished report dated March 5, 1998.  St. Paul, MN  25 pp.


Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.  2000.  Directions 2000: The strategic plan.  MN DNR.  St. Paul, MN.  45 p.


Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.  2001.  Minnesota wolf management plan.  Prepared by the Section of Wildlife, dated February 2001.  36 pp. plus 9 appendices.


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Mladenoff, D.J., M.K. Clayton, T.A. Sickley, and A.P. Wydeven.  2006.  L.D. Mech critique of our work lacks scientific validity.  Wildlife Soc. Bull. 34: 878-881.


Mladenoff, D.J., R.G. Haight, T.A. Sickley, and A.P. Wydeven.  1997.  Causes and implications of species restoration in altered ecosystems.  Bioscience 47(1): 21-31.


Mladenoff, D.J., and T.A. Sickley.  1998.  Assessing potential gray wolf restoration in the Northeastern United States:  a spatial prediction of favorable habitat and population level.  J. Wildl. Mgmt. 62:1-10.


Mladenoff, D.J., T.A. Sickley, R.G. Haight, and A.P. Wydeven.  1995.  A regional landscape analysis and prediction of favorable gray wolf habitat in the Northern Great Lakes region.  Conserv. Biology 9:279-294.


Mladenoff, D.J., T.A. Sickley, and A.P. Wydeven.  1999.  Predicting gray wolf landscape recolonization:  logistic regression models vs. new field data.  Ecological Applications 9(1):37-44.


Moffett, K.E.  1997.  Landscape suitability:  a case study of wolf habitat in North Dakota.  Masters Thesis, available from Ohio University.  63 pp.


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Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.  2005c.  Province ensures conservation of Ontario wolves – Introduces new closed season for hunting and trapping in central and northern Ontario.  Press release dated March 10, 2005.  Accessed 02/08/06.


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Potvin, M.J.  2003.  A habitat analysis for wolves in Michigan.  M.S. thesis, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Michigan.  83 pp.


Potvin, M.J., T.D. Drummer, J.A. Vucetich, D.E. Beyer, R.O. Peterson, and J.H. Hammill.  2005. Monitoring and habitat analysis for wolves in Upper Michigan.  J. Wildl. Mgmt. 69:1660-1669.


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Wydeven, A.P, D.J. Mladenoff, T.A. Sickley, and R.G. Haight.  1999.  GIS evaluation of wolf habitat and potential populations in the Great Lakes States.  Appendix C, pp. 46-49, in Wisconsin Wolf Management Plan, October 27, 1999.  Wisconsin Dept. of Nat. Resources, Madison, WI.  74 pp.


Wydeven, A.P, D.J. Mladenoff, T.A. Sickley, B.E. Kohn, R.P. Thiel, and J.L. Hansen.  2001a.  Road density as a factor in habitat selection by wolves and other carnivores in the Great Lakes Region. Endangered Species UPDATE. 18:110-114.


Wydeven, A.P, R.N. Schultz, and R.P. Thiel.  1995.  Monitoring of a recovering gray wolf population in Wisconsin, 1979-1991.  pp. 147-156 in Carbyn, L.N., S.H. Fritts, and D.R. Seip.  1995.  Ecology and conservation of wolves in a changing world.  Canadian Circumpolar Institute, Occasional Publication No. 35.  Edmonton, Alberta.  642 pp.


Wydeven, A.P, and J.E. Wiedenhoeft.  2000.  Gray wolf population 1999-2000.  Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Park Falls, Wisconsin.  9 pp.


Wydeven, A.P, and J.E. Wiedenhoeft.  2001.  Progress Report of Wolf Population Monitoring in Wisconsin for the Period October-December 2000.  Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Park Falls, Wisconsin.  9 pp.


Wydeven, A.P, and J.E. Wiedenhoeft.  2002.  Progress Report of Wolf Population Monitoring in Wisconsin for the Period October-December 2001.  Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Park Falls, Wisconsin.  9 pp.


Wydeven, A.P, and J.E. Wiedenhoeft.  2003a.  Progress Report of Wolf Population Monitoring in Wisconsin for the Period October-December 2002 and Summaries of 2002.  Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Park Falls, Wisconsin.  14 pp.


Wydeven, A.P, and J.E. Wiedenhoeft.  2003b.  Status of the Timber Wolf in Wisconsin Performance Report 1 July 2002 through 30 June 2003.  Bureau of Endangered Resources: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.  30 pp.


Wydeven, A.P, and J.E. Wiedenhoeft.  2004a.  Progress Report of Wolf Population Monitoring in Wisconsin for the Period October-December 2003.  Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Park Falls, Wisconsin.  16pp.


Wydeven, A.P, and J.E. Wiedenhoeft.  2004b.  Status of the Timber Wolf in Wisconsin Performance Report 1 July 2003 through 30 June 2004.  Bureau of Endangered Resources: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.  33 pp.


Wydeven, A.P., and J.E. Wiedenhoeft.  2005.  Status of the Timber Wolf in Wisconsin Performance Report 1 July 2004 through 30 June 2005.  WI DNR, Park Falls, Wisconsin.  33 pp.


Wydeven, A.P., and J.E. Wiedenhoeft.  2006.  Status of the Timber Wolf in Wisconsin Performance Report 1 July 2005 through 30 June 2006.  WI DNR, Park Falls, Wisconsin.  38 pp.


Wydeven, A.P., J.E. Wiedenhoeft, R.N. Schultz, R.P. Thiel, S.R. Boles, W.H. Hall, Jr E., and Heilhecker.  2003.  Progress report of wolf population monitoring for the period October 2002 – March 2003.  Unpublished report by WI DNR, Park Falls, WI.  48 pp.


Wydeven, A.P., J.E. Wiedenhoeft, R.N. Schultz, R.P. Thiel, S.R. Boles, and E. Heilhecker.  2006a.  Progress report of wolf population monitoring for the period October 2005 – March 2006.  Unpublished report by WI DNR, Park Falls, WI.  39 pp.


Wydeven, A.P., J.E. Wiedenhoeft, R.N. Schultz, R.P. Thiel, S.R. Boles, E. Heilhecker, and W.H. Hall, Jr.  2005a.  Progress report of wolf population monitoring for the period October 2004 – March 2005.  Unpublished report by WI DNR, Park Falls, WI.  39 pp.


Wydeven, A.P., J.E. Wiedenhoeft, R.N. Schultz, R.P. Thiel, W.H. Hall, E. Heilhecker, and J.E. Hawley.  2004.  Progress report of wolf population monitoring in Wisconsin for the period April - September 2003.  Unpublished report by WI DNR, Park Falls, WI.  31 pp.


Wydeven, A.P., J.E. Wiedenhoeft, R.N. Schultz, R.P. Thiel, W.H. Hall, E. Heilhecker, and J.E. Hawley.  2005b.  Progress report of wolf population monitoring in Wisconsin for the period April - September 2004 & annual summaries for 2004.  Unpublished report by WI DNR, Park Falls, WI.  28 pp.


Wydeven, A.P., J.E. Wiedenhoeft, R.P. Thiel, R.N. Schultz, B.E. Kohn, and S.R. Boles.  2001b.  Progress report of wolf population monitoring in Wisconsin for the period October 2000 - March 2001.  Unpublished report by WI DNR, Park Falls, WI.  36pp.


Wydeven, A.P., J.E. Wiedenhoeft, R.N. Schultz, R.P. Thiel, and S. Rossler.  2006b.  Progress report of wolf population monitoring in Wisconsin for the period April - September 2005 & annual summaries for 2005.  Unpublished report by WI DNR, Park Falls, WI.  30 pp.


Unpublished Documents, Noted as "in litt." and "pers. comm." in Final Rule


Anschutz, Steve.  2003.  E-mail from Anschutz, USFWS Nebraska Field Office Supervisor to Laura Ragan, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 04/01/03.  Subject:  gray wolf shot.  1 p.


Anschutz, Steve.  2006.   E-mail from Anschutz, USFWS Nebraska Field Office Supervisor to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 10/30/06.  Subject:  Nebraska wolf from 1995? 


Barnhardt, Maria.  2006.  E-mail from Barnhardt, ND DOT to Bill Bicknell and Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/20/06.  Subject:  Road density for eastern Dakotas?  2 pp. plus 3 pages of attachments. 


Bedeau, Lawrence.  1998.  Letter from Bedeau, DNR Director, Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, to Marvin Moriarty, Deputy Regional Director, dated September 22, 1998.  Regarding Red Lake Band's position on wolf delisting and future management.  8 pp.


Beheler, Kerry.  undated.  Memo from Beheler, WI DNR Wildlife Health Specialist, to Dean Beyer, MI DNR Wildlife Research Biologist.  Subject:  Michigan Gray Wolf Health Sample Analysis 1992-1999.  3 pp.


Beheler, Kerry.  2004.  Memo from Beheler, WI DNR Wildlife Health Specialist, to Dean Beyer, MI DNR Wildlife Research Biologist.  Subject:  Michigan Gray Wolf Serologic Analysis:  2001 Captured Animals. Memo dated 04/14/04.  2 pp.


Berg, Bill.  1998.  E-mail from Berg, MN DNR Wildlife Research to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/12/98.  Subject:  wolf mortality data - reply.  1 p.


Beyer, Dean.  2005.  Unpublished 1999-2004 wolf mortality data from Michigan DNR. 


Beyer, Dean.  2006a.  E-mail from Beyer, MI DNR Wildlife Research, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 02/02/06.  Subject:  CPV data for MI wolves?  1 p. plus 2- and 3-page attached reports by Kerry Beheler, WI DNR Wildlife Health Specialist.


Beyer, Dean.  2006b.  E-mail from Beyer, MI DNR Wildlife Research, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 08/10/06.  Subject:  Potential for "MN-style" wolf monitoring in WI and MI?  2 pp. with 6-page attachment by Drummer.


Bicknell, William.  2005.  Email from Bicknell, USFWS Bismarck, ND, ES Field Office, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 08/08/05.  Subject:  Wolf status/protection in ND.  2 pp.


Boyle, Barbara.  2005.  Email from Boyle, Tamarac NWR Manager, to Phil Delphey, USFWS Twin Cities, MN, ES Field Office, dated 11/21/06.  Subject:  Wolf Information Request – Reply Requested by November 30.  2 pp.


Caldwell, Carolyn.  2005.  E-mail from Caldwell, Program Administrator, OH DNR, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 10/14/05.  Subject:  Request for State Wolf Regulations, summary of wolf reports.  2 pp.


Collins, Roger.  1998.  Memo from Roger Collins, Supervisor, USFWS ND ES Field Office, to ARD-Ecological Services, Ft. Snelling, MN (Attn:  R. Refsnider).  Subject:  Wolf Information Request.  2 pp. with attached 2 pp. of maps.


DelGiudice, Glen.  2005.  E-mail from DelGuidice, MN DNR Wildlife Research, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/22/05.  Subject:  Wolf mortality data in MN.  With unpublished data from Forest Wildlife Research Group, Minnesota DNR, Grand Rapids, MN  4 pp.


Dirks, Brian.  2006.  Telephone conversation between Dirks, MN DNR, Camp Ripley, and Phil Delphey, USFWS Twin Cites, MN, ES Field Office, on 10/24/06.  Subject:  Numbers and management of wolves at Camp Ripley, MN.


Donofrio, Mike.  1998.  Telephone conversation between Donofrio, Natural Resources Director, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, and Mike DeCapita, USFWS East Lansing, MI, ES Field Office, on 11/04/98.  Subject:  Keweenaw Bay Indian Community contact.


Donofrio, Mike.  2003.  Letter from Donofrio, Natural Resources Director, Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 08/12/03.  Regarding Keweenaw Bay Indian Community position on wolf delisting.  2 pp.


Edwards, Andrew J.  2003.  Letter from Edwards, Biological Services Director, 1854 Authority Biological Services, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 08/07/03.  Regarding 1854 Authority position on EPS wolf delisting.  3 pp.


Erb, John.  2005.  E-mail from Erb, MN DNR Wildlife Research to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN¸ dated 12/14/05.  Subject:  Wolves in Zones A and B?  1 p.


Evans, Robert A.  2005.  E-mail from Evans, Wildlife Biologist, Ottawa National Forest, to Christie Deloria, USFWS Marquette, MI, ES Suboffice, dated 11/21/05.  Subject:  Ottawa NF Response:  Information Request – Wolves on Federal Lands in U.P.  3 pp.


Fain, Steven.  2006.  E-mail from Fain, Supervisory Forensic Geneticist, USFWS Ashland, OR, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 10/16/06.  Subject:  EDPS Dispersers.  1 p. with 3-page attachment with unpublished data.


Googgleye, George. Jr.  2004.  Letter from Googgleye, Leech Lake Band Tribal Council Chairman, to Gray Wolf Delisting Content Analysis Team, dated 08/27/04.  Regarding Leech Lake Tribal Council position on wolf harvest.  3 pp.


Gustin, Karen.  2003.  Letter from Gustin, Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore Superintendent, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 08/11/03.  Regarding future management of wolves at Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore.  2 pp.


Hammill, Jim.  1999.  E-mail from Hammill, MI DNR, Crystal Falls, MI, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 07/30/99.  Subject:  Wolf killings in MI.  1 p.


Hammill, Jim.  2002.  Faxes from Hammill, MI DNR, Crystal Falls, MI.  Series of 4 faxes to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 03/08/02, 03/12/02, 03/15/02, and 03/22/02.  Michigan wolf mortality and depredation data.  10 pp.


Hassett, Scott.  2003.  Letter from Hassett, Secretary, WI DNR, to Charles Wooley, Asst. Regional Director, FWS, dated 12/22/03.  Responses to FWS questions.  1 page with 10-page attachment.


Hogrefe, Todd.  2006.  E-mail from Hogrefe, Endangered Species Coordinator, MI DNR, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/08/06.  Subject:  Completion schedule for revised MI wolf plan?  1 p.


Holbeck, Chris.  2005.  E-mail from Holbeck, Chief of Resources Management, Voyageurs National Park, to Phil Delphey, USFWS Twin Cities, MN, ES Field Office, dated 11/29/05.  Subject:  Wolf Data Request.  2 pp.


Hollar, Jeanne.  2005.  E-mail from Hollar, Refuge Biologist, Sherburne-Crane Meadows NWR Complex, to Phil Delphey, USFWS Twin Cities, MN, ES Field Office, dated 12/01/05.  Subject:  Wolf Information Request.  1 p.


Holtz, Signe.  2006.  E-mail from Holtz, Director Wisconsin DNR Endangered Resources Program, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/08/2006.  Subject:  Copy of DRAFT wolf addendum.  1 p. with 59-page attachment "Wisconsin Wolf Management Plan Addendum 2006.


Howell, Daryl.  2005.  E-mail from Howell, Iowa DNR, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/04/05.  Subject:  Request for State Wolf Regulations, summary of wolf reports.  1 p. with 3 attachments.


Humphries, Rebecca A.  2004.  Letter from Humphries, Director, Michigan DNR, to Robyn Thorson, USFWS Regional Director, dated May 27, 2004.  Regarding MI DNR's future intentions for future wolf management. 1 p.


Hunt, Eli.  1998.  Letter from Hunt, Chairman, Leech Lake Tribal Council, to Marvin Moriarty, Acting USFWS Regional Director, dated 09/24/98.  Regarding Reservation plans for wolves after federal delisting.  4 pp.


Huschle, Gary.  2005.  E-mail from Huschle, Wildlife Biologist, Agassiz NWR, to Phil Delphey, USFWS Twin Cities, MN, ES Field Office, dated 11/23/03.  Subject:  Wolf Information Request – Reply Requested by November 30.  2 pp.


Huseby, Jay.  2006.  Phone conversation between Huseby, Leech Lake Reservation biologist, and Phil Delphey, USFWS Twin Cities, MN, ES Field Office, on 02/22/06, regarding wolf numbers on Reservation.


Jobman, Wally.  1995.  Inter-Office Transmittal from Jobman, USFWS Grand Island, Nebraska, Field Office, to Helena, MT, USFWS Wolf Coordinator, dated 01/10/95.  1 p.


Johnson, Scott.  2005.  E-mail from Johnson, Indiana DNR,  to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/01/05.  Subject:  Request for State Wolf Regulations, summary of wolf reports.  1 p.


Johnson, Scott.  2006.  E-mail from Johnson, Indiana DNR to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 01/26/06.  Subject:  Wolf protection in IN?  2 pp.


King, George.  2003.  Letter from King, Chairman, Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 07/28/03.  Regarding information on wolves on Red Lake lands.  3 pp.


Kiogama, Archie L., Jr. and Gerald V. Chingwa.  2000.  Letter from Kiogama, Tribal Wildlife Biologist and Chingwa, Chairman, Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians.  Undated.  Comment letter on the Proposal to Reclassify/Delist the Gray Wolf.  2 pp.


Koch, Mindy.  2006a.  Letter from Koch, Resource Management Deputy, MI DNR, to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, dated 06/22/06.  Regarding proposed delisting of gray wolf.  1 p. 


Koch, Mindy.  2006b.  Letter from Koch, Resource Management Deputy, MI DNR, to Robyn Thorson, USFWS Region 3 Director, dated 11/30/06.  2 pp. with attached 18- page Michigan Wolf Management Roundtable Guidance [listed separately above].


Larson, Scott.  2005.  E-mail from Larson, USFWS Pierre, SD, ES Field Office, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/09/05.  Subject:  Legal status of wolves in SD?  2 pp.


Larson, Scott.  2006a.  E-mail from Art Smith to Scott Larson, USFWS Pierre, SD, ES Field Office, then to numerous FWS employees, dated 7/13/06.  Subject:  Possible wolf.  2 pp.


Larson, Scott.  2006b.  E-mail from Larson, USFWS Pierre, SD, ES Field Office, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/08/06.  Subject:  Road Density for eastern Dakotas?  3 pp.


Lederle, Pat.  2004.  Phone conversation on 04/01/04 between Lederle, MI DNR Wildlife Research Section Supervisor, and Christie Deloria, USFWS ES Suboffice, Marquette, MI.  Regarding CWD and wolf depredation compensation program.


Lederle, Pat.  2006.  E-mail from Lederle, MI DNR Wildlife Research Section Supervisor, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 09/05/06.  Subject:  Support for the sampling protocols.  1 p.


Lindquist, Ed.  2005.  E-mail from Lindquist, Wildlife Biologist, Superior National Forest, to Phil Delphey, USFWS Twin Cities, MN, ES Field Office, dated 11/18/05.  Subject:  Wolf Data Request.  3 pp.


Maercklein, Robin.  2003.  Letter from Maercklein, Resource Management Specialist, St. Croix National Scenic Riverway, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 09/02/03.  Regarding future wolf management in St. Croix National Scenic Riverway.  2 pp.


McDowell, Michelle.  2005.  E-mail from McDowell, Wildlife Biologist, Rice Lake NWR, to Phil Delphey, USFWS Twin Cities, MN, ES Field Office, dated 11/17/05.  Subject:  Wolf Information Request – Reply Requested by November 30.  3 pp. 


Mech, L. David. 1998.  E-mail from Mech, USGS/BRD, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 09/21/98.  Subject:  Disease/parasite impacts on MN wolf population.  4 pp.


Mech, L. David.  2005.  E-mail from Mech, USGS/BRD, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 10/11/05.  Subject:  Wolf dispersal.  1 p. with 1-page attachment.


Mech, L. David.  2006.  E-mail from Mech, USGS/BRD, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/14/06.  Subject:  Wilson ms. [but subject matter deals with unpublished data from


Mech, Goyal, and Paul regarding CPV impacting pup survival]  2 pp.


Moore, Randy.  2003.  Letter from Moore, Regional Forester, U.S. Forest Service, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 08/21/03.  Regarding impacts of wolf delisting on national forests in EDPS.  4 pp.


Moritz, William.  2006.  Letter from Moritz, MI DNR Wildlife Division Chief, to potential Michigan Wolf Management Roundtable members and attached “Guidance to the Michigan Wolf Management Roundtable," dated 01/12/06.  2-page letter with 4-page attachment.


Mortensen, Steve.  2006.  Phone conversation between Mortensen, Leech Lake Wildlife Biologist, and Phil Delphey, USFWS Twin Cities, MN, ES Field Office, on 02/22/06, regarding wolf numbers on Leech Lake Reservation.


Myers, Sonny.  2004.  Letter from Myers, Executive Director, 1854 Authority, to Gray Wolf Delist Content Analysis Team, dated 11/04/04.  2 pp.


Nobles, Danny G.  2004.  Letter from Nobles, Colonel, Fort McCoy, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, undated.  Regarding Fort McCoy's intended wolf management after delisting.  5 pp.


Olson, Dave.  2005.  E-mail from Olson, Wildlife Biologist, Seney NWR, to Christie Deloria, USFWS, ES Suboffice, Marquette, MI, dated 11/14/05.  Subject:  Seney NWR: Information Request:  Wolfs on Federal Lands.  2 pp.


Paul, William.  2004.  Phone conversation between Paul, USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services, and Phil Delphey, USFWS Twin Cities, MN, ES Field Office, on 03/24/04.  Regarding wolf depredation in Minnesota.


Paul, William.  2005.  Fax from Paul, USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/23/05.  Subject:  Disease data for your wolves?  5 pp.


Paul, William.  2006.  Letter from Paul, USDA-APHIS-Wildlife Services, to USFWS, dated 06/16/06.  Peer Review Comments on USFWS Proposal to Delist WGL DPS of the Gray Wolf.  RIN 1018-AU54.  7 pp.


Peterson, Rolf.  1997.  Letter from Peterson, Leader Eastern Timber Wolf Recovery Team, to USFWS Regional Director William Hartwig, dated 06/02/97.  Regarding reclassification of Western Great Lakes DPS.  2 pp.


Peterson, R.  1998.  Letter from Peterson, Leader Eastern Timber Wolf Recovery Team, to USFWS Regional Director William Hartwig, dated 01/10/98, regarding review of recovery criteria and 7 questions asked by FWS.  8 pp.


Peterson, R.  1999a.  Letter from Peterson, Leader Eastern Timber Wolf Recovery Team, to USFWS Regional Director William Hartwig, dated 01/11/99, regarding review of state wolf recovery plans and Minnesota Roundtable recommendations.  4 pp.


Peterson, R.  1999b.  Letter from Peterson, Leader Eastern Timber Wolf Recovery Team, to USFWS Regional Director William Hartwig, dated 07/15/99, regarding Minnesota DNR wolf estimate and failure of MN Legislature to act on DNR wolf management plan.  2 pp.


Peterson, R.   2001.  Letter from Peterson, Leader Eastern Timber Wolf Recovery Team, to USFWS Regional Director William Hartwig, dated 05/22/01.  Regarding Recovery Team's Review of Minnesota Wolf Management Plan.  2 pp.


Piehler, Kirk G.  2005.  E-mail from Piehler, Hiawatha National Forest Wildlife Biologist, to Christie Deloria, USWFS Marquette, MN, ES Suboffice, dated 11/23/05.  Subject:  Hiawatha NF Response -- Information Request – Wolves on Federal Lands in U.P.  3 pp.


Roell. Brian.  2004.  E-mail from Roell, MI DNR Wildlife Biologist, to Mike DeCapita, USFWS East Lansing, MI, ES Office, then to Deloria, USFWS Marquette, MN, ES Suboffice,  and Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 06/22/04.  Subject:  Dead Wolf – incidental take.  1 p. with 1 p. attachment.


Roell, Brian.  2005a.  E-mail from Roell, MI DNR Wildlife Biologist, to Mike DeCapita, USWFW East Lansing, MN, ES Field Office, then to Refsnider, Fasbender, and Szymanski, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 07/19/05.  Subject:  Dead wolves.  1 p. with 1 p. attachment. [3 other attachments irrelevant]


Roell. Brian.  2005b.  E-mail from Roell, MI DNR Wildlife Biologist, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/28/05.  Subject:  Wolf diseases in MI.  2 pp.


Roell, Brian.  2006a.  E-mail from Roell, MI DNR Wildlife Biologist, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 10/13/06 (10:22AM).  Subject:  MI wolf pop. est. for 2005-06 – published?   1 p.


Roell, Brian.  2006b.  E-mail from Roell, MI DNR Wildlife Biologist, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 10/13/06 (10:31AM).  Subject:  MI wolf pop. est. for 2005-06 – published?


Roell, Brian.  2006c.  E-mail from Roell, MI DNR Wildlife Biologist, dated 08/09/06 to Mike DeCapita, USFWS East Lansing, MI, ES Field Office, Peter Fasbender, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, and Todd Hogrefe, MI DNR, Lansing, MI.   Subject:  Re:  Dead Wolf.  4 pp.


Schlender, James H.  1998.  Letter from Schlender, Executive Administrator, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, to Marvin Moriarty, Acting USFWS Regional Director, dated 11/09/98.  Regarding GLIFWC position on management of ceded territory wolves after federal delisting.  2 pp.


Schlender, James H.  2004.    Letter from Schlender, Executive Administrator, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission, to Gray Wolf Delisting Content Analysis Team, dated 11/16/04.  GLIFWC comments on wolf delisting proposal.  3 pp.


Schrage, Mike.  1998a.  Letter from Schrage, Fond du Lac Resource Management Division Wildlife Biologist, to Marvin Moriarty, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 10/06/98.  Conveying input on tribal wolf management and delisting.  2 pp.


Schrage, Mike.  1998b.  Letter from Schrage, Fond du Lac Resource Management Division Wildlife Biologist, to Marvin Moriarty, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/10/98.  Conveying resolution from Business Committee regarding wolf delisting.  3 pp.


Schrage, Mike.  2003.  Letter from Schrage, Fond du Lac Resource Management Division Wildlife Biologist, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 08/07/03.  Regarding position of Fond du Lac Tribe on wolf delisting.  4 pp.


Sickley, Theodore A.  2006.  E-mail from Sickley, Univ. WI-Madison, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 10/31/06.  Subject:  Table [providing unpublished data to update Table C2 of WI Wolf Management Plan].  6 pp.


Stefanski, Mary.  2004.  E-mail from Stefanski, Wildlife Biologist, Rice Lake NWR, to Phil Delphey, USFWS Twin Cities, MN, ES Field Office, dated 03/18/04.  Subject:  Gray Wolf Information Request for Proposed Delisting Rule.  1 p.


Symbal, Matt.  2003.  E-mail from Symbal, Red Cliff Natural Resources Department Fish and Wildlife Biologist, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 09/05/03.  Subject:  Wolf Comments.  1 p. plus 2- page attachment.


Thomas,  Nancy.  1998.  Letter from Thomas, Endangered Species Disease Specialist, USGS National Wildlife Health Center, Madison, WI, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/06/98.  Necropsy and parasite data on Great lakes wolves.  3 pp. plus 2 single-page data tables.


Thomas, Nancy.  2000.  Letter from Thomas, Endangered Species Disease Specialist, USGS National Wildlife Health Center, Madison, WI, to T.J. Miller, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/09/00.  Peer reviewer comments on Gray Wolf Reclassification and Delisting Proposal of 07/13/00.  2 pp.


Thomas, Nancy.  2006.  Letter from Thomas, Endangered Species Disease Specialist, USGS National Wildlife Health Center, Madison, WI, to WGL Wolf Delisting Comment Analysis Team, dated 06/16/06.  Peer Reviewer comments on Proposed Rule to Delist Western Great Lakes Population of Gray Wolves.  3 pp. plus 80-page attachment [Gogan et al. 2004, listed separately above]).


Trick, Joel.  2006.  E-mail from Trick, USFWS Green Bay, WI, ES Field Office, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 01/27/06.  Subject:  wolves on federal lands in WI.  5 pp.


West, Barbara.  2004.  Letter from West, Superintendent, Voyageurs National Park, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 03/24/04.  Regarding future of wolves in Voyageurs National Park.  3 pp.


White, Peter.  2003.  Letter from White, Chairman, Leech Lake Tribal Council, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 8/08/03.  Regarding status of wolves on Leech Lake Reservation.  3 pp.


Wiedenhoeft, J.  2006.  Wildlife Biologist, WI DNR, Bureau of Endangered Resources. Unpublished data.  Percentage of known mortality for radio-tagged wolves dying in Wisconsin 1979-2006.  Wisconsin DNR.  1 p.
Williamson, Alan.  2005.  E-mail from Williamson, Forest Ecologist, Chippewa National Forest, to Phil Delphey, USFWS Twin Cities, MN, ES Field Office, dated 11/17/05.  Subject:  Wolf Data Request.  2 pp.


Wydeven, Adrian.  1998.  E-mail from Wydeven, WI DNR Mammalian Ecologist, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 09/28/98.  Subject:  Wolf disease/parasite treatments.  1 p.


Wydeven, Adrian.  2005.  E-mail from Wydeven, WI DNR Mammalian Ecologist, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 11/07/05.  Subject:  Wolves on Indian Reservations.  2 pp. with 2 attachments [irrelevant to subject]: 

Wolf Science Committee Minutes 9-21-05.doc



Wydeven, Adrian.  2006a.  E-mail from Wydeven, WI DNR Mammalian Ecologist, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 01/25/06.  Subject:  Menominee Tribe wolf support.  2 pp.


Wydeven, Adrian.  2006b.  E-mail from Wydeven, WI DNR Mammalian Ecologist, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 08/09/06.  Subject:  Potential for "MN-style" wolf monitoring in WI and MI.  2 pp. with 14-page attachment [Wiedenhoeft 2005, listed separately above]. 


Wydeven, Adrian.  2006c.  E-mail from Wydeven, WI DNR Mammalian Ecologist, to Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, dated 10/13/06.  Subject:  wolf mortalities spreadsheet.  Attachments:  2006 Wolf Mortalities -Excel Spreadsheet showing wolves through WI-2006-56; Graph of mortalities by Wiedenhoeft [listed separately, above]. 


Wydeven, Adrian.  2006.  Phone conversation between Wydeven, WI DNR Mammalian Ecologist, and Ron Refsnider, USFWS Regional Office, Ft. Snelling, MN, on 10/24/06, regarding WI wolf management after federal delisting.


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Last updated: April 21, 2009