[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 24, Volume 1]
[Revised as of April 1, 2004]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 24CFR58.37]

[Page 418]
    Subpart D_Environmental Review Process: Documentation, Range of 
           Activities, Project Aggregation and Classification
Sec. 58.37  Environmental impact statement determinations.

    (a) An EIS is required when the project is determined to have a 
potentially significant impact on the human environment.
    (b) An EIS is required under any of the following circumstances, 
except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section:
    (1) The project would provide a site or sites for, or result in the 
construction of, hospitals or nursing homes containing a total of 2,500 
or more beds.
    (2) The project would remove, demolish, convert or substantially 
rehabilitate 2,500 or more existing housing units (but not including 
rehabilitation projects categorically excluded under Sec. 58.35), or 
would result in the construction or installation of 2,500 or more 
housing units, or would provide sites for 2,500 or more housing units.
    (3) The project would provide enough additional water and sewer 
capacity to support 2,500 or more additional housing units. The project 
does not have to be specifically intended for residential use nor does 
it have to be totally new construction. If the project is designed to 
provide upgraded service to existing development as well as to serve new 
development, only that portion of the increased capacity which is 
intended to serve new development should be counted.
    (c) If, on the basis of an EA, a responsible entity determines that 
the thresholds in paragraph (b) of this section are the sole reason for 
the EIS, the responsible entity may prepare a FONSI pursuant to 40 CFR 
1501.4. In such cases, the FONSI must be made available for public 
review for at least 30 days before the responsible entity makes the 
final determination whether to prepare an EIS.
    (d) Notwithstanding paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section, an 
EIS is not required where Sec. 58.53 is applicable.
    (e) Recommended EIS Format. The responsible entity must use the EIS 
format recommended by the CEQ regulations (40 CFR 1502.10) unless a 
determination is made on a particular project that there is a compelling 
reason to do otherwise. In such a case, the EIS format must meet the 
minimum requirements prescribed in 40 CFR 1502.10.