Office of Education
Herbert M. Geller, PhD, Director
The Office of Education of the Division of Intramural Research
coordinates and assists the training program and provides administrative
support and resources for all research training activities within
the Division. Programs are available within the
Laboratories and Branches within the Division to provide
specialized research training for high school students, college
students, graduate and medical students, postdoctoral fellows and
medical residents and fellows. The Office of Education provides
assistance to applicants at each of these levels. NHLBI is committed
to improving the representation of underrepresented groups, including
minorities, women, and scientists with disabilities in the mainstream
of basic and clinical research.
Postdoctoral Training in the NHLBI
intramural program is designed to prepare recent Ph.D. or M.D.
graduates for permanent careers in Academics, Government or Industry. Read
More. |
The Postbaccalaureate IRTA
program provides opportunities for recent college graduates to spend
a year engaged in biomedical research in an NHLBI laboratory.
more. |
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NHLBI is home to
summer interns who are students in High School, College and Graduate,
Medical and Dental School.
Graduate students can do their research
in NHLBI laboratories and get their Ph.D. from one of several Universities
through the NIH GPP program.
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The BRPTUG program offers
opportunities for underrepresented undergraduate,
post-baccalaureate individuals, and graduate students to receive
training in fundamental biomedical sciences and clinical research
disciplines at NHLBI.
more. |
This fellowship
program provides a strong grounding in basic clinical hematology
and oncology as well as providing a comprehensive introduction
to clinical and laboratory-based research. Read
more. |
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To obtain additional information on training opportunities within
the Division of Intramural Research of NHLBI, please contact the
Office of Education, Division of Intramural Research, National Heart,
Lung, and Blood Institute, Building 10, Room 2N242, 10 Center Drive MSC 1754, Bethesda, Maryland 20892-1754 or by phone at (301) 451-9440,
fax (301) 594-8133 or send
an email to Office of Education.