Gray Wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains
Mountain-Prairie Region
Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery 2003 Annual Report

Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery 2003 Annual Report - (tables, maps and charts separate), 417 KB PDF file


Table 1A: Northwest Montana Wolf Recovery Area: Wolf Packs and Population Data 2003 (143 KB PDF file)

Table 1B: Montana Outside of NWMT Recovery Area (and state totals): Wolf Packs and Population Data 2003

Table 2: Wyoming Wolf Packs and Population Data 2003, and totals for Greater Yellowstone Recovery Area (20 KB PDF file)

Table 3: Idaho Wolf Packs and Population Data 2003, and Totals for Central Idaho Experimental Population Areas (20 KB PDF file)

Table 4A: Northern Rocky Mountain States Minimum Fall Wolf Population and Breeding Pairs, by Recovery Area  1979-2003  (90 KB PDF file)

Table 4B: Northern Rocky Mountains Minimum Fall Wolf Population and Breeding Pairs by State, 1979-2003 (90 KB PDF file)

Table 5A: Northern Rocky Mountain States: Confirmed Wolf Depredation and Wolf Management, 1987-2003 by Recovery Area (131 KB PDF file)

Table 5B: Northern Rocky Mountain States: Confirmed Wolf Depredation and Wolf Management, 1987-2003 By State (49 KB PDF file)

Figure 5: Wolf Population Trends , Northern Rocky Mountain States, 1979-2003

MAPS (use the Adobe zoom feature to get a closer look at the maps)

Figure 1: Central Idaho, Northwest Montana, and Greater Yellowstone Wolf Recovery Areas (474 KB PDF file)

Figure 2: NW Montana Wolf Recovery Area (186 KB PDF file)

Figure 3: Greater Yellowstone Wolf Recovery Area (250 KB PDF file)

Figure 4: Central Idaho Wolf Recovery Area (120 KB PDF file)

Last updated: September 2, 2008