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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Term Auction Facility Schedule: Second Quarter, 2009

TAF Auctions and Maturities in 2009:Q2

Auction Date Term (Days) Amount Settlement Date Maturity Date
March 23 84 $150 Billion March 26 June 18
April 6 28 $150 Billion April 9 May 7
April 20 84 $150 Billion April 23 July 16
May 4 28 $150 Billion May 7 June 4
May 18 84 $150 Billion May 21 August 13
June 1 28 * June 4 July 2
June 15 84 * June 18 September 10
June 29 28 * July 2 July 30

*To be determined. Return to table

Last update: April 21, 2009