Report a Change in Your Name, Nationality or Citizenship, Gender, or Date of Birth

Name Change
To obtain a new airman certificate that reflects a legal name change, you must appear at an FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) for positive identification. You must present to an FAA Inspector either a:

Nationality/Citizenship Change
To obtain a new airman certificate that reflects a nationality or citizenship change, you must appear at an FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) for positive identification. You must present to an FAA Inspector a naturalization document or other legal document that verifies the nationality or citizenship change.

Gender Change
To obtain a new airman certificate that reflects a gender change, you must appear at an FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) for positive identification. You must present one or both of the following documents to an FAA Inspector:

Date Of Birth change
To obtain a new airman certificate that reflects a date of birth change, you must appear at an FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) for positive identification. You must present to an FAA Inspector a copy of your birth certificate or other legal document that verifies the date of birth change.

Flight Attendant Information
If you are an airman who holds only a Flight Attendant Certificate you don't have to visit a Flight Standards District Office to change the above information. You may send copies of legal documentation such as court orders, marriage licenses, passports, and birth certificates directly to the Airmen Certification Branch for changes in your Flight Attendant Certificate.

Schedule An Appointment
If you would like to schedule an appointment or want more information on your updated certificate please call an FAA Inspector. You can use our FSDO Locator to contact your nearest Flight Standards District Office.