USDA Forest Service

Siuslaw National Forest

Advisory Committees
Nature & Science

Siuslaw National Forest
4077 S.W. Research Way
P.O. Box 1148
Corvallis, Oregon 97339

(541) 750-7000
Fax: (541) 750-7234

TTY for hearing & speech impaired:
(Oregon Relay)

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service

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Stewardship Projects

Home : Projects & Plans : Stewardship Contracting Projects

What is Stewardship Contracting?

Stewardship contracting has been used in the Forest Service on a limited basis for a number of years, but most often as it pertains to the harvesting of special forest products. A new approach for the use of Stewardship Contracting has been established by Congress to provide land managers another tool in order to better manage our natural resources. MORE

Stewardship Groups on the Siuslaw National Forest

Stewardship groups are collections of individuals and organizations from the local area working with the Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management to promote forest restoration that meets the needs of the local community.

bullet Siuslaw Basin Stewardship Group

The Siuslaw Stewardship Group meets regularly to guide this program. Two documents are available that describe the program, including goals and accomplishments. Copies of these documents are available by contacting the Siuslaw National Forest.
You can find out more about the Siuslaw Stewardship group from their website ( link goes offsite

  • Meetings

    • May 7, 2009 1-3 pm Siuslaw Watershed Council Office - Mapleton

    • June 4, 2009 1-3 pm Siuslaw Watershed Council Office - Mapleton

    • July 2, 2009 1-3 pm Siuslaw Watershed Council Office - Mapleton

  • Meeting Notes

  • Voices from the Siuslaw (Spring 2005)
    Siuslaw Stewardship Group

  • Innovation and Partnerships (Spring 2004)
    Siuslaw Stewardship Pilot

bullet Alsea Stewardship Group

  • Meetings

    • April 20, 2009 6-8:30 pm Alsea Community Library

    • May 18, 2009 6-8 pm Waladport Forest Service Office

    • June 15, 2009 6-8 pm Fall Creek Hatchery Research Center

  • Meeting Notes:


bullet Marys Peak Stewardship Group


  • April 16, 2009

Meeting Notes

Supporting Documents

USDA Forest Service, Siuslaw National Forest
Last modified Monday, May 04 2009

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