GSA Logo Technologies Technologies provides direct support for development and management of applications, features and services of the portal and ensures that contracts that support web operations are maintained.  Operations are focused around the following primary elements:

Support for Portal – Continuing operations and support for the portal including hosting web pages and developing and managing applications. The Division also manages a search affiliate program under which other government websites can share in the functionality of USASearch.

Support for Search Program – Continuing operations and support for the search services including managing indices, providing search results, contract management and expanding “searchable” content and content types (video, etc.).

Providing Security Services for Programs – Continuing operations and support for the security services including investigation, analysis, and documentation in support of certification and accreditation activities; day-to-day security oversight; and continuous updates to the infrastructure to respond to emerging threats.

Contracting – Facilitating electronic government by managing multi-agency contracts that allow other participating E-Gov and citizen-facing initiatives to acquire and utilize hosting, search, and other professional services similar to those used for the infrastructure.

Leadership – Developing applications, features and services for and sharing best practices with other e-government initiatives.”