[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 40, Volume 23]
[Revised as of July 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 40CFR180.920]

[Page 571-577]
                  Subpart D_Exemptions From Tolerances
Sec. 180.920  Inert ingredients used pre-harvest; exemptions from the 

requirement of a tolerance.

    The following materials are exempted from the requirement of a 
tolerance when used in accordance with good agricultural practice as 
inert (or occasionally active) ingredients in pesticide formulations 
applied to growing crops only:

      Inert ingredients             Limits                 Uses
Acetophenone.................  ................  Attractant
Adenosine (CAS Reg. No. 58-61- Maximum of 0.5%   Synergist
 7).                            of formulation.
Alder bark...................  ................  Seed germination
[alpha]-Alkyl (C12-C18)-       ................  Surfactants, related
 [omega]-                                         adjuvants of
 hydroxypoly(oxyethylene)                         surfactants
 copolymers with
 polyoxyethylene content
 averages 3-12 moles and
 polyoxypropylene content 2-9
[alpha]-Alkyl (C10-C16)-       ................  Surfactants, related
 [omega]-                                         adjuvants of
 hydroxypoly(oxyethylene)                         surfactants
 mixture of dihydrogen
 phosphate and monohydrogen
 phosphate esters and the
 corresponding ammonium,
 calcium, magnesium,
 monoethanolamine, potassium,
 sodium, and zinc salts of
 the phosphate esters; the
 poly(oxyethylene) content
 averages 3-20 moles.
[alpha]-Alkyl (C12-C15)-       Not more than     Emulsifiers in
 [omega]-                       0.2% in the       pesticide concentrates
 hydroxypoly(oxyethylene)       final solution.   applied with liquid
 sulfosuccinate,                                  fertilizer solutions
 isopropylamine and N-                            before crop emerges
 hydroxyethyl isopropylamine                      from soil or not later
 salts of; the                                    than 4 weeks after
 poly(oxyethylene) content                        planting
 averages 3-12 moles.
[alpha]-Alkyl(C10-C12)-        ................  Surfactants, related
 [omega]-                                         adjuvants of
 hydroxpoly(oxyethylene)                          surfactants.
 copolymer; poly(oxyethylene)
 content is 11-15 moles;
 poly(oxyproplene) content is
 1-3 moles.
[alpha]-Alkyl(C12-C18)-        ................   Do.
 oxypropylene) hetero polymer
 in which the oxyethylene
 content averages 13-17 moles
 and the oxypropylene content
 averages 2-6 moles.
[alpha]-Alkyl (C10-C16)-       ................   Do.
 ne) mixture of di- and
 monohydrogen phosphate
 esters and the corresponding
 ammonium, calcium,
 magnesium, monoethanolamine,
 potassium, sodium, and zinc
 salts of the phosphate
 esters; the combined
 poly(oxypropylene) content
 averages 3-20 moles.
[alpha]-Alkyl (C12-C18)-       ................   Do.
 oxypropylene) hetero polymer
 in which the oxyethylene
 content is 8-12 moles and
 the oxypropylene content is
 3-7 moles.
[alpha]-Alkyl (C12-C15)-       ................  Solvent, cosolvent,
 [omega]-                                         surfactant, and
 hydroxypoly(oxyethylene/                         related adjuvants of
 oxypropylene) hetero polymer                     surfactants
 in which the oxyethylene
 content is 8-13 moles and
 the oxypropylene content is
 7-30 moles.
[alpha]-Alkyl (C21-C71)-       Not to exceed     Wetting agent or
 [omega]-hydroxypoly            10%.              granule coating
 (oxyethylene) in which the
 poly(oxyethylene) content is
 2 to 91 moles and molecular
 weight range from 390 to
n-Alkyl(C8-C18)amine acetate.  ................  Surfactants, related
                                                  adjuvants of
Aluminum sulfate.............  ................  Safener adjuvant
Amine salts of alkyl(C8-C24)   ................  Surfactants, related
 benzenesulfonic acid                             adjuvants of
 (butylamine,                                     surfactants
 mono- and diisopropylamine,
 mono-, di-, and
N-(Aminoethyl) ethanolamine    For use only in    Do.
 salt of                        liquid
 dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid.   emulsifiable
Ammonium nitrate (CAS Reg.     ................  Adjuvant/ intensifier
 No. 6484-52-2).                                  for herbicides
Ammonium polyphosphate (CAS    ................  Sequestrant, buffer, or
 Reg. No. 68333-79-9).                            surfactant
Barium sulfate...............  ................  Carrier

[[Page 572]]

1,2-Benzisothiazolin-3-one...  Not more than     Preservative/stabilizer
                                0.1% of
                                Not more than
                                0.02 lb to be
                                applied per
N,N-Bis[[alpha]-ethyl-[omega]- ................  Surfactants for
 hydroxypoly(oxyethylene)                         preemergence use with
 alkylamine; the                                  herbicides on
 poly(oxyethylene) content                        sugarcane only
 averages 3 moles; the alkyl
 groups (C14-C18) are derived
 from tallow, or from soybean
 or cottonseed oil acids.
N,N-Bis(2-                     ................  Surfactants, related
 hydroxyethyl)alkylamine,                         adjuvants of
 where the alkyl groups (C8-                      surfactants
 C18) are derived from
 coconut, cottonseed, soya,
 or tallow acids.
N,N-Bis 2-([omega]-            ................   Do.
 ethyl) alkylamine; the
 reaction product of 1 mole
 hydroxyethyl)alkylamine and
 3-60 moles of ethylene
 oxide, where the alkyl group
 (C8-C18) is derived from
 coconut, cottonseed, soya,
 or tallow acids.
N,N-Bis-2-([omega]-            ................  Surfactant, related
 hydroxypolyoxyethylene/                          adjuvants of
 polyoxypropylene) ethyl                          surfactants
 alkylamine; the reaction
 product of 1 mole of N,N-
 alkylamine) and 3-60 moles
 of ethylene oxide and
 propylene oxide, where the
 alkyl group (C8-C18) is
 derived from coconut,
 cottonseed, soya, or tallow
Boric acid...................  ................  Sequestrant
Buffalo gourd root powder      No more than 2.5  Gustatory stimulant
 (Cucurbita foetidissima root   lbs/acre/season
 powder); or, Zucchini juice    (3.4 gm/acre/
 (Cucurbita pepo juice) or      season of
 Hawkesbury melon Citrullus     Cucurbitacin).
Butoxytriethylene glycol       ................  Surfactants for
 phosphate.                                       arsenical herbicide
                                                  formulations only
Butyl stearate...............  ................  Defoamer
[gamma]-Butyrolactone........  ................  Solvent
C.I. Pigment Blue 15  For seed          Dye, coloring agent
 (CAS Reg. No. 147-14-8;        treament use
 containing no more than 50     only.
 ppm polychlorinated
 biphenyls (PCBs)).
C.I. Pigment Green 7  For seed          Dye, coloring agent
 (CAS Reg. No. 1328-53-6;       treatment use
 containing no more than 50     only.
 ppm polychlorinated
 biphenyls (PCBs)).
C.I. Pigment Violet 23 (CAS Reg. No. 6358-30-    treatment use
 1; containing no more than     only.
 20 ppb of polychlorinated
 dibenzo-p-dioxins and/or
Camphor (CAS Reg. No. 76-22-   Not more than 5%  Deodorant, melting
 2).                            weight to         point adjustment
                                weight (w/w) of
Carbonic acid, dipotassium     ................  Buffering agent
 salt (CAS Reg. No. 584-08-7).
Carbonic acid, dipotassium     ................  Buffering agent
 salt, trihydrate (CAS Reg.
 No. 18662-52-7).
Carous chloride..............  10 ppm in         Tagging agent
Carrageenan, conforming to 21  Not more than     Thickener and
 CFR 172.260.                   0.15% of          stabilizer for
                                pesticide         pesticide formulations
                                formulation.      applied to seeds
                                                  before planting
Chlorobenzene................  Contains not      Solvent, cosolvent
                                more than 1%
                                impurities. Not
                                for use after
                                edible parts of
                                plant begin to
                                form. Do not
                                graze livestock
                                in treated
                                areas within 48
                                hours after
5-Chloro-2-methyl-4-           Not more than     Preservative
 isothiazolin-3-one (in         0.0022% (22.5
 combination with 2-methyl-4-   ppm) in the
 isothiazolin-3-one).           formulation;
                                0.00022% (or
                                2.25 ppm) in
                                the final
                                applied to
                                growing crops.
Copper naphthenate...........  Not more than     Mercaptan scavenger in
                                2.5% of           technical pesticide
                                limited to
                                before edible
                                portions of
                                plants begin to
Cyclohexane..................  ................  Solvent, cosolvent
Cyclohexanol.................  ................   Do.
Cyclohexanone................  ................   Do.

[[Page 573]]

Cysteine (CAS Reg. No. 52-90-  Maximum of 0.5%   Synergist
 4).                            of formulation.
D&C Green No. 6..............  ................  Dye
D&C Red No. 17, technical      ................  Dye
D&C Red No. 33 (CAS Reg. No.   ................  Dye
 3567-66-6); meeting the
 specifications listed in 21
 CFR 74.1333.
D&C Violet No. 2, technical    Not more than     Dye
 grade.                         0.005% of
Decanamide, N,N-dimethyl (CAS  ................  Emulsifier, solvent,
 Reg. No. 14433-76-2).                            cosolvent
n-Decyl alcohol..............  ................  Dye
Diammonium phosphate (CAS      ................  Buffer, surfactant
 Reg. No. 7783-28-0).
[alpha]-(Di-sec-               ................  Surfactants, related
 butyl)phenylpoly(oxypropylen                     adjuvants of
 e) block polymer with                            surfactants
 poly(oxyethylene); the
 poly(oxypropylene) content
 averages 4 moles, the
 poly(oxyethylene) content
 averages 5 to 12 moles, the
Diethanolamine...............  ................  Stabilizer, inhibitor
                                                  for formulations used
                                                  before crop emerges
                                                  from soil
Diethylene glycol............  ................  Deactivator, adjuvant
                                                  for formulations used
                                                  before crop emerges
                                                  from soil
Diethylene glycol and          ................  Deactivator for
 diethylene glycol monobutyl,                     formulations used
 monoethyl, and monomethyl                        before crop emerges
 ethers.                                          from soil, stabilizer
3,6-Dimethyl-4-octyn-3,6-diol  In pesticide      Surfactants, related
                                formulations,     adjuvants of
                                for soil prior    surfactants
                                to planting or
                                to plants
                                before edible
                                parts form.
Dimethyl sulfoxide...........  ................  Solvent or cosolvent
                                                  for formulations used
                                                  before crop emerges
                                                  from soil or prior to
                                                  formation of edible
                                                  parts of food plants
Dipotassium hydrogen           ................  Buffering agent
Dipropylene glycol monomethyl  ................  Stabilizer
Disodium 4-isodecyl            ................  Surfactants related
 sulfosuccinate.                                  adjuvants of
Dodecylphenol................  ................  Coupling agent in
[alpha]-Dodecylphenol-[omega]- ................  Surfactants, related
 hydroxypoly(oxyethylene/                         adjuvants of
 oxypropylene) hetero polymer                     surfactants
 where ethylene oxide content
 is 11-13 moles and
 oxypropylene content is 14-
 16 moles, molecular weight
 (in amu) averages 600 to 965.
Douglas-fir bark, ground.....  ................  Solid diluent, carrier
Dysprosium chloride..........  10 ppm in         Tagging agent
Ethylene glycol..............  ................  Antifreeze, deactivator
                                                  for all pesticides
                                                  used before crop
                                                  emerges from soil and
                                                  in herbicides before
                                                  or after crop emerges
Ethylene glycol monobutyl      ................  .......................
2-Ethylhexanol...............  ................  Cosolvent, defoamer,
                                                  solvent for all
                                                  pesticides used before
                                                  crop emerges from soil
                                                  and in herbicides
                                                  before or after crop
Europic chloride.............  10 ppm in         Tagging agent
FD&C Blue No. 1, methyl-       For seed          Dye, coloring agent
 polyethylene glycol            treatment use
 derivative (CAS Reg. No.       only; Number
 9079-34-9).                    average
                                weight (in amu)
                                is greater than
                                1,000; Not to
                                exceed 5% of
                                the formulated
FD&C Blue No. 1, polyethylene  For seed          Dye, coloring agent
 glycol derivative (CAS Reg.    treatment use
 No. 9079-33-8).                only; Number
                                weight (in amu)
                                is greater than
                                1,000; Not to
                                exceed 5% of
                                the formulated
FD&C Red No. 40 (CAS Reg. No.  For seed          Dye, coloring agent
 25956-17-6).                   treatment use
                                only. Not to
                                exceed 2% by
                                weight of the
Ferric chloride..............  ................  Not greater than 2% of
                                                  suspending, dispersing
                                                  agent, pesticide
Fluoroapatite................  ................  Solid diluent, carrier
Folic acid (CAS Reg. No. 59-   Maximum of 0.5%   Synergist
 30-3).                         of formulation.
Gluconic acid (and sodium      ................  Sequestrant

[[Page 574]]

l-Glutamic acid (C5 H9 NO4;    Seet treatment    Plant nutrient
 CAS Reg. No. 56-86-0).         use only.
[alpha]-D-glucopyranoside, 2-  ................  Surfactant
 ethylhexyl 6-O-[alpha]-D
 glucopyranosyl- (CAS Reg.
 No. 330980-61-5).
[alpha]-D-glucopyranoside, 2-  ................  Surfactant
 ethylhexyl (CAS Reg. No.
Glutamine (CAS Reg. No. 56-85- Maximum of 0.5%   Synergist
 9).                            of formulation.
Glycerol--propylene oxide      ................  Component in water-
 polymer (CAS Reg. No. 25791-                     soluble film
Glyceryl triacetate..........  ................  Stabilizer
Glyceryl tris-12-              ................  Flow control agent
Graphite.....................  ................  Treatment aid for seeds
Hexamethylenetetramine.......  ................  Stabilizer for carriers
                                                  in solid pesticide
2-Hydroxy-4-n-                 Not more than     Light stabilizer
 octoxybenzophenone (CAS Reg.   0.2 pt of
 No. 1843-05-6).                pesticide
Hydroxypropyl guar gum.......  ................  Thickener
Isobornyl acetate............  ................  Solvent
Isobutyl alcohol.............  ................   Do.
Isobutylene-butene copolymers  For soil          Binder
Isooctadecanol...............  Not more than 2%  Defoaming agent
                                of pesticide
Isopropylbenzenesulfonic acid  ................  Surfactants and related
 and its ammonium, calcium,                       adjuvants of
 magnesium, potassium,                            surfactants
 sodium, and zinc salts.
Lanthanum chloride...........  10 ppm in         Tagging agent.
(3-Lauramidopropyl)            Not more than     Antistatic agent
 trimethylammonium methyl       2.6% in the
 sulfate.                       formulation.
                                Not to be
                                applied within
                                7 days of
Linoleic diethanolamide (CAS   ................  Surfactant
 Reg. No. 56863-02-6).
Magnesium nitrate (in          None............  Preservation
 combination with 2-methyl-4-
 isothiazolin-3-one and 5-
Maleic acid and maleic         For pesticide     Stabilizer
 anhydride.                     formulations
                                applied to
                                apples with a
                                interval of 21
Manganese carbonate..........  ................  Plant nutrient
Mesityl oxide................  Not for use       Solvent, cosolvent
                                after edible
                                parts of plant
                                begin to form.
                                Do not graze
                                livestock in
                                treated areas
                                within 48 hours
Methionine (CAS Reg. No. 59-   Maximum of 0.5%   Synergist
 51-8).                         of formulation.
Methyl alcohol...............  ................   Do.
Methyl bis(2-                  ................  Surfactant
 hydroxyethyl)alkyl ammonium
 chloride, where the carbon
 chain (C8-C18) is derived
 from coconut, cottonseed,
 soya, or tallow acids.
[alpha],[alpha][min]-          ................  Solvent, cosolvent,
 [Methylenebis]-4-(1,1,3,3-                       surfactant, and
 tetramethylbutyl)-o-                             related adjuvants of
 phenylene bis[[omega]-                           surfactants
 having 6-7.5 moles of
 ethylene oxide per hydroxyl
Methyl ethyl ketone..........  ................  Surfactant
Methyl p- hydroxybenzoate....  ................  Preservative for
Methyl isobutyl ketone.......  ................  Solvent, cosolvent
2-Methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one  Not more than     Preservative
 (in combination with 5-        0.0022% (22.5
 chloro-2-methyl-4-             ppm) in the
 isothiazolin-3-one).           formulation;
                                0.00022% (or
                                2.25 ppm) in
                                the final
                                applied to
                                growing crops.
Methylnaphthalenesulfonic      ................  Dispersant
 condensate, sodium salt.
Methyl oleate................  ................  Surfactant
2-Methyl-2,4-pentanediol.....  ................  Solvent for
                                                  formulations used
                                                  before crop emerges
                                                  from soil

[[Page 575]]

Methyl poly(oxyethylene)       ................  Surfactant
 alkyl ammonium chloride,
 where the poly(oxyethylene)
 content is 3-15 moles and
 the alkyl group (C8-C18) is
 derived from coconut,
 cottonseed, soya, or tallow
N-Methylpyrrolidone (CAS Reg.  ................  Solvent, cosolvent
 No. 872-504).
Methyl violet 2B.............  ................  Dye
Mixed phytosterols             ................  Surfactant.
 (consisting of campesterol,
 sitosterol and stigmasterol,
 with minor amounts of
 associated plant sterols)
 derived from edible
 vegetable oils.
Mono- and bis-(1H, 1H, 2H, 2H- Not more than     Defoaming agent
 perfluoroalkyl) phosphates     0.5% of
 where the alkyl group is       pesticide
 even numbered and in the C6-   formulation.
 C12 range.
Mono- and dialkyl (C8-C18)     ................  Surfactants, related
 methylated ammonium chloride                     adjuvants of
 compounds, where the alkyl                       surfactants
 group(s) (C8-C18) are
 derived from coconut,
 cottonseed, soya, tallow, or
 hogfat fatty acids.
Morpholine salt of             ................   Do.
 dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid.
Naphthalenesulfonic acid-      ................   Do.
 formaldehyde condensate,
 ammonium and sodium salts.
Nicotinamide (CAS Reg. No. 98- Maximum of 0.5%   Synergist
 92-0).                         of formulation.
[alpha]-(p-Nonylphenyl)-       ................  Surfactant
 produced by the condensation
 of 1 mole of nonylphenol
 (nonyl group is a propylene
 trimer isomer) with an
 average of 4-14 or 30-100
 moles of ethylene oxide; if
 a blend of products is used,
 the average number of moles
 of ethylene oxide reacted to
 produce any product that is
 a component of the blend
 shall be in the range 4-14
 or 30-100.
Octanamide, N,N-dimethyl (CAS  ................  Emulsifier, solvent,
 Reg. No. 1118-92-9).                             cosolvent
n- Octyl alcohol.............  ................  Solvent, cosolvent
[alpha]-Oleoyl-[omega]-        ................  Component of defoamers
 poly(oxyethylene) derived
 from [alpha]-hydro-[omega]-
 (molecular weight 600 amu).
Oxo-decyl acetate (CAS reg.    ................  Solvent
 No. 108419-33-6).
Oxo-heptyl acetate (CAS Reg.   ................  Solvent
 No. 90438-79-2).
Oxo-hexyl acetate (CAS Reg.    ................  Solvent
 No. 88230-35-7).
Oxo-nonyl acetate (CAS Reg.    ................  Solvent
 No. 108419-34-7).
Oxo-octyl acetate (CAS Reg.    ................  Solvent
 No. 108419-32-5).
Oxo-tridecyl acetate (CAS      ................  Solvent
 Reg. No. 108419-35-8).
Partial sodium salt of N-      Not more than 1%  Surfactants, related
 lauryl-[alpha]-                of pesticide      adjuvants of
 iminodipropionic acid.         formulation.      surfactants
Phenol.......................  ................  Solvent, cosolvent
Phenolsulfonic acid--          Applied to        Dispersant surfactant
 formaldehyde--urea             growing plants
 condensate and its sodium      only.
(Phthalocyaninato (2))         When used as a    Coloring agent, pigment
 copper; (C.I. pigment blue     colorant in low-
 No. 15).                       density plastic
Pigment red 48...............  For seed          Dye
                                treatment use
[alpha]-Pinene...............  Not more than 2%  Stabilizer
                                of formulation
                                by weight.
Poly(methylene-p-              ................  Encapsulating agent
 ne) propanol; the poly(oxy-
 propylene) content averages
 4-12 moles.
Poly(oxyethylene) adducts of   ................  Surfactant, related
 mixed phytosterols (such                         adjuvants
 sterols to consist of
 campesterol, stigmasterol
 and sitosterol with minor
 amounts of associated plant
 sterols) derived from edible
 vegetable oils;
 polyoxyethylene content
 averaging 5-26 moles.
Poly(oxyethylene) (5)          ................  Surfactants, related
 sorbitan monooleate.                             adjuvants of
Polysorbate 60, conforming to  ................  Surfactant
 21 CFR 172.836.
Potassium dihydrogen           ................  Buffering agent
Primary n-alkylamines, where   ................  Surfactant
 the alkyl group (C8-C18) is
 derived from coconut,
 cottonseed, soya, or tallow

[[Page 576]]

2-Propanamine, compound with   Not more than     Surfactant
 [alpha]-phosphono-[omega]-     15% in the
 butoxypoly (oxy-1,2-           formulated
 ethanediyl) (2:1) (CAS Reg.    product.
 No. 431040-31-2).
2-Propanamine, compounds with  Not more than     Surfactant
 polyethylene glycol            15% in the
 dihydrogen phosphate C8	 10-   formulated
 alkyl ether (2:1) (CAS Reg.    product.
 No. 431062-72-5).
Propylene glycol monomethyl    ................  Solvent
Pyridoxine (CAS Reg. No. 65-   Maximum of 0.5%   Synergist
 23-6).                         of formulation.
Rosin, dark wood (as defined   ................  Surfactants, related
 in 21 CFR 178.3870(a)(1)(v)).                    adjuvants of
Rosin, gum...................  ................   Do.
Rosin, tall oil..............  ................   Do.
Scandium chloride............  10 ppm in         Tagging agent
Sodium bisulfate (CAS Reg.     ................  Acidifying/buffering
 No. 7681-38-1).                                  agent
Sodium 1,4-dicyclohexyl        ................  Surfactants, related
 sulfosuccinate.                                  adjuvants of
Sodium 1,4-dihexyl             ................   Do.
Sodium dihydrogen phosphate    ................  Buffering agent
 (CAS Reg. No. 7558-80-7)
 conforming to 21 CFR
Sodium 1,4-diisobutyl          ................  Surfactants, related
 sulfosuccinate.                                  adjuvants of
Sodium 1,4-dipentyl            ................   Do.
Sodium 1,4-ditridecyl          ................   Do.
Sodium metaborate............  ................  Sequestrant
Sodium molybdate.............  ................  Plant nutrient
Sodium nitrate...............  ................  Solid diluent
Sodium nitrite...............  Not more than 3%  Stabilizer, inhibitor.
                                of pesticide
Sodium o-phenylphenate.......  Not more than     Preservative for
                                0.1% of           formulation
Sodium salt of the insoluble   ................  Surfactants, related
 fraction of rosin.                               adjuvants of
Sodium tetraborate...........  Not more than 2%  Buffering agent;
                                of pesticide      corrosion inhibitor
Sulfosuccinic acid ester with  Not more than     Emulsifiers in
 N-(2,-hydroxy-propyl)          0.2% in the       pesticide concentrates
 oleamide, ammonia and          final solution.   applied with liquid
 isopropylamine salts of.                         fertilizer solutions
                                                  before crop emerges
                                                  from soil or not later
                                                  than 4 weeks after
Tall oil diesters with         ................  Component in water-
 polypropylene glycol (CAS                        soluble film
 Reg. No. 68648-12-4).
Tannin.......................  ................  Dispersing agent
Tertiary butylhydroquinone...  ................  Antioxidant
1-Tetradecanamine, N,N-        ................  Component in water-
 dimethyl-, N-oxide (CAS Reg.                     soluble film
 No. 3332-27-2).
N,N,N',N''-Tetrakis-(2-        ................  Stabilizer for
 hydroxypropyl)                                   formulations used
 ethylenediamine.                                 before crop emerges
                                                  from soil
[alpha]-[p-(1,1,3,3-           ................  Surfactants, related
 Tetramethylbutyl)phenyl]-                        adjuvants of
 [omega]-                                         surfactants
 mixture of dihydrogen
 phosphate and monohydrogen
 phosphate esters and the
 corresponding sodium salts
 of the phosphate esters; the
 poly(oxyethylene) content
 averages 6 to 10 moles.
2,4,7,9-Tetramethyl-5-decyne   In pesticide       Do.
 4,7-diol.                      formulations,
                                for application
                                to soil prior
                                to planting or
                                to plants
                                before edible
                                parts form.
Tetrapotassium pyrophosphate   Not to exceed     Sequestrant, anticaking
 (CAS Reg. No. 7320-345).       10% of            agent, conditioning
                                formulation.      agent
Titanium dioxide (CAS Reg.     ................  Pigment/coloring agent
 No. 13463-67-7).                                 in plastic bags used
                                                  to wrap growing banana
                                                  (preharvest), colorant
                                                  on seeds for planting
Toluenesulfonic acid and its   ................  Solvent, cosolvent
 ammonium, calcium,
 magnesium, potassium,
 sodium, and zinc salts.
Triethanolamine..............  ................  Stabilizer, inhibitor
                                                  for formulations used
                                                  before crop emerges
                                                  from soil
Triethylene glycol...........  ................  Deactivator
Triethyl phosphate...........  ................  Stabilizer for
                                                  formulations used
                                                  before crop emerges
                                                  from soil
Trimethylolpropane (CAS Reg.   Not to exceed     Component in water-
 No. 77-99-6).                  15% by weight     soluble film
                                of the film.
[alpha]-[2,4,6-Tris[1-         Not more than     Surfactant.
 (phenyl)ethyl]phenyl]-         15% of the
 [omega]-hydroxy                formulation.
 poly(oxyethylene), the
 poly(oxyethylene) content
 averages 4-150 moles).

[[Page 577]]

[alpha]-[2,4,6-Tris[1-         Not more than      Do.
 (phenyl)ethyl]phenyl]-         15% of the
 [omega]-hydroxy                formulation.
 poly(oxyethylene); mixture
 of monohydrogen and
 dihydrogen phosphate esters
 and the corresponding
 ammonium, calcium,
 magnesium, potassium,
 sodium, and zinc salts, the
 poly(oxyethylene) content
 averages 4-150 moles).
[alpha]-[2,4,6-Tris[1-         Not more than      Do.
 (phenyl)ethyl]phenyl]-         15% of the
 [omega]-hydroxy                pesticide
 poly(oxyethylene) sulfate,     formulation.
 and the corresponding
 ammonium, calcium,
 magnesium, potassium,
 sodium, and zinc salts, the
 poly(oxyethylene) content
 averages 4-150 moles.
Tryptophan (CAS Reg. No. 73-   Maximum of 0.5%   Synergist
 22-3).                         of formulation.
Valeric acid, normal.........  Not more than 2%  Stenching agent or
                                in pesticide      odorant
Xylene.......................  ................  Solvent, cosolvent
Xylenesulfonic acid its        ................  Surfactants, related
 ammonium calcium, magnesium,                     adjuvants of
 potassium, sodium, and zinc                      surfactants
Yucca extract from Yucca       ................  Wetting agent
Ytterbium chloride...........  10 ppm in         Tagging agent
Yttrium chloride.............  10 ppm in         Tagging agent
Zinc orthophosphate..........  ................  Plant nutrient and
Zinc stearate, conforming to   ................  Flow control agent
 21 CFR 182.5994 and 582.5994.

[69 FR 23124, Apr. 28, 2004, as amended at 70 FR 7900, Feb. 16, 2005; 70 
FR 31369, June 1, 2005; 70 FR 41619, July 20, 2005; 70 FR 54280, Sept. 
14, 2005; 70 FR 55296, Sept. 21, 2005; 70 FR 55733, Sept. 23, 2005; 71 
FR 14415, Mar. 22, 2006; 71 FR 18642, Apr. 12, 2006; 71 FR 30811, May 
31, 2006; 71 FR 43667, Aug. 2, 2006; 71 FR 45408, 45421, Aug. 9, 2006]

    Effective Date Note 1: At 71 FR 45411, Aug. 9, 2006, in Sec. 
180.920 the table was amended by revising the following inert 
ingredient, effective Feb. 9, 2008. For the convenience of the user, the 
revised text is set forth as follows:

[Page 577-578]
                  Subpart D_Exemptions From Tolerances
Sec. 180.920  Inert ingredients used pre-harvest; exemptions from the 

requirement of a tolerance.

                                * * * * *

        Inert ingredients               Limits               Uses
                                * * * * *
Mono- and bis-(1H, 1H, 2H, 2H-    Not more than 0.5%  Surfactant,
 perfluoroalkyl) phosphates        of pesticide        related adjvants
 where the alkyl group is even     formulation.        of surfactants
 numbered and in the C6-C12        Expires February
 range.                            9, 2008.
                                * * * * *

    Effective Date Note 2: At 71 FR 45421, Aug. 9, 2006, in Sec. 
180.920 the table was amended by removing the following entries, 
effective Aug. 9, 2008.
    a. [alpha]-Alkyl (C12-C18)-[omega]-
hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) copolymers with poly(oxypropylene); 
polyoxyethylene content averages 3-12 moles and polyoxypropylene content 
2-9 moles.
    b. [alpha]-Alkyl (C10-C16)-[omega]-
hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) mixture of dihydrogen phosphate and 
monohydrogen phosphate esters and the corresponding ammonium, calcium, 
magnesium, monoethanolamine, potassium, sodium, and zinc salts of the 
phosphate esters; the poly(oxyethylene) content averages 3-20 moles.
    c. [alpha]-Alkyl (C12-C15)-[omega]-
hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) sulfosuccinate, isopropylamine and N-
hydroxyethyl isopropylamine salts of; the poly(oxyethylene) content 
averages 3-12 moles.
    d. [alpha]-Alkyl(C10-12)-[omega]-
hydroxpoly(oxyethylene) poly(oxypropylene) copolymer; poly(oxyethylene) 
content is 11-15 moles; poly(oxyproplene) content is 1-3 moles.
    e. [alpha]-Alkyl(C12-C18)-[omega]-hydroxypoly 
(oxyethylene/oxypropylene) hetero polymer in which the oxyethylene 
content averages 13-17 moles and the oxypropylene content averages 2-6 
    f. [alpha]-Alkyl (C10-C16)-[omega]-
hydroxypoly(oxyethylene)poly(oxypropylene) mixture of di- and 
monohydrogen phosphate esters and the corresponding ammonium, calcium, 
magnesium, monoethanolamine, potassium, sodium, and zinc salts of the 
phosphate esters; the combined poly(oxyethylene) poly(oxypropylene) 
content averages 3-20 moles.
    g. [alpha]-Alkyl (C12-C18)-[omega]-
hydroxypoly(oxyethylene/oxypropylene) hetero polymer in which the 
oxyethylene content is 8-12 moles and the oxypropylene content is 3-7 

[[Page 578]]

    h. [alpha]-Alkyl (C12-C15)-[omega]-
hydroxypoly(oxyethylene/oxypropylene) hetero polymer in which the 
oxyethylene content is 8-13 moles and the oxypropylene content is 7-30 
    i. [alpha]-Alkyl (C21-C71)-[omega]-hydroxypoly 
(oxyethylene) in which the poly(oxyethylene) content is 2 to 91 moles 
and molecular weight range from 390 to 5,000.
    j. n-Alkyl(C8-C18)amine acetate.
    k. Amine salts of alkyl (C8-C24) 
benzenesulfonic acid (butylamine, dimethylaminopropylamine, mono- and 
diisopropylamine, mono- , di- , and triethanolamine).
    l. N-(Aminoethyl) ethanolamine salt of dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid.
    m. N,N-Bis[[alpha]-ethyl-[omega]-hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) 
alkylamine; the poly(oxyethylene) content averages 3 moles; the alkyl 
groups (C14-C18) are derived from tallow, or from 
soybean or cottonseed oil acids.
    n. N,N-Bis(2-hydroxyethyl)alkylamine, where the alkyl groups 
(C8-C18) are derived from coconut, cottonseed, 
soya, or tallow acids.
    o. N,N-Bis 2-([omega]-hydroxypolyoxyethylene) ethyl) alkylamine; the 
reaction product of 1 mole N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)alkylamine and 3-60 
moles of ethylene oxide, where the alkyl group (C8-
C18) is derived from coconut, cottonseed, soya, or tallow 
    p. N,N-Bis-2-([omega]-hydroxypolyoxyethylene/polyoxypropylene) ethyl 
alkylamine; the reaction product of 1 mole of N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl 
alkylamine) and 3-60 moles of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, where 
the alkyl group (C8-C18) is derived from coconut, 
cottonseed, soya, or tallow acids.
    q. Butoxytriethylene glycol phosphate.
    r. Cyclohexanol.
    s. [alpha]-(Di-sec-butyl)phenylpoly(oxypropylene) block polymer with 
poly(oxyethylene); the poly(oxypropylene) content averages 4 moles, the 
poly(oxyethylene) content averages 5 to 12 moles, the molecular.
    t. Disodium 4-isodecyl sulfosuccinate.
    u. Dodecylphenol.
    v. [alpha]-Dodecylphenol-[omega]-hydroxypoly(oxyethylene/
oxypropylene) hetero polymer where ethylene oxide content is 11-13 moles 
and oxypropylene content is 14-16 moles, molecular weight (in amu) 
averages 600 to 965.
    w. Isopropylbenzenesulfonic acid and its ammonium, calcium, 
magnesium, potassium, sodium, and zinc salts.
    x. (3-Lauramidopropyl) trimethylammonium methyl sulfate.
    y. Linoleic diethanolamide (CAS Reg. No. 56863-02-6).
    z. Methyl bis(2-hydroxyethyl)alkyl ammonium chloride, where the 
carbon chain (C8-C18) is derived from coconut, 
cottonseed, soya, or tallow acids.
    aa. [alpha],[alpha][min]-[Methylenebis]-4-(1,1,3,3-
tetramethylbutyl)-o-phenylene bis[[omega]-hydroxypoly(oxyethylene)] 
having 6-7.5 moles of ethylene oxide per hydroxyl group.
    bb. Methylnaphthalenesulfonic acid--formaldehyde condensate, sodium 
    cc. Methyl poly(oxyethylene) alkyl ammonium chloride, where the 
poly(oxyethylene) content is 3-15 moles and the alkyl group 
(C8-C18) is derived from coconut, cottonseed, 
soya, or tallow acids.
    dd. Methyl violet 2B.
    ee. Morpholine salt of dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid.
    ff. Naphthalenesulfonic acid-formaldehyde condensate, ammonium and 
sodium salts.
    gg. Partial sodium salt of N-lauryl-[alpha]-iminodipropionic acid.
    hh. Poly(methylene-p-nonylphenoxy)poly(oxypropylene) propanol; the 
poly(oxy-propylene) content averages 4-12 moles.
    ii. Primary n-alkylamines, where the alkyl group (C8-
C18) is derived from coconut, cottonseed, soya, or tallow 
    kk. Sodium 1,4-dicyclohexyl sulfosuccinate.
    ll. Sodium 1,4-dihexyl sulfosuccinate.
    mm. Sodium 1,4-diisobutyl sulfosuccinate.
    nn. Sodium 1,4-dipentyl sulfosuccinate.
    oo. Sodium 1,4-ditridecyl sulfosuccinate.
    qq. Sulfosuccinic acid ester with N-(2,-hydroxy-propyl) oleamide, 
ammonia and isopropylamine salts of.
    rr. Tall oil diesters with polypropylene glycol (CAS Reg. No. 68648-
    ss. N,N,N[min],N[min][min]-Tetrakis-(2-hydroxypropyl) 
    tt. [alpha]-[p-(1,1,3,3-Tetramethylbutyl)phenyl]-[omega]-
hydroxypoly(oxyethylene) mixture of dihydrogen phosphate and 
monohydrogen phosphate esters and the corresponding sodium salts of the 
phosphate esters; the poly(oxyethylene) content averages 6 to 10 moles.

[[Page 579]]