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CGA Mission

The mission of the CGA is to promote the safe manufacture, transportation, storage, transfilling, and disposal of industrial and medical gases and their containers.


The scope of CGA activities shall include the manufacture, transportation, storage, transfilling, and disposal of gases (liquefied, non-liquefied, dissolved, and cryogenic); and the containers and valves which hold the compressed gases. The scope shall also include related apparatus if such apparatus is necessary for the safe dispensing or delivery of the gases in a commercial, industrial, research, or medical application. Additionally, the scope will cover providing safety information or warnings about the chemical or physical properties of gases and their containers, but will not cover the specifics of the application or use of such gases.

Industrial and medical gases are defined as liquefied, non-liquefied, dissolved, or cryogenic gases.


CGA will seek to achieve this mission and scope by:

(a)  Developing, publishing, and globalizing the technical information as standards and practices for the safe, environmentally responsible, and efficient practices in the manufacture, transportation, storage, transfilling, and disposal of industrial and medical gases and their containers.

(b)  Providing safety information or warnings about the chemical or physical properties of gases and their containers.

(c)  Coordinating proactively with other organizations to advance the interest of the industry and harmonize standards with other requirements, globally and laterally, where appropriate.

(d)  Proving technical and advocacy leadership to maintain a government recognized standard-setting role.

(e)  Providing training and/or training materials to educate industry participants per Article II, Section 2.

(f)   To help protect people, property, products, processes, information, and information systems by enhancing security in the industrial and medical gas industry.

The industry is defined as international, national, and regional industrial and medical gas companies, distributors, transporters, and manufacturers of related equipment.








Compressed Gas Association, 4221 Walney Road, 5th Floor, Chantilly VA 20151-2923
Phone: 703-788-2700 - Fax: 703-961-1831 - Email: - Privacy Statement