Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Omnibus Survey
Household Survey Results
Marginal Frequency Distributions
December 2000

Questionnaire Item Count Percentage (Standard Error)
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?
a. Public Transportation, for example local public bus, subway, or commuter rail
          Yes28,133,37914 (3.09)
          No172,380,33486 (3.09)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
A1a. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?
a. Public Transportation, for example local public bus, subway, or commuter rail
          1-210,701,78138 (3.47)
          3-55,723,43120 (5.27)
          6-102,082,4507 (1.54)
          More than 10 Days9,625,71734 (5.69)
          Subtotal Valid Responses28,133,379100
          Appropriate Skip172,380,334 
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?
b. Driving alone in a private vehicle, such as a car, sport utility vehicle, pickup truck, van, or motorcycle
          Yes179,597,27090 (2.03)
          No20,916,44310 (2.03)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
A1a. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?
b. Driving alone in a private vehicle, such as a car, sport utility vehicle, pickup truck, van, or motorcycle
          1-23,904,5872 (0.41)
          3-58,709,3155 (0.67)
          6-1013,370,8927 (1.03)
          More than 10 Days153,612,47586 (1.42)
          Subtotal Valid Responses179,597,270100
          Appropriate Skip20,916,443
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?
c. Traveling in an organized carpool or vanpool
          Yes17,211,0439 (1.11)
          No183,302,67091 (1.11)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
A1a. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?
c. Traveling in an organized carpool or vanpool
          1-24,204,17424 (2.19)
          3-52,760,15716 (1.87)
          6-101,684,81710 (2.21)
          More than 10 Days8,561,89450 (3.59)
          Subtotal Valid Responses17,211,043100
          Appropriate Skip183,302,670 
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?
d. Traveling with others in a private vehicle
          Yes131,324,39266 (2.53)
          No68,810,59634 (2.53)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,134,989100
A1a. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?
d. Traveling with others in a private vehicle
          1-220,951,60716 (0.76)
          3-530,188,76623 (2.51)
          6-1025,823,50120 (2.34)
          More than 10 Days53,288,49841 (1.75)
          Subtotal Valid Responses130,252,371100
          Don't Know1,072,021 
          Appropriate Skip69,189,321 
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?
e. City to city bus, such as Greyhound or Charter
          Yes6,783,0793 (0.41)
          No193,730,63497 (0.41)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
A1a. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?
e. City to city bus, such as Greyhound or Charter
          1-25,497,17381 (2.54)
          3-5884,88613 (4.32)
          6-1076,9981 (0.99)
          More than 10 Days324,0225 (3.12)
          Subtotal Valid Responses6,783,079100
          Appropriate Skip193,730,634 
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?
f. City to city train, such as AMTRAK
          Yes7,203,1614 (1.15)
          No193,310,55296 (1.15)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
A1a. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?
f. City to city train, such as AMTRAK
          1-24,909,26868 (4.44)
          3-5840,53412 (2.73)
          6-1064,2361 (0.90)
          More than 10 Days1,389,12419 (4.06)
          Subtotal Valid Responses7,203,161100
          Appropriate Skip193,310,552 
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?
g. Taxi, limousine, or shuttle service
          Yes23,148,95112 (1.96)
          No177,364,76288 (1.96)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
A1a. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?
g. Taxi, limousine, or shuttle service
          1-212,111,31452 (3.80)
          3-56,345,25027 (1.94)
          6-103,344,54814 (2.57)
          More than 10 Days1,347,8396 (2.83)
          Subtotal Valid Responses23,148,951100
          Appropriate Skip177,364,762 
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?
h. Commercial airplane
          Yes26,580,09613 (1.51)
          No173,933,61787 (1.51)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
A1a. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?
h. Commercial airplane
          1-219,979,16375 (2.53)
          3-54,814,03718 (2.93)
          6-101,484,6146 (1.65)
          More than 10 Days302,2821 (0.51)
          Subtotal Valid Responses26,580,096100
          Appropriate Skip173,933,617 
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?
i. Private or charter airplane
          Yes3,109,8622 (0.15)
          No197,403,85198 (0.15)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
A1a. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?
i. Private or charter airplane
          1-22,389,23577 (9.87)
          3-5655,22621 (9.76)
          More than 10 Days65,4002 (1.92)
          Subtotal Valid Responses3,109,862100
          Appropriate Skip197,403,851 
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?
j. Commercial boat, ship, or ferry
          Yes2,368,8641 (0.17)
          No198,144,84999 (0.17)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
A1a. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?
j. Commercial boat, ship, or ferry
          1-21,878,99179 (4.29)
          3-5197,3488 (7.68)
          6-10158,8437 (3.21)
          More than 10 Days133,6826 (4.94)
          Subtotal Valid Responses2,368,864100
          Appropriate Skip198,144,849 
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?
k. Recreational boat
          Yes6,733,2773 (0.51)
          No193,780,43697 (0.51)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
A1a. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?
k. Recreational boat
          1-25,543,89282 (1.61)
          3-5468,2117 (2.33)
          6-10512,0288 (4.14)
          More than 10 Days209,1463 (2.77)
          Subtotal Valid Responses6,733,277100
          Appropriate Skip193,780,436 
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?
l. Bicycle
          Yes29,024,25214 (1.54)
          No171,489,46186 (1.54)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
A1a. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?
l. Bicycle
          1-211,297,80339 (3.28)
          3-58,257,78728 (2.73)
          6-102,773,79310 (1.93)
          More than 10 Days6,694,86923 (3.21)
          Subtotal Valid Responses29,024,252100
          Appropriate Skip171,489,461 
D1. How many licensed vehicles are available for regular use by members of your household?
          Zero7,984,9584 (1.01)
          One53,459,12527 (1.23)
          Two79,463,43540 (2.38)
          Three35,907,39918 (1.43)
          Four15,814,3198 (0.57)
          Five or More7,366,2074 (0.45)
          Subtotal Valid Responses199,995,443100
          Average (Arithmetic Mean)  2.1 (0.04)a
          Don't Know378,724 
A2. Have you been involved in any accidents during the past 3 months? (Please include your experience on all means of travel as either a driver or a passenger.)
          Yes6,958,0303 (0.66)
          No193,555,68397 (0.66)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
A2a. How many accidents have you been in during the past 3 months?
          One6,371,51692 (4.04)
          Two586,5158 (4.04)
          Subtotal Valid Responses6,958,030100
          Average (Arithmetic Mean)  1.1 (0.04)a
          Appropriate Skip193,555,683 
A2b. In how many of these accidents were you injured?
          Zero5,852,74284 (8.69)
          One1,105,28816 (8.69)
          Subtotal Valid Responses6,958,030100
          Average (Arithmetic Mean)  0.2 (0.09)a
          Appropriate Skip193,555,683 
A2c. In the most recent accident (in this accident), did you require medical treatment from a hospital, clinic, or physician?
          Yes431,24739 (17.30)
          No674,04161 (17.30)
          Subtotal Valid Responses1,105,288100
          Appropriate Skip199,408,425 
A2d. And what would you estimate as the total cost paid to the hospital, clinic, or physician for the treatment of your injuries?
          $0-$99917,8884 (4.27)
          $1,000-$1,99986,44020 (20.50)
          $2,000-$4,999261,51961 (29.20)
          $5,000-$9,99965,40015 (15.60)
          Subtotal Valid Responses431,247100
          Average (Arithmetic Mean)  $2,171.60 ($425.28)a
          Appropriate Skip200,082,466 
A2e. In your most recent accident (in this accident) was damage done to your personal vehicle?
          Yes5,328,02177 (11.50)
          No1,630,00923 (11.50)
          Subtotal Valid Responses6,958,030100
          Appropriate Skip193,555,683 
A2f. And what would you estimate as the total cost of repair to your personal vehicle?
          $0-$9991,295,30826 (15.20)
          $1,000-$1,9991,519,99230 (10.30)
          $2,000-$2,999685,53114 (7.01)
          $3,000-$3,999670,81313 (9.87)
          $5,000-$9,999827,06917 (6.98)
          Subtotal Valid Responses4,998,714100
          Average (Arithmetic Mean)  $2,312.10 ($340.32)a
          Don't Know329,308 
          Appropriate Skip195,185,692 
C15. Tell me whether you are not concerned, concerned, or feel neutral about the following risks to your personal safety. Consider all the types of transportation.
a. The risk of being in any kind of transportation accident. Include all types of transportation
          Not Concerned36,040,51418 (1.35)
          Neutral31,574,29116 (0.71)
          Concerned132,599,62766 (0.92)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,214,433100
          Don't Know299,280 
C15. Tell me whether you are not concerned, concerned, or feel neutral about the following risks to your personal safety. Consider all the types of transportation.
b. Safety risks associated with unskilled or impaired pilots, drivers, or other transportation operators.
          Not Concerned26,215,41113 (0.33)
          Neutral25,679,49313 (1.21)
          Concerned148,256,36174 (1.09)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,151,265100
          Don't Know362,448 
C15. Tell me whether you are not concerned, concerned, or feel neutral about the following risks to your personal safety. Consider all the types of transportation.
c. Safety risks due to mechanical equipment failure. Include all types of transportation.
          Not Concerned44,133,73322 (1.28)
          Neutral34,166,00717 (1.14)
          Concerned122,093,84661 (1.42)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,393,587100
          Don't Know120,126 
C15. Tell me whether you are not concerned, concerned, or feel neutral about the following risks to your personal safety. Consider all the types of transportation.
d. Safety risks due to the dangerous behavior of others (such as aggression, road rage, air rage, and drunk driving).
          Not Concerned14,958,9027 (0.64)
          Neutral12,460,8826 (0.43)
          Concerned173,093,92986 (0.62)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
C15. Tell me whether you are not concerned, concerned, or feel neutral about the following risks to your personal safety. Consider all the types of transportation.
e. Safety risks due to the poor condition of roads, runways, or rail lines.
          Not Concerned43,537,83222 (1.62)
          Neutral32,600,73116 (1.21)
          Concerned124,228,99962 (2.74)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,367,562100
          Don't Know146,151 
C15. Tell me whether you are not concerned, concerned, or feel neutral about the following risks to your personal safety. Consider all the types of transportation.
f. Safety risks from hazardous chemicals released in a transportation accident.
          Not Concerned59,228,29230 (1.42)
          Neutral34,842,71117 (1.73)
          Concerned105,660,31953 (2.35)
          Subtotal Valid Responses199,731,322100
          Don't Know782,391 
C15. Tell me whether you are not concerned, concerned, or feel neutral about the following risks to your personal safety. Consider all the types of transportation.
g. Safety risks from large fuel or natural gas pipelines in your community.
          Not Concerned79,896,05840 (1.83)
          Neutral33,942,43717 (0.78)
          Concerned85,176,90843 (2.29)
          Subtotal Valid Responses199,015,403100
          Don't Know1,498,310 
C16. I just asked about your concern with various transportation issues. Now, please tell me whether you are dissatisfied, satisfied, or feel neutral about what the Federal government is doing to address the following transportation safety issues:
a. Establishing effective passenger vehicle safety standards
          Dissatisfied39,251,89720 (1.69)
          Neutral58,697,66130 (1.60)
          Satisfied97,524,15750 (1.54)
          Subtotal Valid Responses195,473,715100
          Don't Know4,737,244 
C16. I just asked about your concern with various transportation issues. Now, please tell me whether you are dissatisfied, satisfied, or feel neutral about what the Federal government is doing to address the following transportation safety issues:
b. Establishing effective safety standards for large trucks
          Dissatisfied67,738,92335 (0.47)
          Neutral53,180,66727 (1.81)
          Satisfied72,878,18238 (1.80)
          Subtotal Valid Responses193,797,772100
          Don't Know6,638,969 
C16. I just asked about your concern with various transportation issues. Now, please tell me whether you are dissatisfied, satisfied, or feel neutral about what the Federal government is doing to address the following transportation safety issues:
c. Ensuring the safe take-off and landing of aircraft through the air traffic control system
          Dissatisfied52,598,03027 (0.54)
          Neutral58,225,85930 (1.62)
          Satisfied83,628,00643 (1.83)
          Subtotal Valid Responses194,451,895100
          Don't Know5,984,395 
C16. I just asked about your concern with various transportation issues. Now, please tell me whether you are dissatisfied, satisfied, or feel neutral about what the Federal government is doing to address the following transportation safety issues:
d. Assuring the safety of large fuel and natural gas pipelines in your community
          Dissatisfied28,590,28015 (1.34)
          Neutral77,594,67740 (2.79)
          Satisfied87,702,17445 (1.92)
          Subtotal Valid Responses193,887,131100
          Don't Know6,322,066 
C16. I just asked about your concern with various transportation issues. Now, please tell me whether you are dissatisfied, satisfied, or feel neutral about what the Federal government is doing to address the following transportation safety issues:
e. Ensuring the safe transportation of hazardous chemicals
          Dissatisfied48,339,86525 (1.53)
          Neutral63,859,31033 (1.55)
          Satisfied80,519,94742 (2.59)
          Subtotal Valid Responses192,719,121100
          Don't Know7,662,146 
C2. Please rate you perception of the safety of the following means of travel. Rank each one on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicated you think it is Very Unsafe and 5 indicates you think it is Very Safe.
a. Driving or riding on the nation's highways
          Very Unsafe11,303,4886 (1.03)
          Somewhat Unsafe27,112,14514 (1.64)
          Neutral84,684,46842 (1.87)
          Somewhat Safe58,703,12129 (1.60)
          Very Safe18,710,4909 (0.92)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
C2. Please rate you perception of the safety of the following means of travel. Rank each one on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicated you think it is Very Unsafe and 5 indicates you think it is Very Safe.
b. Traveling on a city to city train
          Very Unsafe6,651,5244 (0.38)
          Somewhat Unsafe18,710,89110 (2.13)
          Neutral60,337,84934 (1.23)
          Somewhat Safe56,166,60831 (2.18)
          Very Safe37,370,80421 (1.62)
          Subtotal Valid Responses179,237,676100
          Don't Know20,651,689 
C2. Please rate you perception of the safety of the following means of travel. Rank each one on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicated you think it is Very Unsafe and 5 indicates you think it is Very Safe.
c. Traveling on a commuter train or subway
          Very Unsafe7,599,6194 (0.47)
          Somewhat Unsafe27,996,31716 (1.59)
          Neutral66,443,82337 (1.67)
          Somewhat Safe52,901,82229 (1.80)
          Very Safe25,677,07114 (0.38)
          Subtotal Valid Responses180,618,652100
          Don't Know19,397,978 
C2. Please rate you perception of the safety of the following means of travel. Rank each one on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicated you think it is Very Unsafe and 5 indicates you think it is Very Safe.
d. Flying on a commercial airplane
          Very Unsafe17,754,2369 (1.75)
          Somewhat Unsafe20,801,28711 (0.56)
          Neutral46,704,15924 (1.85)
          Somewhat Safe75,816,38039 (2.51)
          Very Safe35,342,01718 (1.26)
          Subtotal Valid Responses196,418,079100
          Don't Know3,703,941 
C2. Please rate you perception of the safety of the following means of travel. Rank each one on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicated you think it is Very Unsafe and 5 indicates you think it is Very Safe.
e. Flying on a private airplane
          Very Unsafe26,437,78315 (1.59)
          Somewhat Unsafe32,688,84018 (1.28)
          Neutral70,081,46639 (1.93)
          Somewhat Safe35,456,66619 (1.60)
          Very Safe17,242,1679 (0.69)
          Subtotal Valid Responses181,906,922100
          Don't Know18,215,098 
C2. Please rate you perception of the safety of the following means of travel. Rank each one on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicated you think it is Very Unsafe and 5 indicates you think it is Very Safe.
f. Riding on a city to city or charter bus
          Very Unsafe5,329,9753 (0.52)
          Somewhat Unsafe17,520,8949 (0.61)
          Neutral60,029,69632 (1.46)
          Somewhat Safe74,548,10639 (1.39)
          Very Safe32,881,42217 (1.60)
          Subtotal Valid Responses190,310,093100
          Don't Know9,929,302 
C2. Please rate you perception of the safety of the following means of travel. Rank each one on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicated you think it is Very Unsafe and 5 indicates you think it is Very Safe.
g. Riding on a local bus or paratransit vehicle
          Very Unsafe5,481,1483 (0.62)
          Somewhat Unsafe13,730,7577 (1.24)
          Neutral60,896,56932 (2.04)
          Somewhat Safe74,137,05139 (1.55)
          Very Safe34,440,83818 (1.51)
          Subtotal Valid Responses188,686,363100
          Don't Know11,420,585 
C2. Please rate you perception of the safety of the following means of travel. Rank each one on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicated you think it is Very Unsafe and 5 indicates you think it is Very Safe.
h. Traveling on a privately owned or rented recreational boat
          Very Unsafe11,153,9456 (0.90)
          Somewhat Unsafe28,674,16415 (1.13)
          Neutral64,507,19134 (1.42)
          Somewhat Safe60,923,60432 (1.37)
          Very Safe24,448,36613 (0.83)
          Subtotal Valid Responses189,707,271100
          Don't Know10,532,124 
C2. Please rate you perception of the safety of the following means of travel. Rank each one on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicated you think it is Very Unsafe and 5 indicates you think it is Very Safe.
i. Traveling on a commercial boat, ship, or ferry
          Very Unsafe9,044,7655 (0.93)
          Somewhat Unsafe16,928,6009 (1.41)
          Neutral48,263,94526 (1.17)
          Somewhat Safe76,465,29341 (1.76)
          Very Safe36,024,33919 (0.77)
          Subtotal Valid Responses186,726,943100
          Don't Know13,512,452 
C2. Please rate you perception of the safety of the following means of travel. Rank each one on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicated you think it is Very Unsafe and 5 indicates you think it is Very Safe.
j. Riding a bicycle in or near traffic
          Very Unsafe59,965,50330 (2.17)
          Somewhat Unsafe70,830,03136 (1.93)
          Neutral38,421,51220 (1.21)
          Somewhat Safe19,461,27710 (0.69)
          Very Safe7,984,8484 (0.49)
          Subtotal Valid Responses196,663,170100
          Don't Know3,443,778 
C2. Please rate you perception of the safety of the following means of travel. Rank each one on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 indicated you think it is Very Unsafe and 5 indicates you think it is Very Safe.
k. As a pedestrian in or near traffic
          Very Unsafe40,690,58720 (1.73)
          Somewhat Unsafe60,923,08631 (1.85)
          Neutral48,484,37524 (1.43)
          Somewhat Safe39,673,36920 (1.55)
          Very Safe9,930,5535 (0.84)
          Subtotal Valid Responses199,701,970100
          Don't Know811,743 
M3. Please tell me if you disagree, agree, or feel neutral about the following statements:
a. Most truck drivers on the highways drive safely
          Disagree67,022,75934 (2.68)
          Neutral29,969,31715 (1.21)
          Agree102,771,15451 (2.17)
          Subtotal Valid Responses199,763,229100
          Don't Know464,553 
M3. Please tell me if you disagree, agree, or feel neutral about the following statements:
b. I feel very concerned about my safety when traveling in an automobile near large trucks
          Disagree49,657,96625 (0.53)
          Neutral39,921,77720 (1.28)
          Agree110,933,97055 (1.26)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
M3. Please tell me if you disagree, agree, or feel neutral about the following statements:
c. When I am driving, I make a special effort to avoid driving near large trucks
          Disagree50,158,77825 (1.76)
          Neutral27,136,12414 (1.15)
          Agree122,438,62261 (2.41)
          Subtotal Valid Responses199,733,524100
          Don't Know780,189 
M3. Please tell me if you disagree, agree, or feel neutral about the following statements:
d. It takes a large truck longer to come to a complete stop than the average car
          Disagree4,624,3992 (0.31)
          Neutral6,063,5493 (0.59)
          Agree188,324,76295 (0.50)
          Subtotal Valid Responses199,012,710100
          Don't Know1,501,003 
B4a. Since December 1999, have you requested a product or service from an agency of the U.S. Department of Transportation?
          Yes9,044,3655 (0.83)
          No191,380,23795 (0.83)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,424,602100
          Don't Know89,111 
B4b1. How long ago was your most recent request?
          Since the Beginning of November of this Year1,134,36113 (5.07)
          During September and October of this Year1,313,54015 (4.44)
          During June through August of this Year2,201,62925 (7.07)
          Between December 1999 and May 20004,259,35748 (9.70)
          Subtotal Valid Responses8,908,887100
          Appropriate Skip191,469,348 
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?
1. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
          Yes1,686,14619 (4.71)
          No7,222,74281 (4.71)
          Subtotal Valid Responses8,908,887100
          Don't Know135,478 
          Appropriate Skip191,469,348 
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?
2. U.S. Coast Guard
          Yes89,7011 (0.86)
          No8,819,18699 (0.86)
          Subtotal Valid Responses8,908,887100
          Don't Know135,478 
          Appropriate Skip191,469,348
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?
3. Federal Aviation Administration
          Yes949,47011 (3.84)
          No7,959,41789 (3.84)
          Subtotal Valid Responses8,908,887100
          Don't Know135,478 
          Appropriate Skip191,469,348 
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?
4. Maritime Administration
          No8,908,887100 (0.00)
          Subtotal Valid Responses8,908,887100
          Don't Know135,478 
          Appropriate Skip191,469,348 
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?
5. Federal Highway Administration
          Yes1,245,77314 (1.38)
          No7,663,11486 (1.38)
          Subtotal Valid Responses8,908,887100
          Don't Know135,478 
          Appropriate Skip191,469,348 
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?
6. Federal Railroad Administration
          Yes302,0263 (3.97)
          No8,606,86197 (3.97)
          Subtotal Valid Responses8,908,887100
          Don't Know135,478 
          Appropriate Skip191,469,348 
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?
7. Federal Transit Administration
          Yes296,7903 (1.51)
          No8,612,09797 (1.51)
          Subtotal Valid Responses8,908,887100
          Don't Know135,478 
          Appropriate Skip191,469,348 
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?
8. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
          Yes159,5032 (1.53)
          No8,749,38498 (1.53)
          Subtotal Valid Responses8,908,887100
          Don't Know135,478 
          Appropriate Skip191,469,348 
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?
9. Research and Special Programs Administration
          Yes303,4003 (1.07)
          No8,605,48797 (1.07)
          Subtotal Valid Responses8,908,887100
          Don't Know135,478 
          Appropriate Skip191,469,348 
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?
10. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
          Yes664,8697 (2.53)
          No8,244,01993 (2.53)
          Subtotal Valid Responses8,908,887100
          Don't Know135,478 
          Appropriate Skip191,469,348 
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?
11. St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
          No8,908,887100 (0.00)
          Subtotal Valid Responses8,908,887100
          Don't Know135,478 
          Appropriate Skip191,469,348 
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?
12. Office of the Secretary of Transportation
          Yes454,9705 (4.16)
          No8,453,91795 (4.16)
          Subtotal Valid Responses8,908,887100
          Don't Know135,478 
          Appropriate Skip191,469,348 
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?
13. Some other agency
          Yes3,713,27442 (6.05)
          No5,195,61358 (6.05)
          Subtotal Valid Responses8,908,887100
          Don't Know135,478 
          Appropriate Skip191,469,348 
B4b3. Which of those agencies did you most recently contact?
          Federal Aviation Administration292,30353 (35.30)
          Federal Highway Administration262,57547 (35.30)
          Subtotal Valid Responses554,877100
          Don't Know153,997 
          Appropriate Skip199,804,839 
B5. How did you contact (fill in agency name from the B4b2 or B4b3)?
          Telephone2,841,97653 (12.60)
          Internet/World Wide Web988,82318 (4.07)
          (Regular) Mail317,0406 (4.53)
          In Person1,047,77420 (12.70)
          Other153,9973 (2.18)
          Subtotal Valid Responses5,349,610100
          Appropriate Skip195,164,103 
B6. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the level of service you received. Would you say you were...
          Very Dissatisfied1,623,79330 (11.70)
          Somewhat Dissatisfied474,6669 (5.27)
          Neither Dissatisfied nor Satisfied445,4828 (3.75)
          Somewhat Satisfied960,76518 (8.88)
          Very Satisfied1,844,90434 (7.30)
          Subtotal Valid Responses5,349,610100
          Appropriate Skip195,164,103 
M4. Since the beginning of November of this year, have you seen or heard of any special effort by local police to reduce the incidence of drinking and driving in your community?
          Yes120,345,99160 (1.20)
          No78,590,60640 (1.20)
          Subtotal Valid Responses198,936,597100
          Don't Know1,577,116 
M5. Since the beginning of November, have you seen or heard any public service messages that warn about the dangers of drinking and driving?
          Yes166,177,69183 (1.31)
          No33,873,15017 (1.31)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,050,842100
          Don't Know462,871 
C19. On October 1, 2000, the federal government reduced the standard nationwide for blood-alcohol level from .10 to .08. How beneficial do you think this change will be in reducing alcohol-related traffic accidents? Would you say...
          Not at All Beneficial60,139,48431 (2.13)
          Somewhat Beneficial95,651,41849 (1.41)
          Very Beneficial41,065,11921 (1.26)
          Subtotal Valid Responses196,856,020100
          Don't Know3,494,097 
M30. Assume that you do not use your seat belt at all while driving over the next six months. How likely do you think you will be to receive a ticket for not wearing a seat belt?
          Very Likely54,216,53430 (2.14)
          Somewhat Likely43,303,68824 (0.68)
          Somewhat Unlikely39,557,60722 (1.59)
          Very Unlikely40,792,66923 (1.77)
          Subtotal Valid Responses177,870,498100
          Don't Know1,518,844 
          Appropriate Skip20,916,443 
M31. In the past 30 days, have you seen or heard of any special effort by police to ticket drivers in your community for seat belt violations?
          Yes72,833,52537 (2.90)
          No126,300,94363 (2.90)
          Subtotal Valid Responses199,134,468100
          Don't Know1,379,245 
M32. In the past 30 days, have you seen or heard of any special effort by police to ticket drivers in your community if children in their vehicles are not wearing seat belts or are not in car seats?
          Yes81,655,52041 (2.65)
          No115,739,36259 (2.65)
          Subtotal Valid Responses197,394,882100
          Don't Know3,118,831 
M33. In the past 30 days, have you seen or heard any messages that encourage people to wear their seat belts? This could be public service announcements on TV, messages on the radio, signs on the road, news stories, or something else.
          Yes163,406,23382 (1.26)
          No36,763,25618 (1.26)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,169,489100
          Don't Know344,224 
M34. Please tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements:
a. It is important for police to enforce the seat belt laws
          Strongly Agree132,782,70167 (2.19)
          Somewhat Agree41,068,29121 (2.25)
          Somewhat Disagree11,560,2826 (1.12)
          Strongly Disagree14,128,3297 (0.64)
          Subtotal Valid Responses199,539,603100
          Don't Know815,079 
M34. Please tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements:
b. Police in my community are writing more seat belt tickets now than they were a few months ago
          Strongly Agree38,166,89925 (2.92)
          Somewhat Agree50,888,93833 (1.79)
          Somewhat Disagree37,578,42825 (1.13)
          Strongly Disagree25,296,57517 (0.69)
          Subtotal Valid Responses151,930,840100
          Don't Know46,502,713 
M10. What should a motorist do when approaching a railroad crossing that has no gates or lights? I will read you four choices.
          Proceed through the Crossing1,839,1171 (0.36)
          Approach the Crossing, Look to See if a Train is Approaching, and Be Prepared to Stop55,921,51528 (2.60)
          Stop and Look for the Train, then Proceed if It is Safe to Do So137,171,91169 (2.45)
          Slow Down because of a Bumpy Crossing5,069,9313 (0.17)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,002,474100
          Don't Know511,239 
M14. Please tell me which of the following items are never allowed, allowed with some restrictions, or always allowed in carry-on or checked luggage on commercial airlines?
a. Motor oil
          Never Allowed135,448,54679 (1.82)
          Allowed with Some Restrictions23,496,40514 (1.40)
          Always Allowed11,803,2777 (0.71)
          Subtotal Valid Responses170,748,229100
          Don't Know28,019,370 
M14. Please tell me which of the following items are never allowed, allowed with some restrictions, or always allowed in carry-on or checked luggage on commercial airlines?
b. Gas-powered stoves or tools
          Never Allowed156,038,52983 (1.06)
          Allowed with Some Restrictions24,304,35213 (1.10)
          Always Allowed7,185,0644 (0.16)
          Subtotal Valid Responses187,527,945100
          Don't Know12,760,511 
M14. Please tell me which of the following items are never allowed, allowed with some restrictions, or always allowed in carry-on or checked luggage on commercial airlines?
c. Pepper spray
          Never Allowed115,826,87963 (1.15)
          Allowed with Some Restrictions43,475,17124 (0.77)
          Always Allowed25,485,29814 (1.03)
          Subtotal Valid Responses184,787,348100
          Don't Know15,383,733 
M14. Please tell me which of the following items are never allowed, allowed with some restrictions, or always allowed in carry-on or checked luggage on commercial airlines?
d. Flares and fireworks
          Never Allowed181,564,91793 (0.69)
          Allowed with Some Restrictions9,029,6255 (0.31)
          Always Allowed4,625,1002 (0.63)
          Subtotal Valid Responses195,219,642100
          Don't Know5,294,071 
M14. Please tell me which of the following items are never allowed, allowed with some restrictions, or always allowed in carry-on or checked luggage on commercial airlines?
e. Loaded pistols
          Never Allowed177,970,97790 (1.09)
          Allowed with Some Restrictions18,359,4679 (0.96)
          Always Allowed1,660,0911 (0.38)
          Subtotal Valid Responses197,990,535100
          Don't Know2,523,178 
M14. Please tell me which of the following items are never allowed, allowed with some restrictions, or always allowed in carry-on or checked luggage on commercial airlines?
f. Batteries
          Never Allowed47,632,76325 (3.36)
          Allowed with Some Restrictions65,071,68035 (1.57)
          Always Allowed75,597,55140 (2.37)
          Subtotal Valid Responses188,301,994100
          Don't Know12,063,433 
M14. Please tell me which of the following items are never allowed, allowed with some restrictions, or always allowed in carry-on or checked luggage on commercial airlines?
g. Magnets
          Never Allowed63,020,46035 (1.84)
          Allowed with Some Restrictions54,419,70731 (0.59)
          Always Allowed60,782,42634 (2.27)
          Subtotal Valid Responses178,222,592100
          Don't Know22,102,972 
M14. Please tell me which of the following items are never allowed, allowed with some restrictions, or always allowed in carry-on or checked luggage on commercial airlines?
h. Aerosol hair spray
          Never Allowed59,442,57731 (1.95)
          Allowed with Some Restrictions40,528,21521 (1.32)
          Always Allowed89,021,30847 (2.22)
          Subtotal Valid Responses188,992,100100
          Don't Know11,268,898 
M14. Please tell me which of the following items are never allowed, allowed with some restrictions, or always allowed in carry-on or checked luggage on commercial airlines?
i. Personal use oxygen generators
          Never Allowed27,734,72715 (0.64)
          Allowed with Some Restrictions93,698,68451 (1.11)
          Always Allowed62,461,11634 (1.25)
          Subtotal Valid Responses183,894,527100
          Don't Know15,868,246 
M14. Please tell me which of the following items are never allowed, allowed with some restrictions, or always allowed in carry-on or checked luggage on commercial airlines?
j. Cigarette lighters
          Never Allowed63,577,12233 (1.59)
          Allowed with Some Restrictions35,841,76419 (1.32)
          Always Allowed91,975,61748 (1.85)
          Subtotal Valid Responses191,394,503100
          Don't Know9,119,210 
B3. Do you currently have a disability or health problem that makes it difficult for you to travel outside the home?
          Yes14,880,7487 (0.76)
          No184,825,78693 (0.76)
          Subtotal Valid Responses199,706,534100
M2. Please indicate if you have difficulties traveling by any of the following means because of your disability or health problem.
1. By car as a driver
          Yes8,335,56157 (5.91)
          No6,310,43743 (5.91)
          Subtotal Valid Responses14,645,999100
          Appropriate Skip185,632,965 
M2. Please indicate if you have difficulties traveling by any of the following means because of your disability or health problem.
2. By car as a passenger
          Yes4,013,22727 (3.96)
          No10,632,77273 (3.96)
          Subtotal Valid Responses14,645,999100
          Appropriate Skip185,632,965 
M2. Please indicate if you have difficulties traveling by any of the following means because of your disability or health problem.
3. By public transportation
          Yes6,215,96742 (4.64)
          No8,430,03258 (4.64)
          Subtotal Valid Responses14,645,999100
          Appropriate Skip185,632,965 
M2. Please indicate if you have difficulties traveling by any of the following means because of your disability or health problem.
4. By bicycle
          Yes8,578,98959 (7.51)
          No6,067,01041 (7.51)
          Subtotal Valid Responses14,645,999100
          Appropriate Skip185,632,965 
M2. Please indicate if you have difficulties traveling by any of the following means because of your disability or health problem.
5. By walking
          Yes8,141,92656 (3.78)
          No6,504,07344 (3.78)
          Subtotal Valid Responses14,645,999100
          Appropriate Skip185,632,965 
M2. Please indicate if you have difficulties traveling by any of the following means because of your disability or health problem.
6. By airplane
          Yes5,524,00638 (6.38)
          No9,121,99262 (6.38)
          Subtotal Valid Responses14,645,999100
          Appropriate Skip185,632,965 
M2. Please indicate if you have difficulties traveling by any of the following means because of your disability or health problem.
7. By other
          Yes1,858,43413 (2.13)
          No12,787,56587 (2.13)
          Subtotal Valid Responses14,645,999100
          Appropriate Skip185,632,965 
D2. Are you a licensed commercial transportation operator?
          Yes23,788,41012 (1.59)
          No176,526,99088 (1.59)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,315,400100
          Don't Know94,681 
D3. Do you own or operate a business from your home?
          Yes18,469,1949 (0.83)
          No181,693,42291 (0.83)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,162,617100
          Don't Know94,681 
D4. Please stop me when I reach the category that best describes your age.
          18 - 2425,658,90413 (1.97)
          25 - 3435,971,25018 (1.11)
          35 - 4443,839,62522 (2.02)
          45 - 5437,223,27319 (0.47)
          55 - 6423,849,90112 (1.21)
          65 or Older32,874,54016 (1.48)
          Subtotal Valid Responses199,417,494100
          Don't Know272,381 
D5. What is your gender?
          Male95,491,05748 (2.55)
          Female105,022,65652 (2.55)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,513,713100
D6. What is the last grade of school you completed?
          Less than High School21,042,56811 (2.09)
          High School Graduate/GED81,592,47741 (2.59)
          Some College38,792,03119 (1.47)
          Community College Graduate (AA: Associate of Arts Degree)11,979,6896 (0.50)
          College Graduate (BA or BS: Bachelor of Arts or Sciences Degree)25,642,83713 (1.63)
          Post-Graduate Degree (Masters, Ph.D., Lawyer, Medical Doctor)18,603,1729 (0.94)
          Technical School/Professional Business School2,147,9481 (0.27)
          Subtotal Valid Responses199,800,723100
          Don't Know94,681 
D7. Are you of Hispanic origin?
          Yes17,973,2919 (1.39)
          No, Not Spanish/Hispanic/Latino181,972,95891 (1.39)
          Subtotal Valid Responses199,946,249100
          Don't Know94,681 
D8. What is your race?
1. White
          Yes154,952,61878 (3.11)
          No43,428,93022 (3.11)
          Subtotal Valid Responses198,381,548100
          Don't Know441,164 
D8. What is your race?
2. Black or African-American
          Yes20,474,62910 (1.53)
          No177,906,91990 (1.53)
          Subtotal Valid Responses198,381,548100
          Don't Know441,164 
D8. What is your race?
3. American Indian or Alaska Native
          Yes4,354,8622 (0.61)
          No194,026,68698 (0.61)
          Subtotal Valid Responses198,381,548100
          Don't Know441,164 
D8. What is your race?
4. Asian (e.g., Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese)
          Yes7,151,6894 (1.56)
          No191,229,85996 (1.56)
          Subtotal Valid Responses198,381,548100
          Don't Know441,164 
D8. What is your race?
5. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (e.g., Samoan, Guamanian, or Chamorro)
          Yes2,838,0551 (0.52)
          No195,543,49399 (0.52)
          Subtotal Valid Responses198,381,548100
          Don't Know441,164 
D8. What is your race?
6. Other Race
          Yes11,196,9196 (1.45)
          No187,184,62994 (1.45)
          Subtotal Valid Responses198,381,548100
          Don't Know441,164 
D9. Do you have any other telephone lines in you house that someone would answer? This does not include dedicated computer, fax lines, or cellular phones.
          Yes14,919,7897 (0.98)
          No185,242,82893 (0.98)
          Subtotal Valid Responses200,162,617100
          Don't Know94,681 
D9a. How many other telephone lines are there?
          One10,220,09670 (2.12)
          Two3,763,32326 (1.50)
          Three629,7184 (1.94)
          Subtotal Valid Responses14,613,137100
          Average (Arithmetic Mean) 1.3 (0.04)a
          Don't Know306,651 
          Appropriate Skip185,593,924 
D9b. What is the primary use of this (these) phone line(s)?
          Home Use Only10,267,15370 (3.33)
          Business and Home Use2,225,83215 (1.17)
          Business Use Only2,120,15315 (3.26)
          Subtotal Valid Responses14,613,137100
          Don't Know306,651 
          Appropriate Skip185,593,924 
D12. How many people 18 years or older live in your household?
          One36,291,51318 (0.92)
          Two108,168,71354 (0.99)
          Three30,513,20015 (0.80)
          Four16,624,4808 (0.73)
          Five or More8,058,9974 (0.89)
          Subtotal Valid Responses199,656,903100
          Average (Arithmetic Mean) 2.3 (0.03)a
          Don't Know140,355 
          Non-Hispanic White153,977,71082 (2.32)
          Non-Hispanic Black19,859,14711 (1.36)
          Non-Hispanic Indian3,905,2082 (0.58)
          Non-Hispanic Asian7,093,0014 (1.71)
          Non-Hispanic Pacific Island2,697,5261 (0.62)
          Subtotal Valid Responses187,532,592100
a          The values presented are the mean and its associated standard error, rather than the percent that is presented in the majority of the cells.

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