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CGA Safety Awards

Fleet Safety Excellence Awards

Sponsored by Praxair, Inc., the awards were created in 1988 to recognize outstanding safety performance among the industry’s bulk and cylinder truck delivery fleets. The award is based on a CGA member company’s total Vehicle Accident Frequency Rate. There are four categories for this award, two each for Bulk Vehicle Fleets and Cylinder Vehicle Fleets.

Leonard Parker Pool Safety Awards

Sponsored by Air Products and Chemicals, Inc., the awards are in memory of Leonard Parker Pool, the founder, and former chief executive of Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. The awards are presented annually to participating CGA member companies that have recorded the greatest improvement in safety performance during the previous two years, and is based upon the total recordable case incidence rates as defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. There are three divisions of the award based on employee exposure hours.

Charles H. Glasier Safety Award

Sponsored by Air Liquide America Corporation, the award is in memory of Charles H. Glasier, a leader in the industry, a strong supporter of safety, a former CGA chairman (1980), and an active participant in the CGA for more than 40 years. The award is presented annually to an individual in recognition of their safety leadership in the industrial gas industry.

Environmental Recognition Program

Sponsored by Linde Gas North America LLC, the program was established to recognize CGA Members for Environmental Excellence. A recognition award will be presented annually to any facility, team, or individual in the compressed gas industry who has demonstrated environmental excellence through environmental accomplishments. The program also enables CGA to identify and share good environmental practices as well as promote environmental awareness and improvements within companies and the industry.

CGA Canada Recognition Award

The Morris Gold award, established in 2001, is presented periodically to an individual within the compressed gas industry to recognize outstanding leadership and participation in CGA Canada.








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