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Teen Drivers - Youth Access To Alcohol
Teen Driver Safety Planner

A Comprehensive Approach to Teen Driver Safety
NHTSA has developed a three-tiered strategy to prevent motor-vehicle-related deaths and injuries for teens: increasing seat belt use, implementing graduated driver licensing, and reducing teens' access to alcohol.

youth Access to Alcohol Youth Access to Alcohol
Teens are at far greater risk of death in an alcohol-related crash than the overall population, despite the fact they cannot legally purchase or publicly possess alcohol in any State.

High-visibility enforcement of underage purchase, possession, and provision laws can create a significant deterrent for violation of youth access laws, reduce underage drinking, and decrease alcohol-related crashes. Additionally, parental responsibility is key to educating and protecting our teens. A new emphasis for the 2008 campaign reminds parents to obey the law and help keep their teens safe.

This section contains marketing materials and sample earned media tools that were used in youth access to alcohol demonstration projects. Please select, tailor, and distribute this material in a way that best fits your needs.

Earned Media Materials

Creative Materials
NHTSA’s bold advertising messages are not intended to speak to responsible, law-abiding parents who are already doing the right thing. NHTSA’s messages are targeted to those parents who, for some reason, think it is okay to host parties where underage drinking occurs or to supply alcohol to their teenagers and their teenagers’ friends.

Posters: Click on the image of interest for a low-resolution online preview. Please note that the high-resolution press-ready files are for printing use and not suitable for online viewing; to access them, right-click and "SAVE TARGET AS".

Bad Parent Poster
JPG Press Ready
PDF Press Ready

Party Flyer Poster
JPG Press Ready
PDF Press Ready

Radio Script
Grow up, Parents (26-sec)
(text script)

Earned Media Materials
Creative Materials
TV/Radio Spots

GDL System
Questions & Answers

Earned Media Materials
Creative Materials
TV/Radio Spots

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Teen Safety Statistics
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National Youth Traffic Safety Project Toolkit

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