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Center for Minority Veterans
Fact Sheet


Facts about the

Center for Minority Veterans (CMV)

The Center's Vision

          The Center for Minority Veterans is the Department of Veterans Affairs model for inter-and intra-agency co-operation, to ensure all veterans receive equal service regardless of race, origin, religion, or gender.  We are  process improvement-oriented and both internal and external customer-centric.  We assist VA in executing its mission in the most equitable, efficient and humane way possible.  Dignity and an acceptable quality of life are the products we seek to deliver to ALL veterans no matter what their circumstance.  We will grace our mission execution with gratitude to the men and women we now serve who in turn served our Nation so well.

The Center's Mission

        To assist Department of Veterans Affairs  (VA) to “keep the promise” by acting as facilitator, change agent, strategic thinker, honest broker and cheerleader to the men and women of VA in executing its MISSION.  As internal consultants to the organization, we will facilitate VA’s ability to deliver services to veterans worldwide by approaching our mission with a “Veteran Comes First” philosophy based on a deep respect for the men and women who dedicated themselves to the defense of our Nation. We acknowledge the diversity of our veterans and profoundly value the strength and unique character this diversity has contributed to our great Nation.

Who We Serve

        First and foremost our staff is dedicated to serving all veterans regardless of race or ethnicity.  As required by Congress in 1994, under Title 38 Public Law 103-446, CMV’s primary emphasis is on minority veterans.  Specifically, these veterans include the following minority groups:  Pacific Islander, Asian American, African American, Hispanic/Latino, and Native American, including American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian.

What We Do

How We Outreach to Minority Veterans

          CMV is charged with identifying barriers to service and health care access, as well as increasing local awareness of minority veteran related issues by developing strategies for improving minority participation in existing VA benefit programs.  CMV utilizes three major outreach initiatives to ensure minority veterans concerns are addressed:         

Minority Veterans Program Coordinator (MVPC)                                  

          The primary goal of this outreach initiative is to increase local awareness of minority veteran related issues and develop strategies for increasing their participation in existing VA benefit programs for eligible veterans.  MVPCs are located at Regional Offices, Health Care Facilities and National Cemeteries and are responsible for:

Advisory Committee On Minority Veterans (ACMV)

           Appointed by the Secretary, The Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans (ACMV) was established under Public Law 103-446, sec 510, November 2, 1994 .  The Committee consists of veterans who represent respective minority groups and are recognized authorities in fields pertinent to the needs of the minority group they embody.  The Committee responsibilities include:

Veteran Business and Economic Development Outreach

         A need exists to educate, inform and identify minority veteran business owners and potential business owners on the intricacies of contract and business procedures, processes and contracting opportunities available in both the government and private sectors.  CMV has partnered with the VA’s Office of Small and Disadvantage Business Utilization (OSDBU) to co-sponsor business outreach activities to target minority veterans, disabled minority veterans and current minority business owners.  The goal is to address business related needs; identify opportunities and benefits, provide access to business opportunities and contracts within the federal government, and private sector.  Specifically, we sponsor business and entrepreneurial outreach conferences for minority and disabled veterans to help them with the following:


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Reviewed/Updated Date: January 9, 2009