Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
Printable Version

Omnibus Survey
Household Survey Results
Marginal Frequency Distributions
March 2001

Questionnaire Item Count Percentage (Standard Error) 
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?    
a. Public Transportation, for example local public bus, subway, or commuter rail    
Yes 25,774,257 13 (1.14) 
No 174,764,787 87 (1.14) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,539,044 100        
Don't Know 167,656  
Total 200,706,700  
A1x. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?    
a. Public Transportation, for example local public bus, subway, or commuter rail    
1-2 Days 11,604,784 45 (4.85) 
3-5 Days 4,076,292 16 (3.09) 
6-10 Days 1,845,429 7 (2.60) 
More than 10 Days 8,247,753 32 (4.50) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 25,774,257 100        
Appropriate Skip 174,932,443  
Total 200,706,700  
A1ya. In your own words, please tell me the main reason you did not use public transportation in the past 30 days.    
Have My Own Vehicle/More Convenient to Drive 96,082,410 55 (1.87) 
Public Transportation Not Available in My Area 44,304,117 25 (1.57) 
Doesn't Go Where I Need to Travel 9,231,083 5 (0.85) 
Location/Too Far to a Bus Stop or Subway Station 6,361,529 4 (0.68) 
Unreliable 1,480,383 1 (0.34) 
Too Complicated/Requires Too Many Transfers 993,623 1 (0.40) 
Public Transportation Takes Too Long/Schedules Not Convenient 5,213,624 3 (0.65) 
Health Condition or Disability 2,758,749 2 (0.49) 
Hard to Get Information on Schedules or Stops 890,128 1 (0.26) 
Don't Like Riding with Strangers 335,489 0 (0.12) 
Dirty/Not Clean 146,750 0 (0.08) 
Unsafe 1,014,133 1 (0.32) 
Other 5,952,770 3 (0.73) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 174,764,787 100        
Appropriate Skip 25,941,913  
Total 200,706,700  
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?    
b. Private vehicle in which you drive alone, such as a car, SUV, pickup truck, van, or motorcycle    
Yes 180,494,822 90 (1.04) 
No 20,044,222 10 (1.04) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,539,044 100        
Don't Know 167,656  
Total 200,706,700  
A1x. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?    
b. Private vehicle in which you drive alone, such as a car, SUV, pickup truck, van, or motorcycle    
1-2 Days 5,668,838 3 (0.66) 
3-5 Days 11,128,084 6 (0.90) 
6-10 Days 11,834,089 7 (0.90) 
More than 10 Days 151,863,811 84 (1.36) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 180,494,822 100        
Appropriate Skip 20,211,878  
Total 200,706,700  
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?    
c. Organized carpool or vanpool in which you travel with others    
Yes 20,970,180 10 (1.10) 
No 179,736,520 90 (1.10) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,706,700 100        
Total 200,706,700  
A1x. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?    
c. Organized carpool or vanpool in which you travel with others    
1-2 Days 5,215,303 25 (4.93) 
3-5 Days 4,534,646 22 (4.83) 
6-10 Days 3,235,433 15 (4.15) 
More than 10 Days 7,984,798 38 (5.18) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 20,970,180 100        
Appropriate Skip 179,736,520  
Total 200,706,700  
A1yc. In your own words, please tell me the main reason you did not use an organized carpool or vanpool in the past 30 days.    
Have Own Vehicle/More Convenient to Drive Self 68,825,720 38 (1.83) 
Not Applicable to Respondent's Situation/Does Not Commute 41,689,679 23 (1.61) 
Organized Car/Vanpools Not Available in My Area/Don't Know Where to Find One 23,323,691 13 (1.24) 
Hard to Find Car or Vanpools that Fit My Schedule 14,849,667 8 (0.95) 
Need Flexibility to Come and Go 7,358,180 4 (0.67) 
Need the Flexibility to Make Stops 666,546 0 (0.15) 
Use Public Transportation 2,188,638 1 (0.34) 
Commute Is Short 5,129,083 3 (0.67) 
Unreliable 314,658 0 (0.10) 
Health Condition/Disability 2,626,968 1 (0.37) 
Prefer Riding Alone 1,960,611 1 (0.36) 
Takes Too Long 819,461 0 (0.24) 
Don't Like Riding with Strangers 1,741,979 1 (0.45) 
Costs Too Much 682,947 0 (0.26) 
Other 7,014,899 4 (0.72) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 179,192,727 100        
Don't Know 543,792  
Appropriate Skip 20,970,180  
Total 200,706,700  
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?    
d. Private vehicle in which you travel with others    
Yes 124,493,927 62 (1.72) 
No 76,122,429 38 (1.72) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,616,356 100        
Refused 90,344  
Total 200,706,700  
A1x. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?    
d. Private vehicle in which you travel with others    
1-2 Days 19,320,384 16 (1.67) 
3-5 Days 29,200,551 23 (1.81) 
6-10 Days 20,029,459 16 (1.71) 
More than 10 Days 55,943,534 45 (2.23) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 124,493,927 100        
Appropriate Skip 76,212,773  
Total 200,706,700  
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?    
e. City to city bus, such as Greyhound or Charter    
Yes 5,005,273 2 (0.52) 
No 195,701,427 98 (0.52) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,706,700 100        
Total 200,706,700  
A1x. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?    
e. City to city bus, such as Greyhound or Charter    
1-2 Days 3,807,803 76 (9.15) 
3-5 Days 674,254 13 (7.70) 
More than 10 Days 523,216 10 (6.18) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 5,005,273 100        
Appropriate Skip 195,701,427  
Total 200,706,700  
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?    
f. City to City train, such as AMTRAK    
Yes 3,803,692 2 (0.43) 
No 196,903,008 98 (0.43) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,706,700 100        
Total 200,706,700  
A1x. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?    
f. City to City train, such as AMTRAK    
1-2 Days 2,022,315 53 (11.70) 
3-5 Days 1,492,500 39 (11.90) 
More than 10 Days 288,877 8  (5.33) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 3,803,692 100         
Appropriate Skip 196,903,008  
Total 200,706,700  
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?    
g. Taxi, Limousine, or shuttle service    
Yes 25,250,645 13 (1.15) 
No 175,456,055 87 (1.15) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,706,700 100        
Total 200,706,700  
A1x. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?    
g. Taxi, Limousine, or shuttle service    
1-2 Days 15,018,032 59 (4.82) 
3-5 Days 6,935,230 27 (4.50) 
6-10 Days 2,075,532 8 (2.66) 
More than 10 Days 1,221,851 5 (1.80) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 25,250,645 100        
Appropriate Skip 175,456,055  
Total 200,706,700  
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?    
h. Commercial airplane    
Yes 22,195,838 11 (1.05) 
No 178,510,862 89 (1.05) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,706,700 100        
Total 200,706,700  
A1x. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?    
h. Commercial airplane    
1-2 Days 15,790,084 71 (4.44) 
3-5 Days 4,509,542 20 (3.96) 
6-10 Days 1,107,221 5 (1.85) 
More than 10 Days 788,991 4 (1.85) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 22,195,838 100        
Appropriate Skip 178,510,862  
Total 200,706,700  
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?    
i. Private or charter airplane    
Yes 4,192,048 2 (0.56) 
No 196,514,652 98 (0.56) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,706,700 100        
Total 200,706,700  
A1x. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?    
i. Private or charter airplane    
1-2 Days 2,881,304 69 (12.80) 
3-5 Days 818,590 20 (11.70) 
6-10 Days 90,592 2 (2.20)  
More than 10 Days 401,562 10 (7.10)  
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,192,048 100         
Appropriate Skip 196,514,652  
Total 200,706,700  
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?    
j. Commercial boat, ship, or ferry    
Yes 4,021,197 2 (0.52) 
No 196,685,503 98 (0.52) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,706,700 100        
Total 200,706,700  
A1x. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?    
j. Commercial boat, ship, or ferry    
1-2 Days 2,142,865 53 (13.70) 
3-5 Days 1,325,854 33 (15.20) 
6-10 Days 363,313 9  (5.73) 
More than 10 Days 189,165 5  (3.56) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,021,197 100         
Appropriate Skip 196,685,503  
Total 200,706,700  
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?    
k. Recreational boat    
Yes 6,228,276 3 (0.57) 
No 194,478,424 97 (0.57) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,706,700 100        
Total 200,706,700  
A1x. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?    
k. Recreational boat    
1-2 Days 3,913,907 63 (9.12) 
3-5 Days 1,587,693 25 (8.60) 
6-10 Days 615,632 10 (5.22) 
More than 10 Days 111,044 2 (1.78) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 6,228,276 100        
Appropriate Skip 194,478,424  
Total 200,706,700  
A1ka. Altogether, how many hours did you spend on a recreational boat?    
1-6 Hours 3,978,864 64 (9.00) 
7-12 Hours 621,816 10 (4.86) 
13-20 Hours 1,007,745 16 (7.72) 
More than 20 Hours 619,851 10 (5.29) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 6,228,276 100        
Appropriate Skip 194,478,424  
Total 200,706,700  
A1. During the past 30 days, have you used any of the following types of transportation for either personal or business travel?    
l. Bicycle    
Yes 21,674,367 11 (1.09) 
No 179,032,333 89 (1.09) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,706,700 100        
Total 200,706,700  
A1x. On how many days did you use this type of transportation?    
l. Bicycle    
1-2 Days 7,494,355 35 (4.85) 
3-5 Days 7,455,292 34 (5.19) 
6-10 Days 2,479,674 11 (3.82) 
More than 10 Days 4,245,045 20 (4.77) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 21,674,367 100        
Appropriate Skip 179,032,333  
Total 200,706,700  
A1la. Did you use your bicycle primarily for. . .    
Commuting to Work 1,040,012 5 (1.78) 
Recreation 11,661,872 54 (5.38) 
Exercise 7,728,708 36 (5.11) 
Running Errands (Going to the Store, Post Office, etc.)  1,243,774 6 (2.27) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 21,674,367 100        
Appropriate Skip 179,032,333  
Total 200,706,700  
T1. Now I have a few questions about travel times and traffic congestion.    
Do you commute to work or school on a regular basis? ("regular" meaning 3 or more times a week)     
Yes 131,391,897 65 (1.69) 
No 69,314,803 35 (1.69) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,706,700 100        
Total 200,706,700  
T2a. Now I have a few questions about travel times and traffic congestion.    
On average, about how many minutes does your commute take from home?    
Less than Five Minutes 19,550,097 15 (1.63) 
5 - 10 Minutes 20,551,093 16 (1.56) 
11 - 20 Minutes 42,064,264 32 (2.10) 
21 - 30 Minutes 23,038,305 18 (1.61) 
31 - 60 Minutes 21,850,366 17 (1.53) 
More than 60 Minutes 4,210,503 3 (0.67) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 131,264,628 100        
Average (Arithmetic Mean)    23.4 (0.89)a
Don't Know 127,269  
Appropriate Skip 69,314,803  
Total 200,706,700  
T2b. Now I have a few questions about travel times and traffic congestion.    
And about how many minutes would it take if there were no traffic congestion?    
Less than Five Minutes 28,416,299 22 (1.88) 
5 - 10 Minutes 30,585,659 23 (1.89) 
11 - 20 Minutes 42,677,731 33 (1.98) 
21 - 30 Minutes 17,211,227 13 (1.42) 
31 - 60 Minutes 11,302,051 9 (1.19) 
More than 60 Minutes 955,452 1 (0.36) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 131,148,420 100        
Average (Arithmetic Mean)    16.8 (0.71)a
Don't Know 243,476  
Appropriate Skip 69,314,803  
Total 200,706,700  
T3a. Now I have a few questions about travel times and traffic congestion.    
On average, about how many minutes does your commute take to home?    
Less than Five Minutes 18,042,846 14 (1.54) 
5 - 10 Minutes 20,023,412 15 (1.62) 
11 - 20 Minutes 36,376,476 28 (1.96) 
21 - 30 Minutes 26,450,875 20 (1.79) 
31 - 60 Minutes 25,590,240 19 (1.63) 
More than 60 Minutes 4,780,779 4 (0.73) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 131,264,628 100        
Average (Arithmetic Mean)    24.7 (0.83)a
Don't Know 127,269  
Appropriate Skip 69,314,803  
Total 200,706,700  
T3b. Now I have a few questions about travel times and traffic congestion.    
And about how many minutes would it take if there were no traffic congestion?    
Less than Five Minutes 28,062,904 21 (1.85) 
5 - 10 Minutes 29,068,271 22 (1.87) 
11 - 20 Minutes 43,432,671 33 (2.02) 
21 - 30 Minutes 17,974,374 14 (1.44) 
31 - 60 Minutes 11,824,541 9 (1.21) 
More than 60 Minutes 785,660 1 (0.34) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 131,148,420 100        
Average (Arithmetic Mean)    16.7 (0.56)a
Don't Know 243,476  
Appropriate Skip 69,314,803  
Total 200,706,700  
T4. Now I have a few questions about travel times and traffic congestion.    
In your own words, what would you say is the main cause of delays or congestion you experience in your commute?    
High Volume of Vehicles on the Road 37,094,464 28 (1.90) 
My Schedule Requires that I Commute during "Rush Hours" 6,871,821 5 (0.97) 
Not Enough Highways/Road Lanes to Accommodate the Number of Vehicles 7,457,426 6 (1.04) 
Poorly Maintained Highways, Roads, Bridges 6,001,099 5 (0.92) 
Construction Zones 9,880,872 8 (1.24) 
Scheduling Delays or Cancellation of Public Transportation (Bus, Subway, Commuter Rail)  1,873,771 1 (0.44) 
Accidents 8,467,414 6 (1.07) 
Traffic Lights or Signs 13,838,824 11 (1.41) 
Toll Booths 797,486 1 (0.30) 
Mechanical Malfunctions with Public Transportation 1,141,936 1 (0.38) 
Other Drivers Slow Me Down 10,353,252 8 (1.31) 
I Do Not Experience Traffic Congestion in My Commute 12,304,819 9 (1.19) 
Other 14,914,336 11 (1.39) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 130,997,521 100        
Don't Know 337,543  
Refused 56,833  
Appropriate Skip 69,314,803  
Total 200,706,700  
C15. Please rate your level of concern about the following issues on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are very concerned and 5 means you are not at all concerned. Overall, how concerned are you about . . .    
a. US dependence on oil from the Middle East    
Very Concerned 81,707,880 42 (1.73) 
Somewhat Concerned 47,491,975 24 (1.55) 
Neutral 39,000,509 20 (1.49) 
Not Very Concerned 11,634,676 6 (0.82) 
Not at All Concerned 16,798,445 9 (1.04) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 196,633,485 100        
Don't Know 3,998,839  
Refused 74,376  
Total 200,706,700  
C15. Please rate your level of concern about the following issues on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are very concerned and 5 means you are not at all concerned. Overall, how concerned are you about . . .    
b. Keeping computerized systems like air traffic control secure from terrorism    
Very Concerned 122,431,712 62 (1.74) 
Somewhat Concerned 26,966,447 14 (1.16) 
Neutral 22,596,283 11 (1.21) 
Not Very Concerned 10,947,515 6 (0.92) 
Not at All Concerned 14,087,797 7 (0.90) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 197,029,753 100        
Don't Know 3,586,602  
Refused 90,344  
Total 200,706,700  
C15. Please rate your level of concern about the following issues on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are very concerned and 5 means you are not at all concerned. Overall, how concerned are you about . . .    
c. The risk of terrorism against American citizens traveling by air    
Very Concerned 107,687,450 54 (1.75) 
Somewhat Concerned 42,504,932 21 (1.43) 
Neutral 24,009,659 12 (1.17) 
Not Very Concerned 13,155,194 7 (0.91) 
Not at All Concerned 11,466,537 6 (0.83) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 198,823,773 100        
Don't Know 1,882,927  
Total 200,706,700  
C15. Please rate your level of concern about the following issues on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are very concerned and 5 means you are not at all concerned. Overall, how concerned are you about . . .    
d. The risk of terrorism against American citizens traveling on cruise ships    
Very Concerned 73,945,281 37 (1.73) 
Somewhat Concerned 39,848,072 20 (1.40) 
Neutral 40,023,222 20 (1.43) 
Not Very Concerned 25,472,155 13 (1.24) 
Not at All Concerned 19,286,883 10 (0.99) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 198,575,612 100        
Don't Know 1,991,957  
Refused 139,130  
Total 200,706,700  
C15. Please rate your level of concern about the following issues on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are very concerned and 5 means you are not at all concerned. Overall, how concerned are you about . . .    
e. The risk of terrorism against American citizens traveling by highway, train, or public transit    
Very Concerned 74,754,050 38 (1.72) 
Somewhat Concerned 34,955,580 18 (1.35) 
Neutral 37,483,186 19 (1.35) 
Not Very Concerned 26,757,016 13 (1.18) 
Not at All Concerned 25,211,442 13 (1.20) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 199,161,274 100        
Don't Know 1,342,937  
Refused 202,490  
Total 200,706,700  
C15. Please rate your level of concern about the following issues on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are very concerned and 5 means you are not at all concerned. Overall, how concerned are you about . . .    
f. Illegal immigration across US borders    
Very Concerned 71,463,099 36 (1.74) 
Somewhat Concerned 42,939,143 22 (1.42) 
Neutral 44,418,477 22 (1.47) 
Not Very Concerned 21,568,180 11 (1.09) 
Not at All Concerned 18,015,369 9 (0.99) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 198,404,268 100        
Don't Know 2,099,942  
Refused 202,490  
Total 200,706,700  
C15. Please rate your level of concern about the following issues on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are very concerned and 5 means you are not at all concerned. Overall, how concerned are you about . . .    
g. The transport of illegal drugs across US borders    
Very Concerned 139,647,123 70 (1.62) 
Somewhat Concerned 25,807,226 13 (1.13) 
Neutral 14,364,713 7 (0.95) 
Not Very Concerned 4,847,215 2 (0.50) 
Not at All Concerned 15,485,921 8 (1.01) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,152,198 100        
Don't Know 554,502  
Total 200,706,700  
C16. I just asked about your concern with various transportation issues. Now, please rate your level of satisfaction with what the US Department of Transportation is doing to address those issues on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are very dissatisfied and 5 means you are very satisfied. Overall, how satisfied are you about the U.S. DOT's efforts in . . .    
a. Reducing US dependence on oil from the Middle East    
Very Dissatisfied 39,833,037 21 (1.48) 
Somewhat Dissatisfied 44,588,304 24 (1.52) 
Neutral 73,234,603 39 (1.82) 
Somewhat Satisfied 17,874,530 10 (1.00) 
Very Satisfied 10,665,124 6 (0.93) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 186,195,598 100        
Don't Know 14,153,201  
Refused 357,901  
Total 200,706,700  
C16. I just asked about your concern with various transportation issues. Now, please rate your level of satisfaction with what the US Department of Transportation is doing to address those issues on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are very dissatisfied and 5 means you are very satisfied. Overall, how satisfied are you about the U.S. DOT's efforts in . . .    
b. Keeping computerized systems like air traffic control secure from terrorism    
Very Dissatisfied 23,811,921 13 (1.24) 
Somewhat Dissatisfied 28,653,857 15 (1.25) 
Neutral 55,089,417 29 (1.64) 
Somewhat Satisfied 51,893,903 28 (1.69) 
Very Satisfied 27,452,433 15 (1.33) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 186,901,531 100        
Don't Know 13,602,680  
Refused 202,490  
Total 200,706,700  
C16. I just asked about your concern with various transportation issues. Now, please rate your level of satisfaction with what the US Department of Transportation is doing to address those issues on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are very dissatisfied and 5 means you are very satisfied. Overall, how satisfied are you about the U.S. DOT's efforts in . . .    
c. Reducing the risk of terrorism against American citizens traveling by air    
Very Dissatisfied 23,690,163 12 (1.21) 
Somewhat Dissatisfied 31,877,084 17 (1.35) 
Neutral 49,675,708 26 (1.58) 
Somewhat Satisfied 51,296,991 27 (1.61) 
Very Satisfied 33,385,294 18 (1.41) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 189,925,240 100        
Don't Know 10,562,076  
Refused 219,385  
Total 200,706,700  
C16. I just asked about your concern with various transportation issues. Now, please rate your level of satisfaction with what the US Department of Transportation is doing to address those issues on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are very dissatisfied and 5 means you are very satisfied. Overall, how satisfied are you about the U.S. DOT's efforts in . . .    
d. Reducing the risk of terrorism against American citizens traveling on cruise ships    
Very Dissatisfied 15,791,047 9 (1.10) 
Somewhat Dissatisfied 20,902,573 12 (1.11) 
Neutral 65,397,359 36 (1.78) 
Somewhat Satisfied 46,094,905 26 (1.69) 
Very Satisfied 31,348,357 17 (1.50) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 179,534,241 100        
Don't Know 20,953,074  
Refused 219,385  
Total 200,706,700  
C16. I just asked about your concern with various transportation issues. Now, please rate your level of satisfaction with what the US Department of Transportation is doing to address those issues on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are very dissatisfied and 5 means you are very satisfied. Overall, how satisfied are you about the U.S. DOT's efforts in . . .    
e. Reducing the risk of terrorism against American citizens traveling by highway, train, or public transit    
Very Dissatisfied 18,239,872 10 (1.06) 
Somewhat Dissatisfied 23,819,853 13 (1.17) 
Neutral 57,203,089 30 (1.66) 
Somewhat Satisfied 55,999,214 30 (1.73) 
Very Satisfied 32,651,247 17 (1.42) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 187,913,275 100        
Don't Know 12,412,892  
Refused 380,533  
Total 200,706,700  
C16. I just asked about your concern with various transportation issues. Now, please rate your level of satisfaction with what the US Department of Transportation is doing to address those issues on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are very dissatisfied and 5 means you are very satisfied. Overall, how satisfied are you about the U.S. DOT's efforts in . . .    
f. Controlling illegal immigration across US borders    
Very Dissatisfied 52,708,888 28 (1.66) 
Somewhat Dissatisfied 38,865,876 20 (1.40) 
Neutral 49,428,278 26 (1.55) 
Somewhat Satisfied 32,965,058 17 (1.40) 
Very Satisfied 17,355,570 9 (1.17) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 191,323,670 100        
Don't Know 8,697,484  
Refused 685,546  
Total 200,706,700  
C16. I just asked about your concern with various transportation issues. Now, please rate your level of satisfaction with what the US Department of Transportation is doing to address those issues on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you are very dissatisfied and 5 means you are very satisfied. Overall, how satisfied are you about the U.S. DOT's efforts in . . .    
g. Controlling the transport of illegal drugs across US borders    
Very Dissatisfied 72,527,335 38 (1.75) 
Somewhat Dissatisfied 41,696,843 22 (1.46) 
Neutral 37,831,241 20 (1.41) 
Somewhat Satisfied 24,604,405 13 (1.24) 
Very Satisfied 16,361,177 8 (1.09) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 193,021,002 100        
Don't Know 7,466,313  
Refused 219,385  
Total 200,706,700  
C17. We would now like to know what you think about possible threats to our transportation system. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you strongly disagree and 5 means you strongly agree with the statement.    
a. Americans traveling by air face a high risk of terrorism    
Strongly Disagree 24,096,173 12 (1.15) 
Somewhat Disagree 41,138,173 21 (1.49) 
Neutral 49,859,458 25 (1.53) 
Somewhat Agree 43,107,144 22 (1.47) 
Strongly Agree 39,480,931 20 (1.42) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 197,681,880 100        
Don't Know 3,024,820  
Total 200,706,700  
C17. We would now like to know what you think about possible threats to our transportation system. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you strongly disagree and 5 means you strongly agree with the statement.    
b. Americans traveling on cruise ships face a high risk of terrorism    
Strongly Disagree 32,959,929 17 (1.34) 
Somewhat Disagree 52,378,990 27 (1.69) 
Neutral 55,775,232 29 (1.62) 
Somewhat Agree 31,765,372 17 (1.32) 
Strongly Agree 19,590,305 10 (1.08) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 192,469,828 100        
Don't Know 8,236,872  
Total 200,706,700  
C17. We would now like to know what you think about possible threats to our transportation system. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you strongly disagree and 5 means you strongly agree with the statement.    
c. Americans traveling on highways, trains, or public transit face a high risk of terrorism    
Strongly Disagree 39,964,905 20 (1.43) 
Somewhat Disagree 51,046,460 26 (1.58) 
Neutral 51,171,112 26 (1.55) 
Somewhat Agree 31,610,041 16 (1.31) 
Strongly Agree 22,919,358 12 (1.16) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 196,711,877 100        
Don't Know 3,994,823  
Total 200,706,700  
C17. We would now like to know what you think about possible threats to our transportation system. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you strongly disagree and 5 means you strongly agree with the statement.    
d. I am concerned about terrorist acts threatening my own personal safety while traveling.    
Strongly Disagree 46,462,599 24 (1.52) 
Somewhat Disagree 36,373,463 18 (1.35) 
Neutral 45,304,487 23 (1.51) 
Somewhat Agree 31,862,590 16 (1.33) 
Strongly Agree 37,669,948 19 (1.39) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 197,673,088 100        
Don't Know 3,033,612  
Total 200,706,700  
C17. We would now like to know what you think about possible threats to our transportation system. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you strongly disagree and 5 means you strongly agree with the statement.    
e. I would support airport-type security measures at bus, transit, and rail stations to address the threat of terrorist acts    
Strongly Disagree 19,686,659 10 (1.06) 
Somewhat Disagree 13,769,179 7 (0.91) 
Neutral 24,751,106 12 (1.16) 
Somewhat Agree 36,803,758 19 (1.40) 
Strongly Agree 103,526,756 52 (1.77) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 198,537,458 100        
Don't Know 2,169,242  
Total 200,706,700  
C17. We would now like to know what you think about possible threats to our transportation system. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you strongly disagree and 5 means you strongly agree with the statement.    
f. The security measures currently at U.S. airports are adequate to protect air travelers against terrorist acts    
Strongly Disagree 26,186,104 13 (1.22) 
Somewhat Disagree 37,968,084 19 (1.43) 
Neutral 43,067,013 22 (1.47) 
Somewhat Agree 51,455,029 26 (1.56) 
Strongly Agree 37,003,695 19 (1.45) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 195,679,924 100        
Don't Know 4,867,130  
Refused 159,645  
Total 200,706,700  
C18. How many one-way trips have you taken as a passenger on commercial airlines, either for personal or business reasons, since March 2000? For this question, a one-way trip means from the initial departure airport to the final destination airport, regardless of the number of plan changes required.    
Zero 126,102,548 63 (1.64) 
One 11,502,757 6 (0.85) 
Two 24,935,352 12 (1.08) 
Three 3,020,737 2 (0.33) 
Four 13,010,091 6 (0.81) 
Five to Nine 11,758,713 6 (0.76) 
Ten or More 10,301,046 5 (0.66) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,631,245 100        
Average (Arithmetic Mean)    1.9 (0.14)a
Refused 75,455  
Total 200,706,700  
C18c. If a terrorist act took place in the U.S. against any airline, would you:    
Not Change Your Air Travel Habits 82,587,404 43 (1.77) 
Travel Less Frequently by Air 25,893,484 13 (1.23) 
Stop Traveling by Air for at Least Some Period of Time 61,062,810 31 (1.65) 
Stop Traveling by Air Permanently 24,368,045 13 (1.20) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 193,911,743 100        
Don't Know 5,753,000  
Refused 1,041,957  
Total 200,706,700  
M13. Have you received information regarding how to safely cross railroad crossings from any of the following sources?    
1. During driver safety class    
Yes 86,925,761 46 (1.81) 
No 102,388,292 54 (1.81) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 189,314,053 100        
Don't Know 8,635,361  
Refused 2,757,286  
Total 200,706,700  
M13. Have you received information regarding how to safely cross railroad crossings from any of the following sources?    
2. In written materials    
Yes 45,191,446 24 (1.55) 
No 144,122,607 76 (1.55) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 189,314,053 100        
Don't Know 8,635,361  
Refused 2,757,286  
Total 200,706,700  
M13. Have you received information regarding how to safely cross railroad crossings from any of the following sources?    
3. Informally from family and friends    
Yes 43,571,465 23 (1.54) 
No 145,742,588 77 (1.54) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 189,314,053 100        
Don't Know 8,635,361  
Refused 2,757,286  
Total 200,706,700  
M13. Have you received information regarding how to safely cross railroad crossings from any of the following sources?    
4. From public service announcements or safety campaigns in television, radio, or magazine ads    
Yes 91,740,209 48 (1.80) 
No 97,573,844 52 (1.80) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 189,314,053 100        
Don't Know 8,635,361  
Refused 2,757,286  
Total 200,706,700  
M29. Were you aware that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has . . .    
1. A toll-free Auto Safety Hotline ( 1-888-327-4236) ?    
Yes 30,584,612 15 (1.30) 
No 169,847,529 85 (1.30) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,432,141 100        
Refused 274,559  
Total 200,706,700  
M29. Were you aware that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has . . .    
2. A website (www.nhtsa.dot.gov)  for receiving reports from consumers of vehicle safety problems and safety defects?    
Yes 39,205,392 20 (1.38) 
No 161,455,532 80 (1.38) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,660,924 100        
Don't Know 45,776  
Total 200,706,700  
B3. Do you currently have a disability or health problem that makes it difficult for you to travel outside the home?    
Yes 13,961,076 7 (0.83) 
No 186,745,624 93 (0.83) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,706,700 100        
Total 200,706,700  
M2. Which of the following means of transportation cause you difficulty?    
1. By car as a driver    
Yes 6,489,977 47 (6.12) 
No 7,189,707 53 (6.12) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 13,679,684 100        
Refused 281,392  
Appropriate Skip 186,745,624  
Total 200,706,700  
M2. Which of the following means of transportation cause you difficulty?    
2. By car as a passenger    
Yes 4,095,670 30 (5.54) 
No 9,584,014 70 (5.54) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 13,679,684 100        
Refused 281,392  
Appropriate Skip 186,745,624  
Total 200,706,700  
M2. Which of the following means of transportation cause you difficulty?    
3. By public transportation, such as bus or rail    
Yes 3,418,344 25 (4.95) 
No 10,261,340 75 (4.95) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 13,679,684 100        
Refused 281,392  
Appropriate Skip 186,745,624  
Total 200,706,700  
M2. Which of the following means of transportation cause you difficulty?    
4. By bicycle    
Yes 5,099,998 37 (5.83) 
No 8,579,686 63 (5.83) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 13,679,684 100        
Refused 281,392  
Appropriate Skip 186,745,624  
Total 200,706,700  
M2. Which of the following means of transportation cause you difficulty?    
5. By walking    
Yes 7,418,351 54 (6.10) 
No 6,261,333 46 (6.10) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 13,679,684 100        
Refused 281,392  
Appropriate Skip 186,745,624  
Total 200,706,700  
M2. Which of the following means of transportation cause you difficulty?    
6. By airplane    
Yes 3,613,090 26 (5.19) 
No 10,066,594 74 (5.19) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 13,679,684 100        
Refused 281,392  
Appropriate Skip 186,745,624  
Total 200,706,700  
M2. Which of the following means of transportation cause you difficulty?    
7. By other    
Yes 1,512,393 11 (3.61) 
No 12,167,291 89 (3.61) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 13,679,684 100        
Refused 281,392  
Appropriate Skip 186,745,624  
Total 200,706,700  
B4a. Since March 2000, have you requested a product or service from an agency of the U.S. Department of Transportation?    
Yes 4,912,083 2 (0.53) 
No 195,794,617 98 (0.53) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,706,700 100        
Total 200,706,700  
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?    
1. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration    
Yes 1,198,314 25 (8.38) 
No 3,539,553 75 (8.38) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,737,867 100        
Don't Know 174,216  
Appropriate Skip 195,794,617  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?    
2. U.S. Coast Guard    
Yes 791,049 17 (10.10) 
No 3,946,818 83 (10.10) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,737,867 100         
Don't Know 174,216  
Appropriate Skip 195,794,617  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?    
3. Federal Aviation Administration    
Yes 219,508 5 (3.39) 
No 4,518,359 95 (3.39) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,737,867 100        
Don't Know 174,216  
Appropriate Skip 195,794,617  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?    
4. Maritime Administration    
No 4,737,867 100 (0.00) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,737,867 100        
Don't Know 174,216  
Appropriate Skip 195,794,617  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?    
5. Federal Highway Administration    
Yes 93,092 2 (1.97) 
No 4,644,775 98 (1.97) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,737,867 100        
Don't Know 174,216  
Appropriate Skip 195,794,617  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?    
6. Federal Railroad Administration    
No 4,737,867 100 (0.00) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,737,867 100        
Don't Know 174,216  
Appropriate Skip 195,794,617  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?    
7. Federal Transit Administration    
Yes 63,634 1 (1.36) 
No 4,674,233 99 (1.36) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,737,867 100        
Don't Know 174,216  
Appropriate Skip 195,794,617  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?    
8. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration    
No 4,737,867 100 (0.00) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,737,867 100        
Don't Know 174,216  
Appropriate Skip 195,794,617  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?    
9. Research and Special Programs Administration    
No 4,737,867 100 (0.00) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,737,867 100        
Don't Know 174,216  
Appropriate Skip 195,794,617  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?    
10. Bureau of Transportation Statistics    
Yes 358,780 8 (5.60) 
No 4,379,088 92 (5.60) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,737,867 100        
Don't Know 174,216  
Appropriate Skip 195,794,617  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?    
11. St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation    
No 4,737,867 100 (0.00) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,737,867 100        
Don't Know 174,216  
Appropriate Skip 195,794,617  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?    
12. Office of the Secretary of Transportation    
Yes 354,766 7 (3.92) 
No 4,383,101 93 (3.92) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,737,867 100        
Don't Know 174,216  
Appropriate Skip 195,794,617  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b2. Which of the following agencies did you contact?    
13. Some other agency    
Yes 2,112,158 45 (11.10) 
No 2,625,709 55 (11.10) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 4,737,867 100         
Don't Know 174,216  
Appropriate Skip 195,794,617  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b3. Which of those agencies did you most recently contact?    
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 80,378 23 (20.60) 
U.S. Coast Guard 104,635 30 (24.40) 
Office of the Secretary of Transportation 63,634 18 (17.30) 
Some Other Agency 100,152 29 (23.70) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 348,800 100         
Appropriate Skip 200,357,900  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b1. How long ago was your most recent request?    
Since the Beginning of February of 2001 1,292,768 49 (14.50) 
During December 2000 and January of 2001 466,760 18  (9.18) 
Between September and November of 2000 350,717 13  (9.12) 
Between March and August of 2000 515,464 20 (10.50) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 2,625,709 100         
Appropriate Skip 198,080,991  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b4. And what kind of product or service did you request from [fill in agency name from B4b3]?    
1. Data (tables, charts, graphs, files, CD-ROM)     
Yes 656,177 27 (12.20) 
No 1,766,768 73 (12.20) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 2,422,944 100         
Refused 202,765  
Appropriate Skip 198,080,991  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b4. And what kind of product or service did you request from [fill in agency name from B4b3]?    
2. Publications, brochures, pamphlets, fact sheets, reports    
Yes 756,905 31 (13.40) 
No 1,666,040 69 (13.40) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 2,422,944 100         
Refused 202,765  
Appropriate Skip 198,080,991  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b4. And what kind of product or service did you request from [fill in agency name from B4b3]?    
3. Maps    
No 2,422,944 100 (0.0) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 2,422,944 100       
Refused 202,765  
Appropriate Skip 198,080,991  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b4. And what kind of product or service did you request from [fill in agency name from B4b3]?    
4. Press Releases    
No 2,422,944 100 (0.0) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 2,422,944 100       
Refused 202,765  
Appropriate Skip 198,080,991  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b4. And what kind of product or service did you request from [fill in agency name from B4b3]?    
5. Videos    
No 2,422,944 100 (0.0) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 2,422,944 100       
Refused 202,765  
Appropriate Skip 198,080,991  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b4. And what kind of product or service did you request from [fill in agency name from B4b3]?    
6. Employment information    
No 2,422,944 100 (0.0) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 2,422,944 100       
Refused 202,765  
Appropriate Skip 198,080,991  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b4. And what kind of product or service did you request from [fill in agency name from B4b3]?    
7. Grant or scholarship information    
No 2,422,944 100 (0.0) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 2,422,944 100       
Refused 202,765  
Appropriate Skip 198,080,991  
Total 200,706,700  
B4b4. And what kind of product or service did you request from [fill in agency name from B4b3]?    
8. Other    
Yes 1,009,863 42 (16.30) 
No 1,413,081 58 (16.30) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 2,422,944 100         
Refused 202,765  
Appropriate Skip 198,080,991  
Total 200,706,700  
B5. How did you contact (fill in agency name from the B4b2 or B4b3) ?    
Telephone 1,075,734 41 (13.90) 
Internet/World Wide Web/E-mail 831,862 32 (12.40) 
(Regular)  Mail 197,728 8  (5.38) 
Other 520,386 20 (16.50) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 2,625,709 100         
Appropriate Skip 198,080,991  
Total 200,706,700  
B6. Please rate your overall satisfaction with the level of service you received. Would you say you were . . .    
Very Dissatisfied 173,470 7  (4.77) 
Somewhat Dissatisfied 139,130 5  (5.24) 
Somewhat Satisfied 327,574 12  (9.45) 
Very Satisfied 1,985,535 76 (11.30) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 2,625,709 100         
Appropriate Skip 198,080,991  
Total 200,706,700  
D1. How many licensed vehicles are available for regular use by members of your household?    
Zero 9,424,677 5 (0.71) 
One 45,123,970 23 (1.36) 
Two 87,595,955 44 (1.75) 
Three 36,480,675 18 (1.45) 
Four 12,258,847 6 (0.95) 
Five or More 8,229,825 4 (0.91) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 199,113,949 100        
Average (Arithmetic Mean)    2.1 (0.05)a
Don't Know 202,831  
Refused 1,389,920  
Total 200,706,700  
D2. Are you a licensed commercial transportation operator (such as a bus driver or truck driver) ?    
Yes 14,895,385 7 (0.94) 
No 185,811,315 93 (0.94) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,706,700 100        
Total 200,706,700  
D3. Do you own or operate a business from your home?    
Yes 17,924,248 9 (0.94) 
No 182,579,621 91 (0.94) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,503,869 100        
Don't Know 202,831  
Total 200,706,700  
D4. Please stop me when I reach the category that best describes your age.    
18 - 24 25,621,982 13 (1.49) 
25 - 34 35,812,881 18 (1.33) 
35 - 44 43,676,696 22 (1.42) 
45 - 54 37,059,849 19 (1.29) 
55 - 64 24,296,511 12 (1.10) 
65 or Older 33,145,984 17 (1.28) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 199,613,902 100        
Refused 1,092,798  
Total 200,706,700  
D5. Are you male or female?    
Male 95,577,699 48 (1.78) 
Female 105,071,452 52 (1.78) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,649,150 100        
Refused 57,550  
Total 200,706,700  
D6. What is the last grade of school you completed?    
Less than High School 22,547,203 11 (1.30) 
High School Graduate/GED 79,467,884 40 (1.81) 
Technical School/Professional Business School 7,739,791 4 (0.58) 
Some College 33,721,991 17 (1.19) 
Community College Graduate (AA: Associate of Arts Degree)  11,155,763 6 (0.69) 
College Graduate (BA or BS: Bachelor of Arts or Sciences Degree)  30,014,836 15 (1.02) 
Post-Graduate Degree (Masters, Ph.D., Lawyer, Medical Doctor)  14,126,791 7 (0.69) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 198,774,259 100        
Don't Know 564,339  
Refused 1,368,101  
Total 200,706,700  
D7. Are you of Hispanic, Spanish or Latino origin?    
Yes 15,608,302 8 (1.01) 
No, Not Hispanic/Spanish/Latino 183,634,956 92 (1.01) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 199,243,257 100        
Don't Know 82,595  
Refused 1,380,847  
Total 200,706,700  
D8. What is your race?    
1. White    
Yes 158,072,943 80 (1.44) 
No 38,708,049 20 (1.44) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 196,780,992 100        
Don't Know 833,820  
Refused 3,091,887  
Total 200,706,700  
D8. What is your race?    
2. Black or African-American    
Yes 19,854,048 10 (1.06) 
No 176,926,944 90 (1.06) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 196,780,992 100        
Don't Know 833,820  
Refused 3,091,887  
Total 200,706,700  
D8. What is your race?    
3. American Indian or Alaska Native    
Yes 3,574,347 2 (0.46) 
No 193,206,645 98 (0.46) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 196,780,992 100        
Don't Know 833,820  
Refused 3,091,887  
Total 200,706,700  
D8. What is your race?    
4. Asian (e.g., Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese)     
Yes 5,299,627 3 (0.65) 
No 191,481,366 97 (0.65) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 196,780,992 100        
Don't Know 833,820  
Refused 3,091,887  
Total 200,706,700  
D8. What is your race?    
5. Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander ( e.g., Samoan, Guamanian, or Chamorro)     
Yes 577,777 0 (0.14) 
No 196,203,215 100 (0.14) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 196,780,992 100        
Don't Know 833,820  
Refused 3,091,887  
Total 200,706,700  
D8. What is your race?    
6. Other Race    
Yes 11,941,988 6 (0.92) 
No 184,839,004 94 (0.92) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 196,780,992 100        
Don't Know 833,820  
Refused 3,091,887  
Total 200,706,700  
D9. Do you have any other telephone lines in your house that someone would answer? This does not include dedicated computer, fax lines, or cellular phones.    
Yes 10,542,435 5 (0.53) 
No 189,659,277 95 (0.53) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 200,201,712 100        
Refused 504,988  
Total 200,706,700  
D9a. How many other telephone lines are there?    
One 7,416,853 71 (4.53) 
Two 2,230,023 21 (3.93) 
Three 661,900 6 (2.85) 
Four 120,550 1 (0.82) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 10,429,326 100        
Average (Arithmetic Mean)    1.4 (0.07)a
Refused 113,109  
Appropriate Skip 190,164,265  
Total 200,706,700  
D9b. What is the primary use of this (these)  phone line(s) ?    
Household Use Only 6,703,870 64 (4.77) 
Business and Home Use 2,189,934 21 (4.03) 
Business Use Only 1,535,522 15 (3.49) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 10,429,326 100        
Appropriate Skip 190,277,374  
Total 200,706,700  
D12. How many people 18 years or older live in your household?    
One 36,993,100         19 (1.07) 
Two 111,098,128 56 (1.80) 
Three 35,288,548 18 (1.60) 
Four 12,485,109 6 (1.18) 
Five or More 1,881,899 1 (0.47) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 197,746,784 100        
Average (Arithmetic Mean)    2.1 (0.03)a
Don't Know 277,254  
Refused 2,682,662  
Total 200,706,700  
Non-Hispanic White 157,112,656 85 (1.30) 
Non-Hispanic Black 19,620,467 11 (1.11) 
Non-Hispanic Indian 3,044,761 2 (0.43) 
Non-Hispanic Asian 4,886,438 3 (0.61) 
Non-Hispanic Pacific Island 536,258 0 (0.14) 
Subtotal Valid Responses 185,200,580 100        
Total 185,200,580  

aThe values presented are the mean and its associated standard error, rather than the percent that is presented in the majority of the cells.

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