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Status of NDFD Elements as of
April 30, 2009

Access Data







Background Information

The National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) was designed to provide access to weather forecasts in digital form from a central location. Over half of the people now use the Internet to access government information. Anyone with a computer and access to the Internet can download information from the NDFD to suit his or her needs. No longer do you have to wait for the timed broadcast of weather information, but can always get the specific information needed according to your schedule. The NDFD will provide what you want, when you need it, including access to official NWS forecasts produced by forecasters at local weather offices local weather offices and national centers . Previously, such digital forecasts were not available.

NDFD compliments the other services provided by local, regional, and national NWS offices. We utilize modern information technologies to satisfy dissemination and formatting needs of the consumers and our partners. Teaming the NDFD with GIS ( geographic information systems ) provides even more powerful capabilities.

β€œThe NDFD suite of data is growing nicely. It's certainly a very rich data set.” says Bob Bunge, Director, NWS Internet Services.

Additional reading material:

  1. β€œ The New Digital Forecast Database of the National Weather Service” by Harry R. Glahn and David P. Ruth (published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society , February 2003), pdf

    Abstract: This document describes the vision and development of a new database that capitalizes on the revolutionary way NWS forecasters work together to make their high-resolution, up-to-date forecasts available to the nation. It includes a description of the new forecast tools and processes used to create NDFD along with additional descriptions of the database content and availability.

  2. NWS Digital Services: Operations Concept, by Glenn S. Austin, June 2004, pdf

Abstract: The Operations Concept for the NWS Digital Services describes the transition the NWS is making as we implement the NDFD and presents our strategies for the provision of digital services to meet the evolving needs of our customers and partners. This document contains an operations philosophy and describes benefits gained from Digital Services and a roadmap for achieving success.

` May 8, 2007