USDA Forest Service Celebrating Wildflowers

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Plant of the Week

Vasey’s Trillium (Trillium vaseyi) Harbison

Map of the United States showing states. States are colored green where Vasey's trillium may be found.
Range map of Vasey's trillium. States are colored green where the species may be found.

Vasey's trillium.
Vasey's trillium (Trillium vaseyi). Photo by Mark Pistrang, Cherokee National Forest.

Vasey’s trillium is a perennial herb that blooms from April to May. The inflorescence is quite showy, yet easily overlooked as it is recurved under the large spreading leaves. This plant is typically found on very rich soils of slopes and coves over mafic or calcareous rock, often in or near seepage areas.

Vasey’s trillium is native to the southeastern United States. It is not considered to be a rare species, yet like other trilliums is vulnerable to land-use conversion and habitat fragmentation.

For More Information: PLANTS Profile - Trillium vaseyi, Vasey’s Trillium

Vasey's trillium. Vasey's trillium.
Vasey's trillium (Trillium vaseyi). Photo by Mark Pistrang, Cherokee National Forest.

Plant of the Week

Sugarstick (Allotropa virgata)

U.S. Forest Service
Rangeland Management
Botany Program

1400 Independence Ave., SW, Mailstop Code: 1103
Washington DC 20250-1103 logo

Last modified: Tuesday, 24-Jun-2008 21:58:44 EDT