Question Number,Variable Name,Variable Label,Response Category,Response Category Description A1a,GTA1A,"Used Local Bus, Subway, or Commuter Rail",1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1b,GTA1B,Drive Alone in Private Vehicle,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1c,GTA1C,Travel in Organized Carpool or Vanpool,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1d,GTA1D,Travel with Others in Private Vehicle,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1e,GTA1E,Used City to City Bus,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1f,GTA1F,Used City to City Train,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1g,GTA1G,"Used Taxi, Limo, or Shuttle Service",1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1h,GTA1H,Used Commercial Airplane,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1i,GTA1I,Used Private or Charter Airplane,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1j,GTA1J,"Used Comm Boat, Ship, or Ferry",1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1k,GTA1K,Used Recreational Boat,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1l,GTA1L,Used Bicycle,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1xa,GTA1AT,"Days Used Bus, Subway, or Commuter Rail",1,1-2 Days ,,,2,3-5 Days ,,,3,6-10 Days ,,,4,More than 10 Days ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1xb,GTA1BT,Days Used Private Vehicle,1,1-2 Days ,,,2,3-5 Days ,,,3,6-10 Days ,,,4,More than 10 Days ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1xc,GTA1CT,Days Travel in Carpool or Vanpool,1,1-2 Days ,,,2,3-5 Days ,,,3,6-10 Days ,,,4,More than 10 Days ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1xd,GTA1DT,Days Travel with Others in Private Veh,1,1-2 Days ,,,2,3-5 Days ,,,3,6-10 Days ,,,4,More than 10 Days ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1xe,GTA1ET,Days Used City to City Bus,1,1-2 Days ,,,2,3-5 Days ,,,3,6-10 Days ,,,4,More than 10 Days ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1xf,GTA1FT,Days Used City to City Train,1,1-2 Days ,,,2,3-5 Days ,,,3,6-10 Days ,,,4,More than 10 Days ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1xg,GTA1GT,"Days Used Taxi, Limo, or Shuttle Service",1,1-2 Days ,,,2,3-5 Days ,,,3,6-10 Days ,,,4,More than 10 Days ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1xh,GTA1HT,Days Used Commercial Airplane,1,1-2 Days ,,,2,3-5 Days ,,,3,6-10 Days ,,,4,More than 10 Days ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1xi,GTA1IT,Days Used Private or Charter Airplane,1,1-2 Days ,,,2,3-5 Days ,,,3,6-10 Days ,,,4,More than 10 Days ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1xj,GTA1JT,"Days Used Comm Boat, Ship, or Ferry",1,1-2 Days ,,,2,3-5 Days ,,,3,6-10 Days ,,,4,More than 10 Days ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1xk,GTA1KT,Days Used Recreational Boat,1,1-2 Days ,,,2,3-5 Days ,,,3,6-10 Days ,,,4,More than 10 Days ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1ka,GTA1KA,Hours Spent on Recreational Boat,1,1-6 Hours ,,,2,7-12 Hours ,,,3,13-20 Hours ,,,4,More than 20 Hours ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1xl,GTA1LT,Days Used Bicycle,1,1-2 Days ,,,2,3-5 Days ,,,3,6-10 Days ,,,4,More than 10 Days ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1la,GTA1LA,Primary Use of Bicycle,1,Commuting to Work ,,,2,Recreation ,,,3,Exercise ,,,4,"Running Errands (Going to the Store, Post Office, etc.)" ,,,5,Some Other Purpose ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1la,GTA1LAO,Primary Use of Bicycle (Specify),,Text Values ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1ya,GTA1YA,Reason Not Use Pub Trans Past 30,1,Have My Own Vehicle/More Convenient to Drive ,,,2,Public Transportation Not Available in My Area ,,,3,Doesn't Go Where I Need to Travel ,,,4,Location/Too Far to a Bus Stop or Subway Station ,,,5,Unreliable ,,,6,Too Complicated/Requires Too Many Transfers ,,,7,Public Transportation Takes Too Long/Schedules Not Convenient ,,,8,Health Condition or Disability ,,,9,Hard to Get Information on Schedules or Stops ,,,10,Costs Too Much ,,,11,Don't Like Riding with Strangers ,,,12,Dirty/Not Clean ,,,13,Unsafe ,,,14,Other ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1ya,GTA1YAOT,Reason Not Use Pub Trans (Specify),,Text Values ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1yc,GTA1YC,Reason Not Use Carpool Past 30,1,Have Own Vehicle/More Convenient to Drive Self ,,,2,Not Applicable to Respondent's Situation/Does Not Commute ,,,3,Organized Car/Vanpools Not Available in My Area/Don't Know Where to Find One ,,,4,Hard to Find Car or Vanpools that Fit My Schedule ,,,5,Need Flexibility to Come and Go ,,,6,Need the Flexibility to Make Stops ,,,7,Use Public Transportation ,,,8,Commute Is Short ,,,9,Unreliable ,,,10,Health Condition/Disability ,,,11,Prefer Riding Alone ,,,12,Takes Too Long ,,,13,Don't Like Riding with Strangers ,,,14,Costs Too Much ,,,15,Other ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know A1yc,GTA1YCOT,Reason Not Use Carpool (Specify),,Text Values ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know T1,BTST1J,Respondent Commutes to Work or School,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know T2a,BTST2AJ,Commute from Home (Minutes),,Numeric Values ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know T2a,BTST2ACT,Commute from Home (Categ),1,Less than Five Minutes ,,,2,5 - 10 Minutes ,,,3,11 - 20 Minutes ,,,4,21 - 30 Minutes ,,,5,31 - 60 Minutes ,,,6,More than 60 Minutes ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know T2b,BTST2BJ,Commute from Home w/o Congestion (Min),,Numeric Values ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know T2b,BTST2BCT,Commute from Home w/o Congestion (Categ),1,Less than Five Minutes ,,,2,5 - 10 Minutes ,,,3,11 - 20 Minutes ,,,4,21 - 30 Minutes ,,,5,31 - 60 Minutes ,,,6,More than 60 Minutes ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know T3a,BTST3AJ,Commute to Home (Minutes),,Numeric Values ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know T3a,BTST3ACT,Commute to Home (Categ),1,Less than Five Minutes ,,,2,5 - 10 Minutes ,,,3,11 - 20 Minutes ,,,4,21 - 30 Minutes ,,,5,31 - 60 Minutes ,,,6,More than 60 Minutes ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know T3b,BTST3BJ,Commute to Home w/o Congestion (Min),,Numeric Values ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know T3b,BTST3BCT,Commute to Home w/o Congestion (Categ),1,Less than Five Minutes ,,,2,5 - 10 Minutes ,,,3,11 - 20 Minutes ,,,4,21 - 30 Minutes ,,,5,31 - 60 Minutes ,,,6,More than 60 Minutes ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know T4,BTST4J,Main Cause of Delays/Congest in Commute,1,High Volume of Vehicles on the Road ,,,2,"My Schedule Requires that I Commute during ""Rush Hours""" ,,,3,Not Enough Highways/Road Lanes to Accommodate the Number of Vehicles ,,,4,"Poorly Maintained Highways, Roads, Bridges" ,,,5,Construction Zones ,,,6,"Scheduling Delays or Cancellation of Public Transportation (Bus, Subway, Commuter Rail)" ,,,7,Accidents ,,,8,Traffic Lights or Signs ,,,9,Toll Booths ,,,10,Mechanical Malfunctions with Public Transportation ,,,11,Other Drivers Slow Me Down ,,,12,Inadequate Parking at Destination ,,,13,I Do Not Experience Traffic Congestion in My Commute ,,,14,Other ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know T4,BTST4JOT,Main Cause Delays/Cong in Comm(Specify),,Text Values ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C15a,RMC15A,Concern Lev - US Dep on Oil from Mid East,1,Very Concerned ,,,2,Somewhat Concerned ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Not Very Concerned ,,,5,Not at All Concerned ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C15b,RMC15B,Concern Lev - Computer Systems Secure,1,Very Concerned ,,,2,Somewhat Concerned ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Not Very Concerned ,,,5,Not at All Concerned ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C15c,RMC15C,Concern Lev - Air Travel Terrorist Free,1,Very Concerned ,,,2,Somewhat Concerned ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Not Very Concerned ,,,5,Not at All Concerned ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C15d,RMC15D,Concern Lev - Cruise Ships Terrorist Free,1,Very Concerned ,,,2,Somewhat Concerned ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Not Very Concerned ,,,5,Not at All Concerned ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C15e,RMC15E,Concern Lev – Hwy/Train/Pub Tran Terr Free,1,Very Concerned ,,,2,Somewhat Concerned ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Not Very Concerned ,,,5,Not at All Concerned ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C15f,RMC15F,Concern Lev - Ill Immigration/US Borders,1,Very Concerned ,,,2,Somewhat Concerned ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Not Very Concerned ,,,5,Not at All Concerned ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C15g,RMC15G,Concern Lev - Illegal Drugs/US Borders,1,Very Concerned ,,,2,Somewhat Concerned ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Not Very Concerned ,,,5,Not at All Concerned ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C16a,RMC16A,Satisf Lev - US Dep on Oil from Mid East,1,Very Dissatisfied ,,,2,Somewhat Dissatisfied ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Somewhat Satisfied ,,,5,Very Satisfied ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C16b,RMC16B,Satisf Lev - Computer Systems Secure,1,Very Dissatisfied ,,,2,Somewhat Dissatisfied ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Somewhat Satisfied ,,,5,Very Satisfied ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C16c,RMC16C,Satisf Lev - Air Travel Terrorist Free,1,Very Dissatisfied ,,,2,Somewhat Dissatisfied ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Somewhat Satisfied ,,,5,Very Satisfied ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C16d,RMC16D,Satisf Lev - Cruise Ships Terrorist Free,1,Very Dissatisfied ,,,2,Somewhat Dissatisfied ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Somewhat Satisfied ,,,5,Very Satisfied ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C16e,RMC16E,Satisf Lev – Hwy/Train/Pub Tran Terr Free,1,Very Dissatisfied ,,,2,Somewhat Dissatisfied ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Somewhat Satisfied ,,,5,Very Satisfied ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C16f,RMC16F,Satisf Lev - Ill Immigration/US Borders,1,Very Dissatisfied ,,,2,Somewhat Dissatisfied ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Somewhat Satisfied ,,,5,Very Satisfied ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C16g,RMC16G,Satisf Lev – Illegal Drugs/US Borders,1,Very Dissatisfied ,,,2,Somewhat Dissatisfied ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Somewhat Satisfied ,,,5,Very Satisfied ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C17a,RMC17A,Agree Lev - Risk of Terr dur Air Travel,1,Strongly Disagree ,,,2,Somewhat Disagree ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Somewhat Agree ,,,5,Strongly Agree ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C17b,RMC17B,Agree Lev - Risk of Terr on Cruise Ships,1,Strongly Disagree ,,,2,Somewhat Disagree ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Somewhat Agree ,,,5,Strongly Agree ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C17c,RMC17C,Agree Lev - Risk of Terr on Hwy Etc.,1,Strongly Disagree ,,,2,Somewhat Disagree ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Somewhat Agree ,,,5,Strongly Agree ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C17d,RMC17D,Agree Lev – Personal Trav Terrorist Concrn,1,Strongly Disagree ,,,2,Somewhat Disagree ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Somewhat Agree ,,,5,Strongly Agree ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C17e,RMC17E,Agree Lev - Supprt Arpt Secur Meas at Othr,1,Strongly Disagree ,,,2,Somewhat Disagree ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Somewhat Agree ,,,5,Strongly Agree ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C17f,RMC17F,Agree Lev – Airport Security is Adequate,1,Strongly Disagree ,,,2,Somewhat Disagree ,,,3,Neutral ,,,4,Somewhat Agree ,,,5,Strongly Agree ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C18,RMC18,Number of One-Way Trips on Comm Airlines,,Numeric Values ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C18,RMC18CAT,Num of One-Way Tps on Comm Airln (Categ),1,Zero ,,,2,One ,,,3,Two ,,,4,Three ,,,5,Four ,,,6,Five to Nine ,,,7,Ten or More ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know C18c,RMC18C,Terrorist Act Took Place Agnst US Airln,1,Not Change Your Air Travel Habits ,,,2,Travel Less Frequently by Air ,,,3,Stop Traveling by Air for at Least Some Period of Time ,,,4,Stop Traveling by Air Permanently ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know M13_1,OMM13I1,Info on RR Cross fm Driver Safety Class,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know M13_2,OMM13I2,Info on RR Cross fm Written Materials,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know M13_3,OMM13I3,Info on RR Cross fm Family/Friends,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know M13_4,OMM13I4,Info on RR Cross fm Pub Serv Anncments,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know M29_1,OMM29I1,R Aware of NHTSA Hotline,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know M29_2,OMM29I2,R Aware of NHTSA Website,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B3,CSB3,Travel Diff Due to Disability or Health,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know M2_1,OMM2I1,Difficulties - Car as Driver,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know M2_2,OMM2I2,Difficulties - Car as Passenger,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know M2_3,OMM2I3,Difficulties - Public Trans,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know M2_4,OMM2I4,Difficulties - Bicycle,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know M2_5,OMM2I5,Difficulties - Walking,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know M2_6,OMM2I6,Difficulties - Airplane,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know M2_7,OMM2I7,Difficulties - Other,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know M2_7,OMM2IO,Difficulties - Other (Specify),,Text Values ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4a,CSB4A,Req Product/Service fm USDOT since 03/00,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b2_1,CSB4B201,Past Year Request Information from NHTSA,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b2_2,CSB4B202,Past Year Request Information from USCG,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b2_3,CSB4B203,Past Year Request Information from FAA,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b2_4,CSB4B204,Past Year Request Information from MARAD,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b2_5,CSB4B205,Past Year Request Information from FHWA,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b2_6,CSB4B206,Past Year Request Information from FRA,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b2_7,CSB4B207,Past Year Request Information from FTA,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b2_8,CSB4B208,Past Year Request Information from FMCSA,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b2_9,CSB4B209,Past Year Request Information from RSPA,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b2_10,CSB4B210,Past Year Request Information from BTS,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b2_11,CSB4B211,Past Year Request Information from SLSDC,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b2_12,CSB4B212,Past Year Request Information from OST,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b2_13,CSB4B213,Past Year Request Information from OTHER,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b2_13,CSB4B2O,Past Year Request Info OTHER (Specify),,Text Values ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b3,CSB4B3,Agency Contacted Most Recently,1,The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ,,,2,U.S. Coast Guard ,,,3,Federal Aviation Administration ,,,4,Maritime Administration ,,,5,Federal Highway Administration ,,,6,Federal Railroad Administration ,,,7,Federal Transit Administration ,,,8,Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration ,,,9,Research and Special Programs Administration ,,,10,Bureau of Transportation Statistics ,,,11,St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation ,,,12,Office of the Secretary of Transportation ,,,13,Some Other Agency ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b1,CSB4B1,Amount of Time since Most Recent Request,1,Since the Beginning of February of 2001 ,,,2,During December 2000 and January of 2001 ,,,3,Between September and November of 2000 ,,,4,Between March and August of 2000 ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b4_1,CSB4B41,Prod Req: Data,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b4_2,CSB4B42,Prod Req: Publications/Brochures/Reports,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b4_3,CSB4B43,Prod Req: Maps,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b4_4,CSB4B44,Prod Req: Press Releases,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b4_5,CSB4B45,Prod Req: Videos,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b4_6,CSB4B46,Prod Req: Employment Information,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b4_7,CSB4B47,Prod Req: Grant/Scholarship Information,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b4_8,CSB4B48,Prod Req: Other,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B4b4_8,CSB4B4O,Prod Req: Other (Specify),,Text Values ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B5,CSB5,How Did R Contact the Agency,1,Telephone ,,,2,Internet/World Wide Web/E-mail ,,,3,(Regular) Mail ,,,4,In Person ,,,5,Other ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B5,CSB5O,Other Contact (Specify),,Text Values ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know B6,CSB6,Rate Level of Service Received,1,Very Dissatisfied ,,,2,Somewhat Dissatisfied ,,,3,Neither Dissatisfied nor Satisfied ,,,4,Somewhat Satisfied ,,,5,Very Satisfied ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D1,DCD1,Number of Licensed Vehicles in Household,,Numeric Values ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D1,DCD1CAT,Number of Lic Veh in Household (Categ),1,Zero ,,,2,One ,,,3,Two ,,,4,Three ,,,5,Four ,,,6,Five or More ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D2,DCD2,R is Licensed Commercial Trans Op,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D3,DCD3,R Owns or Operates Business from Home,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D4,DCD4,R Age,2,18 - 24 ,,,3,25 - 34 ,,,4,35 - 44 ,,,5,45 - 54 ,,,6,55 - 64 ,,,7,65 or Older ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D5,DCD5,R Gender,1,Male ,,,2,Female ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D6,DCD6,R Education,1,Less than High School ,,,2,High School Graduate/GED ,,,3,Technical School/Professional Business School ,,,4,Some College ,,,5,Community College Graduate (AA: Associate of Arts Degree) ,,,6,College Graduate (BA or BS: Bachelor of Arts or Sciences Degree) ,,,7,"Post-Graduate Degree (Masters, Ph.D., Lawyer, Medical Doctor)" ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D7,DCD7,R is of Hispanic Origin,1,Yes ,,,2,"No, Not Hispanic/Spanish/Latino" ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D8_1,DCD81,R is White,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D8_2,DCD82,R is Black or African American,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D8_3,DCD83,R is American Indian or Alaska Native,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D8_4,DCD84,R is Asian,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D8_5,DCD85,R is Pacific Islander,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D8_6,DCD86,R is Other Race,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D8_6,DCD8OTH,Other Race Specification,,Text Values ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D9,DCD9,Multiple Phone Lines in Household,1,Yes ,,,2,No ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D9a,DCD9A,Number of Other Phone Lines,,Numeric Values ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D9a,DCD9ACAT,Number Of Other Phone Lines (Categ),1,Zero ,,,2,One ,,,3,Two ,,,4,Three ,,,5,Four ,,,6,Five or More ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D9b,DCD9B,Primary Use of Multiple Phone Lines,1,Household Use Only ,,,2,Business and Home Use ,,,3,Business Use Only ,,,".S, -7",Appropriate Skip ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D12,DCD12,Number of People 18 and Older in HH,,Numeric Values ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know D12,DCD12CAT,Num of People 18 and Older in HH (Categ),1,Zero ,,,2,One ,,,3,Two ,,,4,Three ,,,5,Four ,,,6,Five or More ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know CATI,CASEID,CaseID,,9-Digit ID Values CATI,CASESTAT,Final Interview Disposition Codes,1,Complete ,,,2,Partial Complete ,,,3,Refusal ,,,4,Parental Refusal ,,,5,Language Problem ,,,6,Out of Scope (Ineligible) ,,,7,Respondent Unavailable during Study Period ,,,8,No Contact (Scope Undetermined) ,,,9,Residence Not Screened ,,,10,"Respondent Identified, Case not Finalized" CATI,ETIME,Interview End Time,,Time Values CATI,HHSCREEN,Telephone Disposition Codes,1,Household ,,,2,Business ,,,3,Institution or School ,,,4,Cellular Phone ,,,".R, -8",Refused ,,,".D, -9",Don't Know CATI,INTLNGTH,Length of Interview (Minutes),,Numeric Values CATI,SCREENER,Screener Disposition Codes,1,Eligible Adult (18 or Older) Identified CATI,STIME,Interview Start Time,,Time Values CATI,TIMEZONE,Time Zone,B,Bering ,,,C,Central ,,,E,Eastern ,,,H,Hawaii ,,,M,Mid-Atlantic ,,,P,Pacific GENESYS,AGE00_17,Percent Age 0 - 17,,Numeric Values GENESYS,AGE18_24,Percent Age 18 - 24,,Numeric Values GENESYS,AGE25_34,Percent Age 25 - 34,,Numeric Values GENESYS,AGE35_44,Percent Age 35 - 44,,Numeric Values GENESYS,AGE45_54,Percent Age 45 - 54,,Numeric Values GENESYS,AGE55_64,Percent Age 55 - 64,,Numeric Values GENESYS,AGEOVR65,Percent Age Over 65,,Numeric Values GENESYS,CITY,City,,Text Values GENESYS,CREGION,Census Region,1,Northeast ,,,2,Midwest ,,,3,South ,,,4,West GENESYS,DIVISION,Census Division,1,New England ,,,2,Middle Atlantic ,,,3,South Atlantic ,,,4,East South Central ,,,5,West South Central ,,,6,East North Central ,,,7,West North Central ,,,8,Mountain ,,,9,Pacific GENESYS,FIPSCODE,FIPS Code,,FIPS Codes GENESYS,INC00_09,Percent Household Income 0 < 10K,,Numeric Values GENESYS,INC10_14,Percent Household Income 10 < 15K,,Numeric Values GENESYS,INC15_24,Percent Household Income 15 < 25K,,Numeric Values GENESYS,INC25_34,Percent Household Income 25 < 35K,,Numeric Values GENESYS,INC35_49,Percent Household Income 35 < 50K,,Numeric Values GENESYS,INC50_74,Percent Household Income 50 < 75K,,Numeric Values GENESYS,IN75_100,Percent Household Income 75 < 100K,,Numeric Values GENESYS,INOVR100,Percent Household Income Over 100K,,Numeric Values GENESYS,METRO,Inside/Outside Metropolitan Area,1,Inside Metropolitan Area ,,,2,Outside Metropolitan Area GENESYS,MSA,MSA,,MSA Codes GENESYS,PASIAN,Percent Asian/Pacific Islander,,Numeric Values GENESYS,PBLACK,Percent Black,,Numeric Values GENESYS,PHISPA,Percent Hispanic,,Numeric Values GENESYS,PWHITE,Percent White,,Numeric Values GENESYS,STATE,State,,Text Values WEIGHT,BASEWGT,Base Weight,,Weight Values WEIGHT,CEN_FACT,Census Population Adjustment Factor,,Weight Values WEIGHT,FINALWGT,Final Weight - Sums to Population Total,,Weight Values WEIGHT,NR_FACT,Non-Response Adjustment Factor,,Weight Values WEIGHT,PER_FACT,Adjust. For No. of Eligible HH Members,,Weight Values WEIGHT,PHN_FACT,Multiple Phone Lines Adjustment Factor,,Weight Values WEIGHT,SCALEWGT,Final Weight - Sums to Sample Total,,Weight Values WEIGHT,WD_FACT,Weighted Deflation Adjustment Factor,,Weight Values