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Special Forces Branch
Commander - Major Jonathan Pierce
Assistant Commander - Robert MacLean
Commander - Lieutenant Philip Beck


The United States Park Police Special Weapons and Tactics Team
has been in existence since 1975. This highly trained team is proficient with a variety of weapons including the submachine gun, assault rifle, sniper rifle, and less lethal weaponry.

On a weekly basis the SWAT Unit; conducts high risk search warrants for the USPP narcotics units and other state and local agencies, and provides vehicular escorts for visiting heads of state. SWAT are responsible for the many demonstrations in our Nations Capital, and support the Operations Division on high risk incidents.

Over the past twenty-eight years, SWAT has developed an outstanding reputation throughout the world as trainers and operators. Members of the SWAT Unit have done static displays for visiting police departments from around the world. In conjunction with the Uniform Services University of Health Science, Casualty Care Research Center, SWAT has trained thousands of personnel from police departments, military units, and fire departments from the United States and abroad in Tactical Emergency Medicine.

SWAT conducts basic SWAT schools annually, which are routinely attended by members from outside departments. The physically and mentally grueling basic training allows officers to see what they are capable of under extreme fatigue and stress.

 When the Washington Metropolitan area was under siege during the 2002 Sniper Incident, the SWAT Unit was flying missions with the Aviation Unit, on a daily basis in a pro-active attempt to apprehend the fugitives.

The SWAT Unit has a proud history and a challenging future. Although there are time-tested tactics that remain the same, new tactical methods and technology continue to evolve that will improve SWAT Operations. The SWAT Unit will continue to push towards the cutting edge and break ground for new innovative ways to safely and effectively protect the visitors to our National Treasures.
















Anacostia District / Aviation Unit / B & W District / Canine Unit / Central District / Chief of Police / Community Service / Contact Info / Environmental Crimes Unit / Field Office