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Results 1-23 of 23 for your search:
Cancer Type:  Extragonadal germ cell tumor
Stage/Subtype of Cancer:  adult CNS germ cell tumor
Country:  U.S.A.
Trial Type:  Treatment
Trial Status:  Active
Start Over
Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: MSKCC-06077, NCT00423852

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 1 to 120
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: R01 CA 89395-01, Topotecan, Brain Tumors, Intracerebral Clysis, NCT00452959

Phase: Phase II, Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: Not specified
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 2005-0445, NCT00492817

Phase: Phase II
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: BC-BT-9, NCT00003457

Phase: Phase II
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: BC-BT-21, NCT00003475

Phase: Phase II
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 0609-11, IUCRO-0166, AVF4003s, NCT00393861

Phase: Phase II
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: MSKCC-07044, 07-044, NCT00470366

Phase: Phase II
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Pharmaceutical / Industry
Protocol IDs: GLIA-001, NCT00525590

Phase: Phase II
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: Over 18
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 00000379, NCT00612430

Phase: Phase II
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 16 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: FHCRC-07156, 07156, CHNMC-07156, NCT00627601

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 3 to 70
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: MCW-7594, MCW-CHW-511, MCW-CHW-9411, NCI-V95-0652, NCT00002647

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 months and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: OHSU-1299, OHSU-ONC-98018-L, OHSU-4834, NCT00253721

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 1 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: CPMC-AAAA-4229, CPMC-14220, NCT00324844

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 05C.255, NCT00329589

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 06C.549, NCT00437372

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 45 and under
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 2004-0079, NCT00502892

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: Any age
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 2007-0370, NCT00513162

Phase: Phase I
Type: Biomarker/Laboratory analysis, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: CHNMC-04032, 04032, NCT00544284

Phase: Phase I
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 18 and over
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 07C.381, NCT00639262

Phase: No phase specified
Type: Biomarker/Laboratory analysis, Natural history/Epidemiology, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: All ages
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: URCC 11095, NCT00178295

Phase: No phase specified
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 10 to 69
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: UMN-2006LS032, UMN-MT2005-21, UMN-0608M90586, NCT00432094

Phase: No phase specified
Type: Biomarker/Laboratory analysis, Treatment
Status: Active
Age: 6 months to 40
Sponsor: NCI
Protocol IDs: CHNMC-03112, 03112, NCT00638898

Phase: No phase specified
Type: Treatment
Status: Active
Age: Not specified
Sponsor: Other
Protocol IDs: 2007-0610, NCT00720837
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A Service of the National Cancer Institute
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