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Communications with Registered Lobbyists About Recovery Act Funds

On March 20, 2009, President Obama issued a Memorandum for Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies entitled, "Ensuring Responsible Spending of Recovery Act Funds."  Section 3 of this Memorandum mandates interim specific protocols for oral communications between agency officials and current federally registered lobbyists on Recovery Act matters. 

The purpose of the President's Memorandum is to promote transparency in communications with federally registered lobbyists and facilitate federal agencies' merit-based decision-making in awarding Recovery Act funds.   
In compliance with the President’s Memorandum, all written communications from federally registered lobbyists in support of specific projects, applications, or applicants for funding under the Recovery Act and "Registered Lobbyist Contact Disclosure Forms," which document oral communications with lobbyists about general Recovery Act policy issues, will be posted to GSA’s Recovery website. 

GSA employees will find the "Registered Lobbyist Contact Disclosure Form" and additional information about how to comply with the President’s Memorandum on the employee website.