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Center for Minority Veterans


About us : The Center for Minority Veterans is part of the Office of the Secretary. The Center assists eligible veterans in their efforts to receive benefits and services from VA. The Center acts only as a mediator and facilitator -- As such the Center does not process claims, handle equal employment complaints, or employee relation problems. The Center is dedicated to ensuring that all veterans are aware of benefits, services, and programs offered by VA.

What is our main goal ?

The Center's  goal is to provide and promote the use of VA programs, benefits, and services use by minority veterans.

To make benefits and services more accessible to minority veterans.

To evaluate current programs and make recommendations on how VA can better serve minority veterans.

News Flash:

The new Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation (FVEC)fund authorized through the newly enacted American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009:

Link to the On-Line Form 21-4138 (CF)

Forms should be mailed to:

     U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

     1131 Roxas Blvd.

     0930 Manila , Philippines


* Claims need to be received no later than Feb. 16, 2010.

For additional information, move cursor over the blue highlighted words:

Link to Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

Link to Embassy Information

Link to Secretary Press Release

Link to US Embassy in Manila

Questions, Please    E-mail




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Reviewed/Updated Date: March 31, 2009