Question Code,Variable Name,Variable Label,Response Category,Response Category Description,Type,Length,Format ,CASEID,Case Identification Number,,,Char,6,$TEXTVAR ,STATE,State,,,Char,2,$TEXTVAR ,,,,,,, ,METRO,Metro Inside Outside,1,Inside an MSA,Num,8,METROIN ,,,2,Outside an MSA,,, ,,,,,,, ,CREGION,Census Region,1,Northeast,Num,8,CENSREG ,,,2,Midwest,,, ,,,3,South,,, ,,,4,West,,, ,,,,,,, ,CENDIV,Census Division,1,New England,Num,8,CENSDIV ,,,2,Middle Atlantic,,, ,,,3,East North Central,,, ,,,4,West North Central,,, ,,,5,South Atlantic,,, ,,,6,East South Central,,, ,,,7,West South Central,,, ,,,8,Mountain,,, ,,,9,Pacific,,, ,,,,,,, ,DVERSION,Database Version,,Year - Quarter,Char,6,$TEXTVAR ,,,,,,, ,STARTIM,Interview Start Time,,,Char,8,$TEXTVAR ,ENDTIME,Interview End Time,,,Char,8,$TEXTVAR ,INLNGTH,Interview Length,,,Num,8,BEST ,,,,,,, ,TIMEZONE,Time Zone,C,Central time,Char,1,$TZONE ,,,E,Eastern time,,, ,,,M,Mountain time,,, ,,,P,Pacific time,,, ,,,A,Alaska time,,, ,,,H,Hawaii time,,, ,,,,,,, G0103,G0103,Use - Personal Vehicle,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0851A,G0851A,Personal Vehicle - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2010,G2010,Personal Vehicle - Costs,1,Cost less,Num,8,COSTPV ,,,2,Cost the same,,, ,,,3,Cost more,,, ,,,4,Did not drive or ride in a personal vehicle in December,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2020,G2020,Personal Vehicle - Security,1,Less secure,Num,8,SECURPV ,,,2,Same,,, ,,,3,More secure,,, ,,,4,Did not drive or ride in a personal vehicle in December,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2040,G2040,Personal Vehicle - Safety,1,Less safe,Num,8,SAFEPV ,,,2,Same,,, ,,,3,More safe,,, ,,,4,Did not drive or ride in a personal vehicle in December,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2060,G2060,Personal Vehicle - Time,1,Less likely,Num,8,TIMEPV ,,,2,Same,,, ,,,3,More likely,,, ,,,4,Did not drive or ride in a personal vehicle in December,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2080,G2080,Personal Vehicle - Convenience,1,Less convenient,Num,8,CONVEPV ,,,2,Same,,, ,,,3,More convenient,,, ,,,4,Did not drive or ride in a personal vehicle in December,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0150,G0150,Use - Carpool/Vanpool,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0851B,G0851B,Carpool/Vanpool - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0302,G0302,Use - Public Transit,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0851C,G0851C,Public Transit - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2110,G2110,Public Transit - Costs,1,Cost less,Num,8,COSTPT ,,,2,Cost the same,,, ,,,3,Cost more,,, ,,,4,Did not use public transit in December,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2120,G2120,Public Transit - Security,1,Less secure,Num,8,SECURPT ,,,2,Same,,, ,,,3,More secure,,, ,,,4,Did not use public transit in December,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2140,G2140,Public Transit - Safety,1,Less safe,Num,8,SAFEPT ,,,2,Same,,, ,,,3,More safe,,, ,,,4,Did not use public transit in December,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2160,G2160,Public Transit - Time,1,Less likely,Num,8,TIMEPT ,,,2,Same,,, ,,,3,More likely,,, ,,,4,Did not use public transit in December,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2180,G2180,Public Transit - Quality of Service,1,Worse,Num,8,QUALPT ,,,2,Same,,, ,,,3,Better,,, ,,,4,Did not use public transit in December,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0801,G0801,Public Trans - Available,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0810,G0810A,Public Transit - Reason for Not Using,1,Prefer my own vehicle,Num,8,NOPTWHY ,,,2,I am retired/not working/not in school,,, ,,,3,Need to make multiple stops to/from work/school,,, ,,,4,Don't understand/know routes and schedules,,, ,,,5,Not convenient (doesn’t go where I need to),,, ,,,6,Not flexible (doesn’t go when I need to),,, ,,,7,Takes too much time,,, ,,,8,Distance from home to stops is too great,,, ,,,9,Uncomfortable riding with strangers,,, ,,,10,Costs too much,,, ,,,11,Unreliable,,, ,,,12,Unsafe,,, ,,,13,Health/disability/physical limitations,,, ,,,14,Other,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0810,G0810B,Public Transit - Other Reason for Not Using,Text,Verbatim response,Char,250,$TEXTVAR ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0201,G0201,Use - Bus,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0851D,G0851D,Bus - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0902B,G0902B,Bus - Days - Business,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0251,G0251,Use - Train,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0851E,G0851E,Train - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0902C,G0902C,Train - Days - Business,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0880,G0880,AMTRAK - Available,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0882,G0882,Acela - Available,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0827,G0827,Acela - Use,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0831,G0831A,Acela - Reason for Not Using,1,Cost,Num,8,NOHSRWHY ,,,2,Does not go where I want to go,,, ,,,3,Schedule not convenient,,, ,,,4,Takes too long,,, ,,,5,Prefer to drive,,, ,,,6,Prefer to fly,,, ,,,7,Do not travel,,, ,,,8,Other,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0831,G0831B,Acela - Other Reason for Not Using,Text,Verbatim response,Char,250,$TEXTVAR ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0350,G0350,Use - Commercial Airline,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0851F,G0851F,Commercial Airline - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0902D,G0902D,Com Airline - Days - Business,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2210,G2210,Com Airline - Costs,1,Cost less,Num,8,COSTAIR ,,,2,Cost the same,,, ,,,3,Cost more,,, ,,,4,Have never flown before,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2220,G2220,Com Airline - Security,1,Less secure,Num,8,SECURAIR ,,,2,Same,,, ,,,3,More secure,,, ,,,4,Have never flown before,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2240,G2240,Com Airline - Safety,1,Less safe,Num,8,SAFEAIR ,,,2,Same,,, ,,,3,More safe,,, ,,,4,Have never flown before,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2260,G2260,Com Airline - Time,1,Less likely,Num,8,TIMEAIR ,,,2,Same,,, ,,,3,More likely,,, ,,,4,Have never flown before,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G2280,G2280,Com Airline - Quality of Service,1,Worse,Num,8,QUALAIR ,,,2,Same,,, ,,,3,Better,,, ,,,4,Have never flown before,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0401,G0401,Use - Other Aircraft,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0851G,G0851G,Other Aircraft - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0902E,G0902E,Other Aircraft - Days - Business,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0452,G0452,Use - Motorcycle,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0851H,G0851H,Motorcycle - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0501,G0501,Use - Bicycle,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0851I,G0851I,Bicycle - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0952,G0952A,Bicycle - Purpose,1,Commuting to work or school,Num,8,COMUWYA ,,,2,Recreation,,, ,,,3,Exercise/for my health,,, ,,,4,"Personal errands (to the store, post office, and so on)",,, ,,,5,Required for my job,,, ,,,6,Some other purpose,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0952,G0952B,Bicycle - Other Purpose,Text,Verbatim response,Char,250,$TEXTVAR ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1001,G1001A,Bicycle - Time Spent - Hours,,_______ hours,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1001,G1001B,Bicycle - Time Spent - Minutes,,_______ minutes,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1001,G1001C,Bicycle - Time Spent - Decimal Hours,,Calculated,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1051,G1051A,Bicycle - Type of Road,1,"Paved roads, not on shoulder",Num,8,ROADTYPA ,,,2,Shoulders of paved roads,,, ,,,3,Bike lanes on roads,,, ,,,4,Sidewalks,,, ,,,5,"Bike paths, walking paths or trails",,, ,,,6,"Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand)",,, ,,,7,Grass,,, ,,,8,Other,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1051,G1051B,Bicycle - Other Type of Road,Text,Verbatim response,Char,250,$TEXTVAR ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0551,G0551,Use - Walk,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0851J,G0851J,Walk - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1102,G1102A,Walk - Purpose,1,Commuting to work or school,Num,8,COMUWYB ,,,2,Recreation,,, ,,,3,Exercise/for my health,,, ,,,4,"Personal errands (to the store, post office, walking the dog, and so on)",,, ,,,6,Required for my job,,, ,,,5,Some other purpose,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1102,G1102B,Walk - Other Purpose,Text,Verbatim response,Char,250,$TEXTVAR ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1151,G1151A,Walk - Time Spent - Hours,,_______ hours,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1151,G1151B,Walk - Time Spent - Minutes,,_______ minutes,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1151,G1151C,Walk - Time Spent - Decimal Hours,,Calculated,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1202,G1202A,Walk - Type of Road,1,"Paved roads, not on shoulder",Num,8,ROADTYPB ,,,2,Shoulders of paved roads,,, ,,,3,Bike lanes on roads,,, ,,,4,Sidewalks,,, ,,,5,"Bike paths, walking paths or trails",,, ,,,6,"Unpaved roads (for example dirt, gravel, sand)",,, ,,,9,Track,,, ,,,7,Grass,,, ,,,8,Other,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1202,G1202B,Walk - Other Type of Road,Text,Verbatim response,Char,250,$TEXTVAR ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0555,G0555,Use - Cruise Ship,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0601,G0601,Use - Commercial Boat,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0851K,G0851K,Commercial Boat - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0651,G0651,Use - Watercraft,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0851L,G0851L,Watercraft - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1251,G1251A,Watercraft - Time Spent - Hours,,_______ hours,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1251,G1251B,Watercraft - Time Spent - Minutes,,_______ minutes,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1251,G1251C,Watercraft - Time Spent - Decimal Hours,,Calculated,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G0701,G0701,Use - Recreational Boat,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0851M,G0851M,Recreational Boat - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1258,G1258A,Recreational Boat - Time Spent - Hours,,_______ hours,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1258,G1258B,Recreational Boat - Time Spent - Minutes,,_______ minutes,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, G1258,G1258C,Recreational Boat - Time Spent - Decimal Hours,,Calculated,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0750,G0750,Use - Other Means of Transportation,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, G0851N,G0851N,Other Means of Transportation - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0102,B0102,Commute,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, B0152,B0152,Commute - Days,1,29-31 days/month,Num,8,DAYSCOMU ,,,2,22-28 days/month,,, ,,,3,15-21 days/month,,, ,,,4,8-14 days/month,,, ,,,5,1-7 days/month,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0201,B0201,Commute - Work/School,1,To work,Num,8,COMUWHER ,,,2,To school,,, ,,,3,Both to work and to school,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0251,B0251A,Commute - Route,1,You go to work and to school on different days,Num,8,COMUROUT ,,,2,"You go to work, then directly to school ",,, ,,,3,"You go to work, then home, then to school",,, ,,,4,"You go to school, then directly to work",,, ,,,5,"You go to school, then home, then to work ",,, ,,,6,Something else,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0251,B0251B,Commute - Other Route,Text,Verbatim response,Char,250,$TEXTVAR ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0302,B0302A,Commute to Work - Personal Vehicle,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0302,B0302B,Commute to Work - Carpool/Vanpool,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0302,B0302C,Commute to Work - Bus,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0302,B0302D,Commute to Work - Train,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0302,B0302E,Commute to Work - Public Transit,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0302,B0302F,Commute to Work - Commercial Airplane,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0302,B0302G,Commute to Work - Other Airplane,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0302,B0302H,Commute to Work - Motorcycle,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0302,B0302I,Commute to Work - Bicycle,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0302,B0302J,Commute to Work - Walk ,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0302,B0302K,Commute to Work - Commercial Boat,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0302,B0302L,Commute to Work - Other,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0302,B0302M,Commute to Work - Other - Specify,Text,Verbatim response,Char,250,$TEXTVAR ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0310,B0310,Commute to Work - Same Location,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0315,B0315,Commute to Work - Several Locations,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0320,B0320A,Commute to Work - Svrl Loc - Time Spent - Hours,,_______ hours,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0320,B0320B,Commute to Work - Svrl Loc - Time Spent - Minutes,,_______ minutes,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0320,B0320C,Commute to Work - Svrl Loc - Time Spent - Decimal Hours,,Calculated,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0352,B0352A,Commute to Work - Trip Time - Hours,,_______ hours,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0352,B0352B,Commute to Work - Trip Time - Minutes,,_______ minutes,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0352,B0352C,Commute to Work - Trip Time - Decimal Hours,,Calculated,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0370,B0370,Telecommute,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0361,B0361,Telecommute - Frequency,1,Occasionally,Num,8,TELEFREQ ,,,2,On a regular basis or fixed schedule,,, ,,,3,Full time,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0362,B0362,Telecommute - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0365,B0365,Telework Center,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0366,B0366,Telework Center - Frequency,1,Occasionally,Num,8,TELEFREQ ,,,2,On a regular basis or fixed schedule,,, ,,,3,Full time,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B0368,B0368,Telework Center - Days,,_______ days,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B2310,B2310,Com Airline - Most Recent Flight - When,1,Less than three months ago,Num,8,TRIPTIME ,,,2,More than three months ago but less than one year ago,,, ,,,3,More than one year ago,,, ,,,4,Have never flown on a commercial airline,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B2320,B2320,Com Airline - Most Recent Flight - Purpose,1,"Yes, business/job related",Num,8,TRIPURP ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B2330,B2330,Com Airline - Most Recent Flight - Section,1,First class section,Num,8,TRIPTIME ,,,2,Business class section,,, ,,,3,Economy or coach section (also sometimes called the main cabin),,, ,,,4,Some other section,,, ,,,5,There were no sections in the plane; all seats were in the same section,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, B2340,B2340,Com Airline - Most Recent Flight - Price Restrictions,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, SN1100,SN1100,Concern - Oil,1,Very concerned,Num,8,CONCERN ,,,2,Somewhat concerned,,, ,,,3,Not at all concerned,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, SN1110,SN1110,Concern - Terrorism - Air Traffic Control,1,Very concerned,Num,8,CONCERN ,,,2,Somewhat concerned,,, ,,,3,Not at all concerned,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, SN1120,SN1120,Concern - Terrorism - Travel by Air Outside the US,1,Very concerned,Num,8,CONCERN ,,,2,Somewhat concerned,,, ,,,3,Not at all concerned,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, SN1130,SN1130,Concern - Terrorism - Travel by Air Inside the US,1,Very concerned,Num,8,CONCERN ,,,2,Somewhat concerned,,, ,,,3,Not at all concerned,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, SN1140,SN1140,Concern - Terrorism - Travel Inside the US,1,Very concerned,Num,8,CONCERN ,,,2,Somewhat concerned,,, ,,,3,Not at all concerned,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, SN1150,SN1150,Concern - Illegal Immigration,1,Very concerned,Num,8,CONCERN ,,,2,Somewhat concerned,,, ,,,3,Not at all concerned,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, SN1160,SN1160,Concern - Illegal Drugs,1,Very concerned,Num,8,CONCERN ,,,2,Somewhat concerned,,, ,,,3,Not at all concerned,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, SN1200,SN1200,Satisfaction - Oil,1,Very satisfied,Num,8,SATISFY ,,,2,Somewhat satisfied,,, ,,,3,Not at all satisfied,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, SN1210,SN1210,Satisfaction - Terrorism - Air Traffic Control,1,Very satisfied,Num,8,SATISFY ,,,2,Somewhat satisfied,,, ,,,3,Not at all satisfied,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, SN1220,SN1220,Satisfaction - Terrorism - Travel by Air Outside the US,1,Very satisfied,Num,8,SATISFY ,,,2,Somewhat satisfied,,, ,,,3,Not at all satisfied,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, SN1230,SN1230,Satisfaction - Terrorism - Travel by Air Inside the US,1,Very satisfied,Num,8,SATISFY ,,,2,Somewhat satisfied,,, ,,,3,Not at all satisfied,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, SN1240,SN1240,Satisfaction - Terrorism - Travel Inside the US,1,Very satisfied,Num,8,SATISFY ,,,2,Somewhat satisfied,,, ,,,3,Not at all satisfied,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, SN1250,SN1250,Satisfaction - Illegal Immigration,1,Very satisfied,Num,8,SATISFY ,,,2,Somewhat satisfied,,, ,,,3,Not at all satisfied,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, SN1260,SN1260,Satisfaction - Illegal Drugs,1,Very satisfied,Num,8,SATISFY ,,,2,Somewhat satisfied,,, ,,,3,Not at all satisfied,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, MNH0510,MNH0510,Driving,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, MNH0515,MNH0515,Driving at Night,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, MNH0520,MNH0520,Driving at Night - Glare - Oncoming Vehicle,1,Not noticeable - none,Num,8,GLARE ,,,2,Barely noticeable,,, ,,,3,Noticeable but acceptable,,, ,,,4,Disturbing,,, ,,,5,Caused crash or near miss,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, MNH0540,MNH0540,Driving at Night - Glare - Vehicle Behind,1,Not noticeable - none,Num,8,GLARE ,,,2,Barely noticeable,,, ,,,3,Noticeable but acceptable,,, ,,,4,Disturbing,,, ,,,5,Caused crash or near miss,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, MNH0560,MNH0560,Driving During the Day - Glare - Other Vehicles,1,Not noticeable - none,Num,8,GLARE ,,,2,Barely noticeable,,, ,,,3,Noticeable but acceptable,,, ,,,4,Disturbing,,, ,,,5,Caused crash or near miss,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, MNH0580,MNH0580,Crash,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, MNH0600,MNH0600,Near Miss,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, D0061,D0061,Registered Vehicles,,_______,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0101,D0101,Disability,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0103,D0103,Disability - Other HH Members,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0105,D0105,Disability - Nb of HH Members,,_________,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, D0106,D0106,Disability - Adaptive Equipment,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, D0107,D0107,Disability - Contact Again,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, D0251,D0251,Nb of People 18+ in HH,,_______ people,Num,8,BEST ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0300,D0300,Age Category,1,18 to 24 years,Num,8,AGE ,,,2,25 to 34,,, ,,,3,35 to 44,,, ,,,4,45 to 54,,, ,,,5,55 to 64,,, ,,,6,65 to 74,,, ,,,7,75 or older,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0350,D0350,Gender,1,Male,Num,8,GENDER ,,,2,Female,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0401,D0401A,Group - American Indian or Alaska Native,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0401,D0401B,Group - Asian,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0401,D0401C,Group - Black or African-American,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0401,D0401D,Group - Hispanic or Latino,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0401,D0401E,Group - Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0401,D0401F,Group - White,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0401,D0401G,Group - Other,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0401,D0401H,Group - Other - Specify,Text,Verbatim response,Char,250,$TEXTVAR ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, D0450,D0450,Education Level,1,Less than high school graduate,Num,8,EDUC ,,,2,High school graduate (or GED),,, ,,,3,Some college (or technical vocational school/professional business school),,, ,,,4,Two-year college degree (AA: Associate in Arts),,, ,,,5,Four-year college degree (BA or BS: Bachelor of Arts of Science degree),,, ,,,6,"Graduate degree (Masters, PhD., Lawyer, Medical Doctor)",,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0501,D0501,HH Income,1,"Under $15,000",Num,8,INCOME ,,,2,"From $15,000 to less than $30,000",,, ,,,3,"From $30,000 to less than $50,000",,, ,,,4,"From $50,000 to less than $75,000",,, ,,,5,"From $75,000 to less than $100,000",,, ,,,6,"$100,000 or more",,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0900,D0900,Work,1,Yes,Num,8,YESNO ,,,2,No,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0552,D0552,Additional Phone Lines - Number,0,None,Num,8,ADDPHONE ,,,1,One,,, ,,,2,Two,,, ,,,3,Three,,, ,,,4,Four or more,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,,,,, D0751,D0751,Additional Phone Lines - Primary Use,1,Household use only,Num,8,ADPHOUSE ,,,2,Business use only,,, ,,,3,Both household and business use,,, ,,,.D,Don't know,,, ,,,.R,Refused,,, ,,,.S,Appropriate skip,,, ,,,,,,, ,BASEWGT,Base Weight,,,Num,8,BEST ,NR_FACT,Nonresponse Adjustment Factor,,,Num,8,BEST ,PER_FACT,Adjustment for Nb of Eligible HH Members,,,Num,8,BEST ,PHN_FACT,Multiple Phone Lines Adjustment Factor,,,Num,8,BEST ,CEN_FACT,Census Population Adjustment Factor,,,Num,8,BEST ,WD_FACT,Weighted Deflation Adjustment Factor,,,Num,8,BEST ,FNLWGT,Final Weight,,,Num,8,BEST ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,