USDA Forest Service

Siuslaw National Forest

Advisory Committees
Nature & Science

Siuslaw National Forest
4077 S.W. Research Way
P.O. Box 1148
Corvallis, Oregon 97339

(541) 750-7000
Fax: (541) 750-7234

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United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service

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Salmon River Estuary ~ Closure Order

Home : Projects & Plans : Ecosystem Restoration : Restoration Projects : Salmon River Estuary : Closure Order for Tamara Quays and Pixieland Restoration Areas

PDF version of signed Forest Order (97 kb)

ORDER 12-2008-01-08

(Special Closure)


Pursuant to 36 CFR 261.5 (a) and (b), the following acts are prohibited on the area described in this order within the Siuslaw National Forest, Hebo Ranger District beginning August 1, 2008 and remaining in effect through July 31, 2010.

  1. It is prohibited to go into or be upon any area which is closed for the protection of: Public Health and Safety.
    § 36 CFR 261.53(e)

Pursuant to 36 CFR 261.50 (e), the following are exempt from this order:

  1. Any person with a permit specifically authorizing the otherwise prohibited act of omission.

  2. Owners or lessees of land in the area.

  3. Any Federal, State, or local officer, or member of an organized rescue or fire fighting force in the performance of an official duty.

  4. Any other person meeting exemption requirements specified in the order.

DESCRIPTION OF AREA: The lands, roads, and trails consisting of approximately 200 acres within the Tamara Quays restoration area, accessed from U.S. Highway 101 and Frazier Road, and the Pixieland restoration area, accessed by U.S. Highway 101 and State Highway 18. The Tamara Quays and Pixieland restoration sites in the Salmon River Estruary are located within the boundaries of the Siuslaw National Forest, on the Hebo Ranger District, within Lincoln County, Oregon. (See attached Exhibit A)

Done at Corvallis, Oregon at 12:15 pm on this 30th day of July, 2008.

/s/ Michael A. Harvey for
Forest Supervisor
Siuslaw National Forest

Violations of these prohibitions are punishable by a fine of not more than $5000.00 for an individual or $10,000 for a corporation or imprisonment for not more than 6 months or both. Title 16 USC Section 551.

ORDER 12-2008-01-08

16 U.S.C. §551, 18 U.S.C.3559, & §3571


USDA Forest Service, Siuslaw National Forest
Last modified Wednesday, August 06 2008

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