[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 23]
[Revised as of July 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR158.290]

[Page 111-112]
                    Subpart D_Data Requirement Tables
Sec. 158.290  Environmental fate data requirements.

    (a) Table. Sections 158.50 and 158.100 through 158.102 describe how 
to use this table to determine the environmental fate data requirements 
and the substance to be tested.

                                                                                    General use patterns                                                    Test substance
                                          ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Guidelines
     Kind of data required      (b) Notes        Terrestrial               Aquatic              Greenhouse                                                                             reference
                                          ----------------------------------------------------------------------  Forestry   Domestic    Indoor    Data to support   Data to support      No.
                                            Food crop    Nonfood    Food crop    Nonfood   Food crop   Nonfood               outdoor                     MP                EP
    Degradation studies-lab

Hydrolysis....................  .........  [R]         [R]         [R]         [R]         [R]        [R]        [R]        [R]        .........  TGAI or PAIRA...  TGAI or PAIRA...       161-1
    In water..................  .........  R           R           R           R           .........  .........  R          .........  .........  TGAI or PAIRA...  TGAI or PAIRA...       161-2
    On soil...................        (1)  CR          ..........  ..........  ..........  .........  .........  CR         .........  .........  TGAI or PAIRA...  TGAI or PAIRA...       161-3
    In air....................        (2)  CR          ..........  ..........  ..........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  TGAI or PAIRA...  TGAI or PAIRA...       161-4

    Metabolism studies-lab

    Aerobic soil..............  .........  [R]         [R]         ..........  ..........  R          R          [R]        R          .........  TGAI or PAIRA...  TGAI or PAIRA...       162-1
    Anaerobic aquatic.........  .........  ..........  ..........  R           R           .........  .........  R          .........  .........  TGAI or PAIRA...  TGAI or PAIRA...       162-3
    Aerobic aquatic...........  .........  ..........  ..........  [R]         [R]         .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  TGAI or PAIRA...  TGAI or PAIRA...       162-4

[[Page 112]]

       Mobility studies

Leaching and adsorption/        .........  [R]         [R]         R           R           R          R          [R]        R          .........  TGAI or PAIRA...  TGAI or PAIRA...       163-1
    (Lab).....................        (2)  CR          ..........  ..........  ..........  CR         CR         .........  .........  .........  TEP.............  TEP.............       163-2
    (Field)...................        (2)  CR          ..........  ..........  ..........  CR         CR         .........  .........  .........  TEP.............  TEP.............       163-3

   Dissipation studies-field

Soil..........................  .........  R           R           ..........  ..........  .........  .........  .........  R          .........  TEP.............  TEP.............       164-1
Aquatic (sediment)............  .........  ..........  ..........  R           R           .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  TEP.............  TEP.............       164-2
Forestry......................  .........  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  .........  .........  R          .........  .........  TEP.............  TEP.............       164-3
Combination and tank mixes....        (2)  ..........  ..........  ..........  ..........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  ................  ................       164-4
Soil, long-term...............        (4)  CR          ..........  CR          ..........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  TEP.............  TEP.............       164-5

     Accumulation studies

Rotational crops:
    (Confined)................        (5)  [CR]        ..........  [CR]        ..........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  PAIRA...........  PAIRA...........       165-1
    (Field)...................        (6)  CR          ..........  CR          ..........  .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  TEP.............  TEP.............       165-2
Irrigated crops...............        (7)  ..........  ..........  [CR]        CR          .........  .........  .........  .........  .........  TEP.............  TEP.............       165-3
In fish.......................        (8)  [CR]        [CR]        [CR]        [CR]        .........  .........  [CR]       .........  .........  TGAI or PAIRA...  TGAI or PAIRA...       165-4
In aquatic non-target            (8), (9)  ..........  ..........  ..........  CR          .........  .........  CR         .........  .........  TEP.............  TEP.............       165-5
Key: R=Required: CR=Conditionally required; [ ]=Brackets (ie. [R], [CR], indicate data requirements that apply when an experimental use permit is being sought; TGAI=Technical grade of the
  active ingredient, PAIRA=``Pure'' active ingredient-radio labeled; TEP=typical end use product; EP =End use product.
(b) Notes. The following notes are referenced in column two of the table contained in paragraph (a) of this section.
(1) Not required if use involves application to soils solely by injection of the product into the soil or by incorporation of the product into the soil upon application.
 AAA(2) Required on case by case basis depending on product use pattern and other pertinent factors.
 AAA(3) Not required if anaerobic aquatic metabolism study has been conducted.
 AAA(4) Required if pesticide residues do not readily dissipate in soil.
 AAA(5) Confined accumulation study is required when it is reasonably foreseeable that any food or feed crop may be subsequently planted on the site of pesticide application.
 AAA(6) Field accumulation study is required if significant pesticide residue is likely to be present in soil at time of plant crop, as evidenced by residue data obtained from confined
  accumulation study.
 AAA(7) Required if it is reasonably foreseeable that water at treated site may be used for irrigation purposes.
 AAA(8) Required if significant concentrations of the active ingredient and/or its principal degradation products are likely to occur in aquatic environments and may accumulate in aquatic
 AAA(9) Required unless tolerance or action level for fish has been granted.

[49 FR 42881, Oct. 24, 1984. Redesignated at 53 FR 15993, May 4, 1988]

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