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Presidential Transition Support

The General Services Administration (GSA) plays an important role in Presidential Transition.  The Presidential Transition Acts of 2000 and 1963 authorize the Administrator of GSA to provide the President-elect and the Vice-President-elect a variety of services needed to help them assume their official duties.

To help facilitate this process GSA has assembled a number of teams.

Incoming Presidential Transition Team

  • Provides a wide range of services in support of the President-elect including:
    - office space
    - furniture
    - furnishings
    - IT support
    - mail management
    - telephones
    - equipment
    - vehicles
    - parking
  • Arranges for payroll, financial, human resources, contracting and other appropriate services

Inaugural Team 

GSA, through the Inaugural Support Team, provides a full suite of services to the Presidential Inaugural Committee (PIC), the Armed Forces Inaugural Committee (AFIC) and other governmental entities.  Such services include:

  • space
  • communication systems
  • IT support
  • financial management
  • telephones
  • parking
  • furniture
  • vehicles
  • office equipment
  • mail management and administrative support services

Internal GSA Transition Team

Supports outgoing political appointees by helping ensure they have benefits and other information needed to make a smooth departure from GSA

  • Ensures that each major GSA organization has someone ready to lead after political appointees leave GSA
  • Supports incoming President-Elect’s transition teams by compiling briefing materials about our agency
  • Prepares confirmation materials for nominee for GSA Administrator
  • Prepares employment packages for new appointees
  • Prepares briefing materials for new appointees

Outgoing Administration Team

  • Provides a wide range of services to support the former President and Vice-President including:
    - office space
    - furniture
    - furnishings
    - IT support
    - mail management
    - telephones
    - equipment
    - vehicles
    - parking
  • Arranges for payroll, financial, human resources, contracting and other appropriate services;