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Research, Development, and Technology - FY 2002/2003 Performance Plan

Introduction | Vision and Mission | RD&T Catalog of Products | RD&T Catalog of Services | Challenges & Commitments | Action Agenda 2002/2003 | Goals & Strategies | 2000/2001 Products Delivered | Framework Chart | Performance Measurements | RD&T Organizational Chart | Performance Management Framework


One of the conclusions of NCHRP Synthesis 300, "Performance Measures for Research, Development and Technology Programs," was that "different types of evaluation methods are appropriate for different types of research projects."  This holds true across organizational functions, as well.  The RD&T Performance Management Framework chart identifies existing performance measures and assessment mechanisms that are utilized by unit managers and integrates them across management functions using the agency's Baldrige based Corporate Management Strategies.  This concept has been well received within the performance measurement community.  The RD&T Leadership Council utilizes this framework as a tool to assess unit performance measurement activities and to identify gaps in measurement.



Related RD&T Performance Measures



Leadership focuses on how senior leaders guide the organization.  It describes how leaders set directions and high performance expectations, project a strong customer focus, and communicate clear and visible values to employees.

  • LEI results
  • Action items completed
  • Performance Plan items fulfilled
  • Self Assessment score

360 Degree Feedback
Action Agenda
Performance Plans
Quality Self Assessments

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning examines how the organization sets strategic goals and develops key action plans.

  • Action items completed
  • Self Assessment score
  • Progress made on goals established from lab assessment (TBD)

Performance Plans & Action Agenda
Quality Self Assessment
Lab Assessments

Customer/ Partner Focus

Customer Focus examines how the organization determines requirements and expectations of customers and markets.

  • % satisfaction with RD&T products & services
  • # of technology facilitation plans in place
  • Self Assessment score
  • Lab Assessment results (TBD)
  • RD&T Customer Survey results (TBD)

Quality Self Assessments
Lab Assessments
Customer Surveys

Information and Analysis

Information and Analysis examines the management, effective use, and analysis of data and information to support key organization processes, to include the organization's performance management system.

  • Performance management framework results
  • Level & content of response on feedback mechanisms used Self Assessment score
  • Lab Assessment results (TBD)

Performance management framework
Quality Self Assessments
Lab Assessments

Human Resource Development

Human Resource Development and Management examines how the organization enables its workforce to develop its full potential and how the workforce is aligned with the organization's objectives

  • Self Assessment score
  • % employee satisfaction survey rating
  • % payroll spent on training and development
  • # IDPs in place/in LADs
  • # priority 1 training needs met
  • # courses/developmental opportunities offered
  • # vacancies filled
  • #days positions are vacant
  • # student interns (#GRF, STIPDG, etc.)
  • # Outreach activities

Quality Self Assessments
Employee Satisfaction Survey


Process Management

Process Management examines aspects of how key production/delivery and support processes are designed, managed and improved.

  • # of process improvements documented
  • Lab Assessment (TBD)
  • # of contracts on time and on budget
  • SBIR (TBD)

Quality Self Assessments
Lab Assessments
Project Tracking System

Business Results

Business Results examines the organization's performance and improvement in its key business areas: customer satisfaction, financial and marketplace performance, human resources, supplier and partner performance, and operational performance.  The category also examines how the organization performs relative to competitors.

  • # success stories
  • # of technology and innovation accomplishments reported
  • Research benefit (TBD)
  • Lab Assessment (TBD)

RD&T Success Stories
Products and Services Tracking Rollup
Pilot/Case Studies
Lab Assessments

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