Photographic Plant/Pollinator Database
Alphabetical Index by Genus

        (There's been a steady stream of comments from readers, mostly offering help with ID. Some have offered contructive criticism, or pointed out errors. All such comments are welcome, and I THANK all of you who have participated in this way.)   to send me a note

Includes some benefical (predator) insects: for more on beneficial insects
Some pest Insects are also pollinators or at least flower visitors: for more pest insect images
Database of caterpillar/food plant associations

This large project is under construction, just begun August 20, 2001. It may take a couple years to fill out.
Why and How is this undertaken?
Would you like to contribute to this database?

Acer rubrum  red maple, swamp maple
Ambrosia (Ragweed)
Arisaema (Jack in the Pulpit)*
Asclepias syriaca  Common milkweed
Asclepias variegata  White milkweed
Asimina parviflora  Dwarf pawpaw
Aster novae-angliae   New England Aster
Baptisia cinerea   Sandhills baptisia
Barbarea verna   Early winter cress
Berchemia scandens (Alabama supplejack or vine rattan)**
Betula sp. (Birch)    Possibly River Birch,  Betula nigra
Bidens laevis    Begger Tick,   Bur-marigold
Calycanthus floridus    Sweet-shrub
Cassia fasciculata    Partridge Pea . Family Leguminosae   
Cercis (Red bud)
Circium horridulum    Yellow thistle
Conoclinium coelestinum  Blue mistflower
Coreopsis gladiata
Cornus sp (Dogwood)*
Diospyros (Persimmon)
Eupatorium fistulosum   Joe Pye weed
Fragaria sp. (Strawberry)
Fraxinus sp. (Ash)
Gelsemium sempervirens (Yellow jessamine)
Gentiana autumnalis  Pine Barrens Gentian
Gleditsia triacanthos (Honey locust)
Gossypium hirsutum    Cotton
Hibiscus moscheutos   Swamp rose mallow, wild cotton
Ilex sp. (Holly/yaupon/possom haw/black alder/winterberry)
Ipomoea quamoclit Cypress vine
Jaquemontia tamnifolia    Tie vine
Lantana camara   
Liatris squarrosa   Blazing star
Liriodendron tulipifera    (Tulip poplar)*
Liquidambar (Sweetgum)
Lonicera (Honeysuckle)*
Magnolia virginica    Sweet bay
Melilotus officinalis  White Sweet Clover
Mikania scandens Climbing Hempweed
Monarda punctata   Horse mint
Nyssa aquatica (Tupelo gum)**
Nyssa sylvatica (Black gum)**
Oenothera tetragona  Northern sundrop
Passiflora incarnata   Maypop (Northamerican passionflower)
Pinus sp (Pine)*
Polygala lutea   Orange milkwort
Prunus   Plums and cherries
Pueraria lobata  Kudzu  (The Vine that Ate the South)
Rexia mariana  Pale meadow-beauty
Richardia scabra  Mexican clover
Rhus copallina   Winged sumac
Rumex (Dock)*
Salix (Willow)**       male and female flower pics
Sambucus/Viburnum (Elderberry/Viburnum)
Saururus (Lizard's tail)**
Senna obtusifolia  Sickle Pod
Solidago sp   Goldenrod (Warning: many pictures, may be slow to load)
Sparganium (Bur reed)*
Symplocos (Sweet leaf)
Toxicodendron/Rhus (Poison oak/ivy/sumac)**    Poison ivy flower
Trifolium repens   white Dutch clover
Utricaceae (Nettle family)
Vaccinium arboreum   Sparkleberry
Verbena bonariensis    South American vervain
Viburnum nudum   Possom haw

*Pollen has been found in South Carolina honey
**Large quantities of pollen have been found in South Carolina honey

Unidentified plant #1
Unidentified plant #2
Unidentified plant #3
Unidentified plant #4
Unidentified plant #5
Unidentified plant #6

Other Plant/Pollinator Databases (with preference for pictoral ones)
Rare Plant Pollination   in Apalachicola National Forest   Florida
Nectar Plants and Their Visitors (butterflies and moths only)
Insect Visitors of Prairie Wildflowers in Illinois  Unfortunately few photos

Pollinator Identification
What's Buzzin' in My Garden   General pictoral to differentiate bees, wasps, syrphid flies, etc.

Plant Identification
Interactive online weed identification    Illinois
Wildflowers of North Carolina    Pictoral guide
Wildflowers of the Southeastern US  
Photo Tree Identification   Virginia Tech

Notebook of a Digital Naturalist:   Making resources available to those who can't travel to natural preserves

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