Legal developments

Pending Cases Involving the Board of Governors

This list of pending cases does not include suits against the Federal Reserve Banks in which the Board of Governors is not named a party.

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington v. Board of Governors, No. 09-CV-00633 (D.D.C., filed April 6, 2009). Freedom of Information Act case.

New York Times Company v. Board of Governors, No. 09-CIV-2645 (S.D.N.Y., filed March 23, 2009). Freedom of Information Act case.

Freedom Watch, Inc. v. Board of Governors, No. 09-CV-00331 (D.D.C., filed February 19, 2009). Freedom of Information Act case.

Barlow v. United States, No. 09-CV-00177 (D.D.C., filed February 25, 2009). Action for writ of mandamus regarding a student loan.

Fox News Network v. Board of Governors, No. 09-CV-00272 (S.D.N.Y., filed January 13, 2009). Freedom of Information Act case.

Murray v. Board of Governors, No. 08-CV-15147 (E.D. Mich., filed December 15, 2008). Challenge to the constitutionality of federal expenditures relating to American International Group (AIG).

Bumgarner v. Paulson, Bernanke, et al., No. 08-CV-5245 (D. N.J., amended complaint filed November 21, 2008). Challenge to the implementation of the Economic Emergency Stabilization Act of 2008.

Bloomberg, L.P. v. Board of Governors, No. 08-CV-9595 (S.D.N.Y., filed November 7, 2008). Freedom of Information Act case.

Schulz v. United States Federal Reserve System, No. 1:08-CV-991 (N.D.N.Y., filed September 18, 2008). Action relating to the Federal Reserve's loan to American International Group. On September 25, 2008, the district court denied plaintiff's request for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction. On September 30, 2008, the plaintiff filed a notice of appeal to the Second Circuit. On February 24, 2009, the district court dismissed the action.

Jones v. Greenspan, No. 08-5092 (D.C. Cir., filed April 21, 2008). Appeal of district court orders in an employment discrimination case granting the Board's motions for summary judgment and dismissal of the plaintiff's claims. On March 6, 2009, the court of appeals affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded a portion of the case to the district court.

Chandler v. Bernanke, No. 06-2082 (D.D.C., filed December 6, 2006). Employment discrimination action.

Artis v. Greenspan, No. 01-CV-0400 (EGS) (D.D.C., complaint filed February 22, 2001). Employment discrimination action. On August 15, 2001, the district court consolidated the action with Artis v. Greenspan, No. 99-CV-2073 (EGS) (D.D.C., filed August 3, 1999), also an employment discrimination action. On January 31, 2007, the district court granted the Board's motion to dismiss the action. On February 14, 2007, the plaintiffs filed a motion to alter and amend judgment. On March 2, 2009, the district court denied the motion and entered judgment for the Board. On April 9, 2009, the plaintiffs filed a notice of appeal.