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Available Styles in Master Style Sheet

There are a variety of styles available for your use in the master style sheet. These styles aim to make your life easier: they are easy to implement and give your pages a little bit of visual interest.

Available Styles

Some of these styles are replicated in this MS-Word document: Styling your content using the master style sheet (MS-Word) (20 pages, 204 Kb)


We offer some simple column layouts. Note that many more are possible.

Technical note: matrix of master styles

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Style Sheet(s) Version History

The master style sheet contains many useful styles. You should not need to create your own local styles very often, if ever. If you have a style you think should be included in the master style sheet so everyone can take advantage of it, please contact us.

There are five style sheets:

  1. master (epa.css)
    • The master style sheets links to epa-content.css
  2. hacks for Internet Explorer, version 6 and under (ie.css)
  3. (For AA/RA or Topic home pages only [aara.css])
  4. print version (print.css)

Do not download local copies of the style sheets. If you require local copies for development, you will be responsible for:

Notification of updates to the style sheets will be sent via the Web Council, epaweb-owners listserv, and Web Workgroup.

Rules in local style sheets, if you create them, cannot override any rules in the master style sheets.

Version History

Version history, release dates, and modifcations for EPA's master style sheets
Version Release Date Modification since prior release
3.1.2 06/05/07

The following styles were added:

The following styles were modified:

  • Images inside a link (a img; such as image maps0 no longer get a border.
  • Typographical changes, including spacing around headings.
3.1 11/15/06

The following styles were added:

The following styles were modified:

  • Area navigation (sidebar) horizontal rule (<hr />'s inside the first list item [area home link] is centered, fixes validation problem)
  • Various styles, especially in the print style sheet (to ensure consistency across browsers)
3.0 05/30/06 Initial Release
The style sheets are well-documented.
2.2 05/30/02


The following styles were added:

  • PRE (sets the font-family to font-family: Courier New, Courier, monospace;)

The following styles were modified:

  • CODE (sets the font-family to font-family: Courier New, Courier, monospace;)
2.1 03/13/02


This history only reflects the changes between v2.0 and v2.1.

The following styles were added:

  • The 1st line that declares Arial as the font-family for the following tags: H1, H2, h2, H4, H5, H6, P, td, th, blockquote, ol, ul, dl, dt, dd, li
  • The 2nd-8th lines that declared the font-size for the following tags: P, td, th, blockquote, ol, ul, dl, dt, dd, li
  • The following custom style was added: .epaPageName (declares the font-size and color)
  • The following custom style was added: .epaBodyText (declares the font-family and font-size)

The following styles were modified:

  • The style .raStates was edited to change the font-size to font-size: 8pt;
  • The styles A.epaSideBarLinks and epaStates were edited to change the font-size to font-size: 9pt;
  • The style .epaLtSans was edited to change the font-size to font-size: 8pt;
  • The style .epaAreaName was edited to change the font-size to font-size: 18pt;
  • The style TD#epaSideBar DIV was edited to change the padding-bottom to padding-bottom: 6pt;
  • The styles .epaGlobalLinks, .epaBreadLinks, .epaFooterText, .raStates were edited to change the font-size to font-size: 8pt;
2.0 03/05/02

Several changes have been made to the style sheet:

The following styles were deleted:

  • The 1st line that declared Arial as the font-family for the following tags: H1, H2, h2, H4, H5, H6, P, td, th, blockquote, li
  • The 2nd-8th lines that declared the font-size for the following tags: P, td, th, blockquote, li, H1, H2, h2, H4, H5, H6
  • The 9th line that declared the color for all visited links
  • The following custom styles were deleted: .epaPageHeaders, .epaPageHeaders2, .epaSubHead, .epaSubHeadBig, epaBodyText

The following styles were modified:

  • The selector A was added to the style declarations for the sidebar. Styles are now A.epaSideBarLinks, A.epaSideBarLinks:visited, A.epaSideBarLinks:hover
  • The style .raStates was edited to change the font-family to: font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; and the font-size to font-size: 0.655em;
  • The style A.epaSideBarLinks was edited to change the font-size to font-size: 0.7em;
  • The style .epaLtSans was edited to change the font-size to font-size: 0.655em;
  • The style .epaAreaName was edited to change the font-size to font-size: 1.44em;

The following styles were added:

  • A.epaSideBarLinks:link (sets the link color of the sidebar links to white)
  • TD#epaSideBar DIV (note the spacing of the syntax for this style). This style controls the appearance of any DIV tag within a TD that has the id of epaSideBar. A supplemental page has been created for more information about coding the sidebar.
  • CODE (sets the font-family to font-family: Courier, Courier New, mono;)
  • The style .epaGlobal was added to change the Search Form from a block to an inline element
  • The styles .epaGlobalLinks, .epaBreadLinks, .epaFooterText were added to format the Global Links, Breadcrumbs, and Footer Text
1.2 01/28/02 Added 2 new styles (.epaAARAAreaName and .raStates) for use by the AAship and RAship home pages. Also added some comments to the style sheet.
1.1 12/27/01 reversed the order that the .epaSideBarLinks:visited and .epaSideBarLinks:hover styles are listed in the style sheet
1.0 12/19/01 (initial release)

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