[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 50, Volume 7]
[Revised as of January 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 50CFR253.22]

[Page 640-641]
                    TITLE 50--WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES
                 Subpart C_Interjurisdictional Fisheries
Sec. 253.22  State projects.

    (a) General--(1) Designation of state agency. The Governor of each 
state shall notify the Secretary of which agency of the state government 
is authorized under its laws to regulate commercial fisheries and is, 
therefore, designated receive financial assistance awards. An official 
of such agency shall certify which official(s) is authorized in 
accordance with state law to commit the state to participation under the 
Act, to sign project documents, and to receive payments.
    (2) States that choose to submit proposals in any fiscal year must 
so notify

[[Page 641]]

the NMFS Regional Director before the end of the third quarter of that 
fiscal year.
    (3) Any state may, through its state agency, submit to the NMFS 
Regional Director a completed NOAA Grants and Cooperative Agreement 
Application Package with its proposal for a project, which may be 
multiyear. Proposals must describe the full scope of work, 
specifications, and cost estimates for such project.
    (4) States may submit a proposal for a project through, and request 
payment to be made to, an Interstate Fisheries Commission. Any payment 
so made shall be charged against the apportionment of the appropriate 
state(s). Submitting a project through one of the Commissions does not 
remove the matching funds requirement for any state, as provided in 
paragraph (c) of this section.
    (b) Evaluation of projects. The Secretary, before approving any 
proposal for a project, will evaluate the proposal as to its 
applicability, in accordance with 16 U.S.C. 4104(a)(2).
    (c) State matching requirements. The Federal share of the costs of 
any project conducted under this subpart, including a project submitted 
through an Interstate Commission, cannot exceed 75 percent of the total 
estimated cost of the project, unless:
    (1) The state has adopted an interstate fishery management plan for 
the fishery resource to which the project applies; or
    (2) The state has adopted fishery regulations that the Secretary has 
determined are consistent with any Federal fishery management plan for 
the species to which the project applies, in which case the Federal 
share cannot exceed 90 percent of the total estimated cost of the 
    (d) Financial assistance award. If the Secretary approves or 
disapproves a proposal for a project, he or she will promptly give 
written notification, including, if disapproved, a detailed explanation 
of the reason(s) for the disapproval.
    (e) Restrictions. (1) The total cost of all items included for 
engineering, planning, inspection, and unforeseen contingencies in 
connection with any works to be constructed as part of such a proposed 
project shall not exceed 10 percent of the total cost of such works, and 
shall be paid by the state as a part of its contribution to the total 
cost of the project.
    (2) The expenditure of funds under this subpart may be applied only 
to projects for which a proposal has been evaluated under paragraph (b) 
of this section and approved by the Secretary, except that up to $25,000 
each fiscal year may be awarded to a state out of the state's regular 
apportionment to carry out an ``enforcement agreement.'' An enforcement 
agreement does not require state matching funds.
    (f) Prosecution of work. All work must be performed in accordance 
with applicable state laws or regulations, except when such laws or 
regulations are in conflict with Federal laws or regulations such that 
the Federal law or regulation prevails.