February 27th, 19&7 Dr. S.E. Lurla, Department of Bacteriology fndians Unfversi ty, Bloomington, I ndiznu Dear Luria, I have just talked to Clark Eichelberger, Executive Director of the American Association for the UrdteCi Nations, regarding the resolntion you propose. the tGlr.118 of formation of tho Atomic Energy CoidtA.on, which was charged vfth the duty of workiq out effective prohibition6 and control3 against tke military ubes of atomic energy"and other woa;.ons of ~tdlss destruction". Once an effective setup has been orgar4aed for atomic energy, control of V-2, bacteriological warfare, etc. will be that much easier in the form of whatever pattern is establiehed. Differences of viewpoint on the sir.& objective of atomic energy are so great that more oor2uion than good would he likely if another oloss of wcar;on uere considered at this stage. He eug,eats sending 8 committee to interview Senator Austin ar$ get hjs Vim a8 to where and when the bacteriological question might 'best be taken up. He feels that it is already covcred by Mth regard to your resolution itself, I belicrve the first paragraph should be elirainated, iw it contributes nothlrg to the argMent and my pejudice some readers agalnrt the remainder. T am glad you will be able to go to Stockholm, ard am looking formrd to seeing you there. Kith all good rishes and cordial greetings, Si merely, IN: jrn