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USGS Washington Water Science Center

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Marijke van Heeswijk,
934 Broadway,
Suite 300
Tacoma, WA 98402

(253) 552-1625
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Water Resources Inventory Area 1 Watershed Management


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A complete listing of relevant data sources is stored in a Microsoft Access* database, which may be downloaded for use (May 15, 2000 version of the database: download as Access 2000 database or as Access 97 database). Microsoft Access* software is required to operate the database. Users who do not have the required software may operate the database in the WRIA 1 Project library, located at 1000 North Forest Street, Bellingham, Wash. (contact is Linda Sterling, phone 360.676.6876). The initial version of the database was developed for the Nooksack Basin Water Users Steering Committee and the Department of Ecology by Cascades Environmental Services and Water Resources Consulting Team (Greenberg and others, 1996) and included information through early 1996. The USGS expanded the Ground Water, Surface Water, and Water Use/Water Rights categories of the database and added one new category (Land Use).

References Cited

Greenberg, J., Welch, K., Neuman, M., Willing, P., and Barclay, M., 1996, Catalogue of existing information on water resources and fisheries in the Nooksack Basin, a report to the Nooksack Basin Water Users Steering Committee and the Washington Department of Ecology, Microsoft Access database: Bellingham, Wash., Cascades Environmental Services and Water Resources Consulting Team, [about 900] p.

* Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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